Neanderthals Welcome

By Mark Farquharson

Neanderthal’s Welcome to the Human Race…

Welcome, welcome, welcome…… Now that it is proven scientifically that you are humans, I formally welcome you to the human race, for to long brothers, you have be treaded like sub-humans, well all this should change…. But you know us humans, it takes as a while to stop calling other humans, sub-human………

Maybe it’s better if you stick to calling yourselves Neanderthal’s and we call ourselves sub-Neanderthal’s….

No, no, no that wouldn’t go down to well with us humans…. You know, we like to be high and mighty…. No one would go for that…..

Now it’s time for you Neanderthal’s to stand up for your rights, to protest in the streets… to tell them scientists, that you are human, once and for all…..

I have known for a long time that you guys were human, but people would not listen, and it seems scientists are still not listening, oh well, it is sometimes hard for us humans to drop a long held believe, even in the face of mounting evidence….

So now scientists are calling other humans, sub-human… they are calling humans, Neanderthal’s, when will this madness stop…..

Remember: "Any two humans on earth are 99.9 percent identical in their DNA sequences".

And Neanderthal DNA is 99.9% identical to "human" DNA!….

There for any other human would be a:

Neanderthal right?

I mean there are still calling you guys Neanderthal’s, so we must be Neanderthal’s, as well….. it makes perfect sense…we are all Neanderthal’s…….

Welcome fellow Neanderthal’s……. to our race…..

So that means long ago we de-evolved from some older race called humans… I wonder what they were like….you see they were superior to our race in every way… no wonder we still like to think of ourselves as human…..

So come on fellow humans, stop calling yourselves humans, and start calling yourselves Neanderthal’s…… it is good to know that it is scientists, who have help point this out to our sometimes slow and stubborn race….

“Stop, stop, stop….you have it all wrong….”, Scientist

“any two humans are 99.9 percent identical in their DNA sequences”

“yes” Scientist

“Neanderthal DNA is 99.9% identical to "human" DNA”

“Yes” Scientist

“Neanderthal are humans”

“No” Scientist

“well I don’t know how you can still say no…., oh well there you have it….. just because someone looks different, people will still go around not calling them human, and I thought there was a thing called equal rights…”

“you see, you brothers, Neanderthal’s, is it all right if I still use that term, do look different, with heavy brows, low foreheads, and receding chins, I don’t know whether I should have mention those receding chins, sorry for any offence, you were also much more robustly built than modern humans. Which most mean you are the race known as human, and we are what you call modern humans… are now I have it I think…..

Note scientists do not like to think the two races interbreed, no doubt you would agree, I mean what Neanderthal would like to think that there was interbreeding with a race, that will not even accept that you are human….

So I ask you this, do you Neanderthal’s want to be part of the human race?

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2006
