Upcoming Visitation, Wedding & Judgement Part 1

September 20 2018

By Mark Farquharson

A Divine Visitation Lasts Three Years:

A “visitation” is a Divine Court investigation to uncover the facts & verify them according to the law of God. It also involves verify the testimony of witnesses. While God always knows what is going on down here on earth, God’s Laws established by Him require a Divine Visitation which is an investigation preceding any judgement.

In Genesis 18:20-21 the Lord hears the outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah and undertakes an investigation to see what the facts are, even thou He already knows. Thus before executing divine judgement His Law required a visitation.

The ministry of Jesus was a visitation that lasted three years Luke 19:44. There was a grace period of seventy times seven or 490 years, Matthew 18:21-22. In the last of three years of the 490 was the visitation. At the end of the visitation was the judgement to come on the whole-world, however Jesus paid the full price for the sin of the world, 1 John 2:2.

John stated that every tree that did not bear fruit would be chopped down Luke 3:9. Judah was the fig tree that Jesus was investigating to see if it would bear fruit. Jesus said that for three years he had looked for fruit on the fig tree, but not find any Luke 13:7. thus His visitation was at an end, and he past judgement by telling the vineyard keeper to cut it down. Jesus prophesied about the coming judgement in Luke 19:44.There was a 40 year grace period because of Ezekiel's intercession in Ezekiel 4:6.

There is another time of visitation to come in the future.

1 Peter 2:12 having your behavior among the nations ideal, that in that in which they are speaking against you as of evildoers, by being spectators of ideal acts they should be glorifying God in the day of visitation." {CLV}

There have been other times of visitation since the time of Jesus, but these have not fulfilled what is prophesied here. I do not believe the ideal acts or good deeds were seen and that the spectators seeing the acts glorified God at that time of those visitations.

It is not talking about going out and talking to someone about Jesus or holding a sermon. I am not saying that someone should not do these things, or that these are not good. However in this verse it is talking about doing miracles. When it says doing works or doing idea deeds it can be talking about doing miracles, like the which of Jesus Himself did. Jesus Himself called the miracles that he did works. These idea acts or works will not only be the works that Jesus did, that is the miracles, they will be GREATER than what Jesus did as confirmed by Jesus Himself:

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I am saying to you, he who is believing in Me, the works which I am doing he also will be doing, and greater than these will he be doing, for I am going to the Father." {CLV}

That is in the time that is shortly to come there will be those that will be doing the miracles that Jesus did, but not only those miracles, for they will also being doing GREATER miracles than Jesus did.

Those who are speaking against us will be spectators of ideal acts, the miracles that the apostles will be doing and at that time of visitation they will glorify God. The ones doing the miracles will be the followers of Christ, the Apostles of their day. I believe that time is now, the time of Apostleship is almost upon us, and the apostles of our day will be sent out into the world doing the ideal acts, the miracles for the evildoers to see. By seeing these awesome and truly spectacular miracles they will want to glorify God. Get ready, this is going to be truly amazing and awe inspiring.

Please note I am not saying that Christ will return at the end of the three years, or that the miracles will stop at the end of this three year period of visitation.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2018

Upcoming Visitation, Wedding & Judgement Part 2