Thirty Days, the Gate, & San Bernardino

5 October 2013

By Mark Farquharson

On the night of the 1st October 2013 I watched a travel program about a place in the USA. They went to this Olympic Training centre, where one of them took a torch, like the runners have and lit the flame, like what would happen at the Olympics.

The 1st October 2013 was the 27 Tishrei, the seventh Hebrew month. Last year the Opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in London was on the 27 July. As you can see the Hebrew date that I watch the program matched with the opening ceremony of the games last year. The closing ceremony for the games was on the 12-13 August last year.

Back on the 22 February 2011, was the Christchurch New Zealand, earthquake. After that was the sign, 6 months. Then there was a road and bridge being built 21 July - 21 August, with opening on the 22 August 2011. Thus the bridge was finished six months after the earthquake. While we are past 22 August this year, we are not past the 22 Cheshvan, the eighth Hebrew month, which this year falls on the 26 October. Why is a bridge important, because it bridges the gap, and we are the ones that stand in the gap.

On the 1 October 2013, I watch the movie “Now You See Me,” which was about a group of magicians called the “Four Horsemen,” who rob banks. In one part of the movie peoples bank accounts increase, as the account of one person decreases. There was suggestion of a fifth Horsemen, who was revealed at the end. At the end of the movie there is this bridge that people put padlocks on, and throw the keys in the river. This symbolizing their unbreakable love. Interestingly enough I was in cinema 7, seat G7. After the movie the cinema doors appeared locked, but were just hard to open, due to a problem.

80, 50 & 30

Recently my broadband plan usage was increased from 50 GB to 80 GB. An increase of 30 GB. On the 26 September 2013, I got the sign 80, and then later in the day my brother Paul sold his old TV for $30. The 26 September was a watch date as in was the last day of Tabernacles, the eighth day, the 22 Tishrei, the seventh Hebrew month. Then on the 4 October I was writing this journal entry. I stopped in this part about 80, 50 & 30, for the day. Then I was told to count 80 of something. When someone asked if that was 80, I said that it was 50.

Going back to 2011, I was at a meeting to do with Telecom NZ, that was on the 27 September. It was to do with a split of the company that would be finished on the 30 November 2011. Note Dr Jones built a scale model of a pyramid on the 29 November and finished it on the 30 November 2011. Thirty days later on the 30 December I got the revelation, “Opening the Door of Heaven.” At the end of the meeting we had to go get our car, but the way was locked due to the time of night. We got security to let us down to our car, and as we drove out these big metal gates opened before us. While the spilt occurred on the 30 November, if one adds the thirty you get the 30 December, if this is what the sign is to do with the broadband plan. Indicating the gate or door opens 30 days later.

The pyramid connecting to the Stone of Destiny which was returned to Scotland, 14-30 November 1996. On the 27 July 2013, I got the sign, Highland Castle. Highland referring to the Scottish Highlands. Later in the day I got the sign, “The gate is about to open, thirty days hence.” Thus the gate would open in thirty days, but not from the 27 July. The question then is thirty days from when? One could think 30 days from November 30, that is 30 December, but there is another date indicated.

On the 18 September 2013, I was at a meeting where I went to a counter to get a orange drink, and there was no orange drink. I got the drink from a woman that was going around. Then I got two from another counter, before going back to the first counter I had asked at, to get the four dink. She said “sorry for the delay.”

Which makes me think of the library dream I had. In the dream the food is on a counter in the library. It is not on the front counter. In the dream when I get to the counter I look back and see the front counter. When the woman behind the counter offers me food I do not take of the food. The first two times I do not take of the food, the third time she offers, the dream ends before I respond.

It seems then that this is meant to mean the food I want at the counter in the dream is not the food that is on the counter and that the food I want is not yet available when I arrive at the counter.

Later on the 27 September I went to a different meeting. At the meeting I am given four tokens for drinks. It is set in the games room, however on the shelves were books like a library. I go up to the counter and have two full drinks. The third drink however I do not finish. I did drink over half, maybe three quarters it was hard to tell. Since at the earlier meeting I had three drinks before the person said “sorry for the delay,” then the delay is almost at an end as I have had two and three quarter drinks already. Of course it is hard to tell from a drink how long the delay has to go.

Getting back to the meeting on the 18 September 2013, at the end of the meeting I was handed a tin that has four luxury pyramid tea bags in it. Note the word pyramid. Late on the 25 September I swapped my tin of four tea bags for an empty tin.

As explained above the revelation for the door came thirty days after the pyramid. Taking the pyramid sign on the 25 September, being the 21 Tishrei, if I add thirty days I get the 21 Cheshvan, one day before the sign for the bridge. However if I use the sign for the TV and count 30 I do get the 22 Cheshvan.

Recall that on the last day of the fifth Hebrew month, the 6 August 2013, I had a meal of fish and chips. There was a pager. I connected this with other signs to do with two other meals and pagers. I took it that on the 22 Tishrei I would arrive back at the table to have the meal. However at meal there was someone in my seat, when I got back. Hence a delay while they are removed.

Starting you count on the 7 August, being the 1 Elul, and going to the 21 Tishrei, inclusive is 50 days. Additional 30 days inclusive brings you to the 21 Cheshvan, that is eighty days inclusive altogether. Thus the eightieth day is the 21 Cheshvan. Adding eighty days gets you the 22 Cheshvan. All this is assuming that is when the 80 day count started. Of course you do have you indication of 30, being the difference between 80 and 50. Thus assume the 30 day count started on the 22 Tishrei.


During the prayer campaign we spied out the land. Giving a favourable report we thought that we would enter the land during Tabernacles 15-22 Tishrei. Thus one could say we were at the broader of the land. Then on the 22 September, being the 18 Tishrei, Dr Jones started Luke, the 42 book. When the Israelites crossed the Jordan river they set up camp 42.

Going back to last year on the 9 October, someone said to me, “You are here.” Referring to a map on a sign that had “You are here.” The sign was on Broader rd. This was on the 23 Tishrei, thus one day after Tabernacles for that year. Thus a year on we were indeed at the broader.

Should I then follow the dates from last year for this sequence? If I am to follow should I use our calendar or the Hebrew calendar?

Part sequence from broader road:

9 October, 23 Tishrei, Broader rd

30 October, 14 Cheshvan, Henderson Valley Park & Pony club

30 October, 14 Cheshvan, Bruce Mclaren Park

No date, Xena park

7 November,

22 Cheshvan, San Bernardino Reserve

7 November, 22 Cheshvan, Lake Panorama

No date, Landow Reserve

15 November, 1 Kislev, San Lorenzo

I have not done the whole rest of the sequence, just showing some upcoming ones.

San Bernardino

What is interesting is

San Bernardino Reserve which was originally dated 6 November, but now I am thinking 7 November as that was the 22 Cheshvan.

San Bernardino is a city in the USA located in the state of California. One nickname of the city is “Gate City.” This reflects its proximity to Los Angeles, and location at the southern and western end of the Cajon Pass. San Bernardino Valley is a valley in Southern California. On the north border of the valley is the San Gabriel Mountains. San Bernardino contains the word Bernard, which can refer to the dog, "St. Bernard" which was originally breed for rescue.

The angel Gabriel was the one that announce to Marry that she would conceive Jesus. He also appeared to Zacharias, to inform him that his wife would bear a son named John. It was John that prepared the way for Jesus, and it is us this time that are to prepare the way for Jesus’ second coming.

A lake is a body of water, possibly indicating the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. A Panorama is an all round view.

In the sequence if we arrive at San Bernardino Reserve on the 22 Cheshvan, is this then when the Gate will open? It having been thirty days hence?

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013