15 & 20 Are They a Revelation?

25 January 2010

By Mark Farquharson

The other day I got a revelation about two numbers 15 and 20, at least I think it was a revelation. I thought I got a revelation, but I am not sure. I will not get into the details of how it came about or where I had it at this stage, these are not important I feel.

At first I thought 2015, but that seem to not be right. While this could be the revelation, 2015 to me is to far away to receive a revelation about it now. I don’t think it has anything to do with Christ coming back. I don’t know if he comes back in 2015, I serious don’t think that is it.

I thought maybe the numbers mean something, 15 and 20, what do they mean. Maybe it is not a revelation, maybe it means nothing. I prayed about it twice the other day. Then later in the night it came to me 1520. I immediately thought that it has been 490 years from 1520. Now 490 means blessed time. However I knew nothing about 1520 and maybe it didn’t mean that at all, maybe it has nothing to do with 1520.

Looking up my concise encyclopedia I find out about “Martin Luther” being excommunicated in 1520. However I don’t know about dates, if any dates in 1520 mean anything for this year. I got some dates from the web, 15 June when the Pope warned Luther? Or 60 days later? Or when Luther set fire to the bull on 10 December? Or even if these are the right days since I got them from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_luther. Or maybe the dates don’t mean anything, have I got this thing completely wrong?

Later I thought 15 June, but that could have been because I had read about it, and that it is the same number as 15, it does not mean that something will happen on that date.

Get back to the numbers individual, “15 is "New Direction," and 20 is "redemption." Well new direction could mean that the true believers go in a new direction, or it could just mean I personally go in a new direction.

Redemption means the rescue from sins, but true believers have already been redeemed so it can’t mean that. Redeem means to buy something back, or atone for sin, or make something acceptable, or restore the reputation, or keep a promise {to fulfil a promise}, or exchange something for money, or pay something off.

But which one applies? Well the only other thing that might be relevant is the word “from.” In terms of the revelation it was “from 15.” Now I don’t know if this forms part of it or not. However my thinking is from 15, comes 20. Which would mean from the new direction comes redemption.

Now maybe it is rescue, maybe from the new direction is my rescue out of my isolation? But then redemption is different to rescue. Maybe from the new direction, is the way God will keep a promise to me. What promise and did I get one? Or is this a promise made to all believers or some other group?

Well sometime ago God told me to tell the world that I love him. You can read more about it in this article: God told me to tell the world that "I love God"

Maybe that was a promise? Maybe from the new direction I take God will fulfil the promise, in someway.


Is it a revelation or is it not, is it just some numbers that I thought where a revelation, but they are not really. However I have thought about it a lot which could mean it is a revelation, and that the numbers do mean something, or maybe not.

I don’t usually get revelations about numbers, I get them about articles I am working on usually or something I have read. Actually I think this is the first, so you can tell the reason I am no good at this sort of thing. If I get one about an article it is usually much easier to understand and apply.

August update:

I have done more research and find out that 20 can also mean expectancy. For instance 20 years the Ark of the Covenant waited at Kirjath-Jearim {Samuel 7:2}. 20 years Israel waited for a deliverer {Judges 4:3}. 20 years Jacob waited to get possession of wives & property {Genesis 21:38 & 41}

But when does the 20 years start? I myself don’t know that I have been waiting 20 years for something to happen. However I could have been waiting without knowing I have been waiting. But waiting for what?

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2010, updated 17 August 2010

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