The Revalue, Second Passover, Wave-Sheaf, another look

14 April 2013

By Mark Farquharson

Recently I read the latest, April FFI-newsletter by Dr Jones, which got me thinking. Then last night I awoke just before 1:25 a.m. And went again through my dates. I do not want to go through the whole FFI, just the bit to do with the ninth sign:

“So after 3½ years had passed, I was led to go on this eight-day green juice fast to bring the ninth sign to life. The sign itself occurred in 2 Kings 2:42-44 when a man brought 20 unleavened (flat) loaves of barley bread to the prophet, which was multiplied to feed 100 men. The sign occurred at the time of barley harvest, obviously, which is associated with the wave-sheaf offering on the first Sunday after Passover.

Even so, I was led to go on this fast in November, which was actually the time when barley was planted. The fast ended on November 13, which was the 318th day of the year. In Scripture, this number 318 is associated with the remnant. It surfaces in Genesis 14:14, when Abram sent 318 warriors to defeat the coalition of kings that had taken his nephew Lot captive.”

From Dr Jones FFI Newsletter: The Cosmic Prayer Campaign

I have covered a number of times the prophecy that the revalue would occur at 3:18. You can see from the above that the fast ended on the 318th day. The fast also occurred at the time of the planting of the barley. The sign itself in 2 Kings occurred at the time of the harvest of the barley. We have barley associated with the ninth sign planted in November and the ninth sign is to do with harvest of barley.

First Passover and wave-sheaf have already been and gone. However there is second Passover and wave-sheaf. Thus this to me indicates a good time to watch for the ninth sign.

The dates as covered two weeks ago are 24 April for second Passover. There are two views on wave-sheaf, either it is on the 16 of the second month, after the special sabbath or it is after the weekly sabbath, that is first Sunday after Passover. If it is on the 16 it will be the 26 April, on the other hand if it is after the weekly sabbath, it will fall on the 28 April.

Lets now look again at the dream of Julius, recall that in the dream he was “looking at the CBI site and saw a dollar/dinar 1:1 and some of the other currencies had dashes ----- or 205.” I linked this to my hour equals month signs.

Also I had two dates, and I went with the second date over the first. However that might have been incorrect of me to do. Lets now look at the first date 17 February 2013, which is linked to 29 November 2011, when Dr Jones started to build his pyramid. Recall that on the 17 February I stated to build my pyramid. It has the time of 11:29 p.m. for the hour equals month. You only count up to the days of that month, thus 30 days for November means you go to 11:30, and then you start with the next hour, thus 12 for December. That means that 12:01 a.m. would have been 19 February and 1:01 a.m. would have been 21 March 2013. This means that 2:01 a.m. will be the 22 April. Now if 205 means 5 minutes past two then 205 would be the 26 April. This means that it equals the date for the wave-sheaf after the special sabbath.

This changes the sign I got, and my thinking now is that this New York sign will come about the 10-11 May, although it is had to work out an exact date.

Recall that the second date is from when I finished the pyramid which was about a week later. These dates are covered in the entry: Second Passover and Wave-Sheaf, Watch dates April, May 2013

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013

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