About Me

About Mark Farquharson

Well if I am going to talk about religion, life, the universe and everything, I thought I should tell you something about myself. Some people may like to know more about me, for some they may put weight on something, because I am old, or young, or what ever.

So were to start, well any place is as good as any other I suppose. My full name is “Mark James Farquharson.” Note the "h" is silent in Farquharson.

I live in New Zealand, that place you see in the movies, with it’s big open spaces, Mountains, forests, lakes etc. However that is not all there is to NZ, there are over 4 million people living here, with that we also have places called cites, and some of you will know I live in one of these such places, with it’s high rise buildings, motorways, shopping malls, and suburbs. I live in a suburb of Auckland city, the biggest city in NZ, with over a million people living here.

I was born on 28 April, 1975, I have live in Auckland, New Zealand all my life. I when to University, and got a degree, in Commerce, which it turns out was a waste of time, because I never used it, and have forgotten most of that stuff I learned. Maybe it was not a complete waste, know doubt I got something out of the experience. My last year at University was 1998, which means it is now over ten years since I finish my study, with no use it site for my degree.

I was a big fan of fantasy and sci-fi. Even go as far as thinking up ideas for a Sci-Fi Universe, with basic draws for spaceships, space stations, alien races and weapons. Looking back now I can see that I was meant to be heavily into this at the time. Since I was unemployed for some years, before deliver pamphlets to peoples letter boxes, which did not take up match time, I need something to keep me occupied.

I now know that the universe is much smaller than we have been lead to believe. There is also no such thing as extraterrestrials.

Then I worked for three and a half years at a place called “The Warehouse.” This company operates shops like Target, or Wal-Mart. I use to do about 30 hours a week. However I was fired in October 2007. This was no fault of my own, they were getting me to do extra work which I could not complete in the time, even thou I was going as fast as I could. As a result in the end I was fired, I will not be covering anything to do with this at this site, that is all over, time to move on.

It seems that God was keeping me occupied for the earlier part of my life. This was until the time was right for me to learn about Our Lord and what he had done for all of us. I started finding out at the end of 2005. Then God want me to move on from my job, however I did not know this at the time. This free up more of my time, which I could spent researching, writing and walking. During my walks I have been shown many signs.

Me and my family use to go travelling, in my younger years, we travelled around NZ, and over to Australia. Also we went to England, and Europe, the USA and Canada, so I have been around a bit.

In the last several years my interest in animals has increased.

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2006 updated 2008 Edited 1/1/2009 Edited March 2009. Updated 30 September 2012.

Before going to a summary of my beliefs you can read about my spiritual Journey here: My Journey

Check Beliefs page to find out about my beliefs and if I go to church.

My Beliefs

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