6 months since the Sign, how long then to the Next?

31 July 2011. Updated: 10 August 2011

By Mark Farquharson

First a brief up date on events, before getting to this indication. There was spiritual warfare on the 15-20 July as report by Dr Jones:

The Angel of the Waters Prayer Campaign

Answering the Appeal in the Divine Court

The Responsibilities of the Three Angels

There was the alternative target on 22 July: Massacre in Norway--the alternate target

On the 22 July I got the indication on the number 22 to do with cleansing.

On the 27 July 2011 Dr Jones got a revelation: "Elijah has ascended."

He reports about it in the entry: Elijah has ascended--Watch for Elisha

The entry has a number of watch dates.

Interestingly I also got a revelation on the same date:

On the 27 July 2011, I was walking along a path through some reserves. There was a mother and a daughter on the path, well I think they were mother and daughter. When we first meet I said morning or something. I say morning to people when I am out and about, I thought nothing of it. Most of the path went along the Oakley creek in the suburb of Waterview, in Auckland. They were ahead of me, and stop up ahead on the path. I pasted and said morning I think. Then I went down a side path and they past on the main path. Getting back to the main path I carried on until I stopped at a sign. The sign had two places indicated as “You are here.” Clearly one was a mistake. Looking at the sign I knew where I was. I continued on the path to the end where there was another sign. Actually it was a copy of the sign I had seen earlier, with the same two places indicated as “You are here.” I could easily tell where I was on the sign. Looking at the sign were the two women, mother and daughter.

The mother asked me how long the sign had been there. I said something like, “it’s the first time I have been here.” As it was the first time I had been on the path. There were these workers it look like they were planting trees. The mother asked one of them, a woman who she know, how long the sign had been there. She answered saying the summer, 6 months. Now New Zealand is in the southern hemisphere, mean summer is Dec-Feb. She also mention the mistake on the sign. The mother said something like she knew where she was as that was the motorway. Yes that was indeed the motorway. I left the two women, we went different ways.

This to me is some sort of indication, but what does it mean? I encountered the women three times, which to me means that they were indicating something. Well I think it means that there was a sign 6 months ago, that is it was in January. Some sort of spiritual sign that would have been in January. It does not mean it has to have been on the 27 January, but sometime in January. The sign I think that it is indicating is that January was a “Passover” month. Actual Passover is later in our year, in the first Hebrew month. However there was an actual sign on the 27 January.

Dr Jones and others had an "all-night" prayer meeting on the 14 January 2011. You can read about that here: Passover in January

But what does “the first time I have been here” mean? Why was it two women I meet, or is that not important?

Does it mean the first 6 months from the sign? Or something else? Does this then indicate another 6 months? Which would be around 14-15 January 2012. Or first time I have been here time wise at this point in time?

Later I remembered that when I got the last 30 sign on the 30 June I also got a indication on the number seven. Does that mean seven times 30? 210 days? But then 210 days from which date? January Passover or when the Apostleship was to start?

From 14 January Passover 210 days is 12 August 2011

From the start of the delay is 15 January 2012, being the date indicated if it is another 6 months.

From 27 January sign 210 days is 24/25 August 2011.

And then what does this mistake mean? Why was it two signs that had the mistake? And it was also pointed out by the worker. What is the mistake? Who made the mistake? Since I knew where I was, does that mean someone else is mistaken? It is a mistake to do with some sign, but what sign?

Is it to do with the RV of the Dinar? Is it to do with it not being the provision? Or is that not it? I do think the Dinar will RV before next year, but do not hold me to that.

I do believe everyone who is chosen, an overcomer, part of the body will get the provision. If it does come by dinar RV and you not invested you will still get the provision. If the provision is not the RV of the dinar, you will still get the provision.

As those who read my stuff regularly should know, I do not view all Christians as being chosen, or as part of the actual body. These Christians will miss out on the provision.

Is it to do with where someone thinks we are in terms of prophecy? But then a number of people are wrong on prophecy. There are many different views on prophecy, which makes some people incorrect. Is it more then a general problem with prophecy.

You can of course have your own view on my revelation, make of it what you will.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011, Updated 10 August 2011.

Indication on 210 days from 27 January: 210 days from 27 Jan gets you 24/25 Aug 2011

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