You Are to Prophesy

22 November 2010

By Mark Farquharson

Dr Jones had a revelation, that "as sons and daughters of God, we are to prophesy to the Christ in us."

He has written a "Prophetic Declaration of Identity" that he says we should speak aloud to ourselves in front of a mirror.

The declaration is here along with other comments: "Your sons and daughters will prophesy"

I added two additions:

The first addition was the word “bride” to this line:

“As part of the Body of Christ, positioned under the Head”

My declaration reads:

“As part of the Body and Bride of Christ, positioned under the Head”

My main addition that I was lead to add to my declaration at the end:

"To head up all in Christ, to reconcile all to him, through His blood, that is in the heavens and on the earth, that was created for Him and through Him, that all will dwell in Him."

Just a quick point on Dr Jones' comments.

Revelation 22:3-4 And, no curse, shall there be, any more; and, the throne of God and of the Lamb, shall be, therein,—and his servants will render divine service unto him, and they shall see his face, and, his name, shall be upon their foreheads. REB

The curse will be no more, not because it will be removed gradual from this earth as as Dr Jones says, but because there will be a whole new Earth, that will have no curse.

This truth that there is to be a new earth and no millennium reign on this earth, should be revealed to Dr Jones and others soon.

He himself said that the "blessing of knowing the divine plan, combined with the glory of God" would come sometime during the period of Nov 21-29 2010 US time, indicating 28-30, when the chosen get the Birthright. In the entry: Watch Date November 12

Thus he and many others will be in for a real surprise. I myself have said in the past that "All would be Revealed."

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2010

Open Door Ministry
