Confirmation of Second Passover

11 February 2012

By Mark Farquharson

If you read the last entry, you will know that I hand second Passover dated as 7 February being the second one after Christmas. You should also know that I take the sign of the full moon as the time of the passover. Well on the night of the 6 & 7 February I go the sign of the full moon. Thus I take this as confirmation that it was the time of the second Passover. The signs I have got lead me to believe that the authority will come sometime shortly after the second passover that was after the celebration of Jesus’ birthday. That is the passovers would be in the two months directly after this celebration, being January and February. Since both Passovers have now come after the celebration of Jesus’ birthday, the coming of the authority, the knowledge, the glory and the provision should all not be to far away.

In Canberra, Australia, on the 7 February they had a service at the St Paul Church for the MPs. One of the passages that was read out was from John 13 about the betrayal of Jesus. This betrayal of Jesus happened at first passover. Thus another indication that this was a passover.

Also on the 7 Feb I got a sign of 24 hours, which is a day. I did not take it as starting when I got the sign. Instead the 24 hrs would apply to the 8 Feb, which meant a sign or something after that period on the 9 Feb. I did state this as a watch date in the last entry. On the 9 Feb I was giving directions and twice I said it was “Across the bridge.” This was a bridge across a motorway. How is this a sign?

Last year on the 5 October I went for a walk, which I have told you about. I went past the statue of Moses and I picked up a pamphlet on the Israelites crossing the sea. The walk I view as a journey that I am on. At the start of the journey I was in St Joseph and St Patrick’s Cathedral walking among the seats. The journey ended at St Benedict’s Church, were I walk up and on to the stage. At the back of the stage there was a raised platform, with four wooded posts, one at each corner. Between the posts on the wall there was this ledge that had this box. I walked up on the stage, up to this platform, and pasted the box. This represent the end of the journey and what would happen when I got there, the gaining of Authority.

On the walk I visited a cemetery that I view as second Passover. From the cemetery I went across a bridge that went over a motorway. On the other side up the road a bit was St Benedict’s Church, the end of the journey. Different bridge to the one on the 9 Feb, but both bridges went across motorways. Now that there has been second Passover, it is time to go “Across the bridge.” Of course this does not give us how long that will take, in terms of days, except that it should not be too many. For the number of days I turn to other signs.

In the last entry I mentioned that at a garage a man said 32 for the pressure. It turns out that this pressure meant, pressure on me. Since I take the 32 as 32 days, that is 32 days of pressure. I take this as starting on the 29 January until the 1 March. Of the 32 days I have just done over a third.

The first week of Unleavened bread ends on the 14 Feb. If it is extended by a week the second week ends on the 21 Feb. There could be a type of wave-sheaf in the second week, possible on the 16 Feb. The third month when the provision came in the days of Hezekiah would start on the 24 Feb. The date I have for the coming of the authority is 1 March 2012. This being the end of the 32 days, and the end of 192 days.

Interestingly the 12 Hebrew month starts on the 24 Feb. One of the indications I have got is H 11, that could mean 11 Hebrew months, which would take you to the 12 month. Another is 7:11, in New Zealand we read the day first then the month. This could be 7 days and 11 months. The 1 March 2012 is the seventh day in the 12 month. However if I count seven whole days I get to the 2 March. I am taking 1 March as the date given that it is the end of the 192 day count and the 32 day count.

Please note I am in NZ which is ahead time wise. Thus you should watch depending on where you are 29 Feb - 2 March.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012.

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