Waiting for the Unveiling of the Chosen, Awaiting Thomas

8 August 2012

By Mark Farquharson

I woke up in the middle of the night and prayed. After praying I remembered Thomas. It is sign of Thomas that gives our period of waiting. In yesterday’s entry, Waiting for the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Unknown Period, I explained how we had arrived at the point of the outpouring of the holy spirit in the sequences I have been shown. This is the point where I believe the knowledge, glory and authority will come. This I believe is the point in the sequences where the chosen will be unveiled. However it had not occurred because of a period of time that I did not know about, a waiting period.

Earlier last year I got the sign of the Second Passover in February, for I got the sign of the cross on the 14 and the sign of the empty tomb on the 16. Jesus died at first Passover on the 14 of the first Hebrew month and was resurrected on the wave-sheaf/firstfruit on the 16 of that first month. However February is our second month, thus it was a sign of second Passover and wave-sheaf.

Then I got signs at first passover in April and second Passover in May. There were signs earlier in the year to do with Christmas, which can be a sign of Jesus’ birthday which was actually around the time of the beginning of the seven Hebrew month in about Sept-Oct. After the first of the seventh Hebrew month, 29 September 2011, I got signs in October and November. These I took as signs of types of first and second passover. Then this year of course there was actual first and second Passover.

What I did not know last year was that there was a sequence of events, and the repeat of a sequence of events, which have both ended. One start at first passover in April and went to the 30 December last year. It included the types of first and second passover in October and November. The repeat of the sequence start in October last year at that sign of first Passover going to the 21 June 2012, and included actual first and second Passover of this year. I am not getting into the full sequence and the repeat here as it is not relevant.

The sequence and the repeat of it were first shown to me on the 4 April this year and again on the 5 June 2012. The sequence started at St Thomas Opportunity Shop which is next to the Church of the Nazarene. Jesus was a Nazarene as was stated on the cross {John 19:19}. Thus the sign of Passover and connected to it the sign of Thomas. I take it as the sign of both first and second Passover. The opportunity shop is not next to St Thomas Church. Other churches that have opportunity shops around here have them on the same grounds as the church, however St Thomas Church is located a short walk away.

St Thomas Church is in the sequence after some other points. It is next to a Samoan church. Samoan is slimier to the world Samson, who was a Nazarite. This does not mean he was from Nazareth. It means a person who has taken a vow to be set apart for God’s service. However it is similar to Nazarene and I take it as a sign of passover. This I also take as a sign of both first and second Passover. Again the sign of Passover is connected to the sign of Thomas.

I took the 21 June this year as the start of a year and thus again the watch for first and second Passovers. I got signs of these Passovers on the 4 July and the 2 August respectively. However I did not think of the Thomas connection.

What then does the sign of Thomas mean? Jesus was resurrected on the 16 of the first Hebrew month on the firstfruit. Later that day he appeared to the disciples, however Thomas was not with them {John 20:19-24}. After eight days Jesus appear again to the disciples and Thomas was with them.

John 20:26 And after eight days His disciples were again within, and Thomas was with them. The doors having been locked, Jesus is coming and stood in the midst and said, "Peace to you!" {CLV}

Thus the sign of Thomas is a sign of a eight day wait after the resurrection. Since in the signs it has been connected to first and second Passovers, I can connected to the second Passover on the 2 August. I take the wave-sheaf/firstfruit as the day after the special sabbath of Unleavened bread. That would mean the firstfruit was on the 4 August, however you can not have it on the weekly sabbath, Saturday, thus it would be the 5 August. The sign of Thomas is connected to Jesus’ resurrection which occurred on the 16, this firstfruit occurred on the 5 August, which is the 17 of the second month of the year start on the 21 June.

The other issue is that do you count the day of the resurrection as day one of the eight day count or do you count the next day as day one of the eight days. How then do you count the eight day wait?

Starting on the 4 August being the 16 day, the after eight days gets you the 24 day, which is the 12 August. Going from a start of 5 August you get the 13 August, and going from the 6 August you get the 14 August. Which then is the right date for the end of the wait?

Note the 12 August is day 24 of the second month. 12 is the number for Divine Government and 24 is the number of the heavenly elders, and the priesthood.

In yesterday’s entry I covered the date of the 12 August being a watch date. It is the day of the closing ceremony of the Olympics which starts at 9 pm and is expected to go until 11:45 pm British Summertime. As covered it is 318 days after the start of the Jewish year, the time of Rosh Hashanah, 29 September 2011. 3:18 is what the dinar is to revalue at going by the prophecy.

The cauldron for the games has 204 burning petals as they are called, 204 is the capstone number. It is 256 days after the 30 November last year when the capstone was placed on the pyramid that Dr Jones built. It was 240 days to the opening ceremony of the games from the 30 Nov. The difference of 16 days, is the number for love and resurrection. I have no indication on the other dates.

Referring to John 20:19 it says “It being, then, the evening of that day.” Thus Jesus meet the disciples, in the evening, when Thomas was not with them.

Note if you start you count on the night of the 16, being the 4 August, you get the night of the 12 August, the time of the closing ceremony.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012

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