Upcoming Visitation, Wedding & Judgement Part 2

September 21 2018

By Mark Farquharson

The Wedding is Three Years Away:

I am in St Paul's Church in Central Auckland on Oct 25 2012 and the woman says that they are getting ready for a wedding, it is the day before the wedding. I do take this as a sign, because at the other few times I have been past it is usually closed, but this day it was open and I walked inside. I happened to be there the day before a wedding. Thus I take it that there is an important upcoming wedding.


Dec 31 2017 Three years getting the car ready for the wedding on an episode of “Last of the Summer Wine.”

Feb 24 2018 Saving for three years for wedding on cruise ship, on program.

How do I know that these are signs, they could be just something mentioned in the program. That is correct, most things on programs are not signs at all. However one should not just dismiss something because it is on a television program if one thinks that it could be a sign.

I do not know who is getting married or who will attend the wedding. Could this be the wedding that occurs when Christ returns? This is a possibility, but I do think His return is further than three years away.

The Judgement that Connects to the Wedding:

Back on Oct 25 2012 I enter St Paul's Church in Central Auckland and have a look around before going back to the entrance. I have mentioned this encounter before, but here it is again:

At the entrance I meet a woman who ask if I want a coffee, I said no. She said that the pews had been removed to make more room. Then she lead me over to a side door. Inside was a spiral staircase that went down to the crypt. She said that the kids use to go down that way, but it became to dangerous. The area she liken to Harry Potter. We came out of there. The church was set up for a wedding the next day. Then she decide to show me the crypt. We went to the other end of the church and down the stairs to the crypt. She said it was like a labyrinth and a dungeon. We came back up and walked back to the entrance. On the way she said that people had said it was like a smaller version of Christchurch Cathedral. I looked up at the round rose window, I am not sure what she said about it. She said her name and handed me some pamphlets, then I left.

What can we tell about the encounter, well she mentioned Harry Potter, the well know children's book and movie series. This series set largely in a fictional school in the UK. As mentioned there was to be a wedding the next day. She show me the crypt and compared it to a labyrinth and a dungeon. I could not see the comparison myself between Christchurch Cathedral and St Paul's Church in Central Auckland. However the comparison was meant to be made as a sign.

What happened to Christchurch Cathedral in Christchurch, New Zealand:

On February 22 2011 the city of Christchurch in the South Island of New Zealand suffer a massive earthquake, that destroyed a number of buildings. Christchurch Cathedral suffered serve damage losing it’s steeple.

This to me I take as an indication of another upcoming disaster falling on another famous church or cathedral. The church in Auckland is called St Paul’s, thus the religious building could have this in it’s name.

Up to three years for the Dental Clinic:

I was out at a house that was next to the “Church of the Good Shepherd.” There was going to be a dental clinic run out of the church, that was going to be there for three weeks, but she said they could be there three weeks, three months, three years. While this could indicate a judgement against the dental profession, I do not think that this is what is indicated here. The house was connected to the church and the dental clinic was to be run out of the church, thus the three year period is connected to the church.

I had not been to the dentist for sometime, but recently went on Sept 21 2015 for a clean cost 165.

I then went to the dentist on Dec 18 2017, cost $55 to see what was causing a sore mouth. Again on Dec 28 2017 for wisdom tooth execration $350. The next day a microwave was brought, then returned for a different model on Dec 30 2017, cost 220 which I used to heat the water & salt for the mouth. The comment was made that I was the only one using it and initially it was only being used for this. But it was later used to heat food. Do I count this payment for the microwave, as it was used to heat the water for cleansing, and brought around that time. Teeth clean at the dental clinic on February 8 2018, on the calendar at the clinic a picture of Big Ben. February 15 2018 $200 back for tooth execration.

Total Cost Dec 18 – Feb 8 for Dentist $725. Plus microwave $945, not just used for heating water but link as brought around that time and use for that. Do I count the first payment back on Sept 21 2015? Total Dental 165 plus 725 equals 890. Total Dental plus microwave $1110. This could be an indication of days. Three years is 1095 days using 365 years, 1110 days is just over three years.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2018

Upcoming Visitation, Wedding & Judgement Part 3