New Shoes, Bowling Alley & Hundred Day Cycles

5 December 2014

Mark Farquharson

I have been going on about these hundred cycles for sometime now, I thought that I would this time start with something new the purchase of new shoes. I usually buy black shoes, but my first purchase was of white shoes on the 4 October 2014 for $91. The full price was $120.99 or $130 cash a saving of $39. You will find out why I take this as a sign once I explain it.

Later that same month on the 26 October 2014, the same shop where I had brought the shoes had a sale. The comment was made that I would save $13, on what I had paid for the first pair of shoes. At the shop I was trying to find the shoes, when I met this man who was also trying to find the shoes he wanted. He comment that he had brought shoes recently and now they were cheaper in the sale. I had also brought shoes previously and on that day they were cheaper.

There were no white shoes in that style left in the shop, thus I brought the shoes in black for $78, a saving of $52 on the full price and a saving of $13 on what I had paid earlier that month for the white shoes in the same style. Thus the same shoes for cheaper, but in black.

Here is the hundred cycles again, I will explain the connection to the shoes shortly.

The Hundred Cycles

First 100 days

7 August - 14 November, 100 days inclusive

7 August - 25 September, 50 days

26 September - 26 October, 30 days

27 October - 14 November, 20 days

Last year the first cycle ended at the time that Dr Jones feed the 100 pastors last year at a conference which was held on the 13 and 14 November in the Philippines. He gave a Iraq dinar to the pastors and the teachers at the conference on the 14 November last year.

While one can see a connection to the Iraq dinar and the hundred cycles, I do not think that it will revalue at the end of the second cycle, as it is to late in the year and other indications point to it being later.

However at that time last year there was a storm, and signs to do with walking on water. Which pointed to the time that Jesus walked on the water, and calmed the storm {Matthew 14:22-34; Mark 6:45-53; John 6:16-21}.

Second 100 days

12 September - 20 December, 100 days inclusive

12 September - 31 October, 50 days

1 November - 30 November, 30 days

1 December - 20 December, 20 days

This year on the 1 November the sign was given that the outpouring on the apostles would happen in not many days, the same sign Jesus give the apostles in the New Testament {Acts 1:4-5}. As you can see that is at the start of the 30 days, or the last 50 days of the cycle. Thus the end of the second cycle could be the time of the outpouring on the apostles. I do not think the Iraq dinar has to revalue at the same time.

Getting back to the shoes, I purchased the first shoes on the 4 October for $91. On the next purchase of shoes I save $13 on want I got the first pair of shoes for. Getting them for $78, a few weeks later. From the 4 October - 20 December inclusive is 78 days. I know the purchase on the 4 October was $91, but I am saving 13. I do think this is the right way of looking at this, although this sign of the shoes is new to me.

Last year at the Bowling Alley I got white shoes to put on from the counter. Before I bowled I took off my black shoes and put on the white shoes. The shoes I brought this year were not bowling alley shoes, but they were white. Why did I buy white shoes instead of black, if it is not some sort of sign.

My score was 51, but the first seven points were scored by someone else. seven representing a week, and 51 how many weeks. The 20 December is the last day of the 51st week if you start you weeks on Sunday.

I have had the revelation that the date 24 April which is when I was at the Bowling alley last year, represents the 24 elders in Revelation 4, that are in heaven, after the door in heaven opens.

Here is the information again on how the spiritual work at the Fed connects to the bowling alley:

"There was a spiritual work at the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank on the 10 July 2010. This work was carried out by twelve people. James was lead to anoint a man of 20 years old with the oil “Exodus II.” Then he was lead to anoint the oldest who had just turned 88 on the 8 July 2010, with the oil “Egyptian Gold.” She was in a rented wheelchair from a company called Genesis II. Note the number for Jesus is 888. You can read about that work here: Spiritual Work at the Fed.

This links to the signs at the Bowling Alley last year on the 24 April 2013. While there was no anointing of anyone at the Ten Pin Bowling or any oil for that matter, there are similarities between the two. The address was 199 Lincoln road, Henderson, Auckland. We were put in to groups, my group was lane 20, James anoint a man of 20 years. I scored 51, using size ball 8. The winner of our group a woman scored 88, James anoint a 88 year old woman. "

From earlier entry: Federal Reserve, the Bowling Alley and the Hundred Day Cycles

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2014

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