A Time of Intercession and the RSA

10 August 2013

By Mark Farquharson

There is a 40 day time of intercession that began on the 6 August and goes until the 14 September, which is the Day of Atonement, the 10th day of the seventh Hebrew month.

Dr Jones has written two weblogs on this period, below is an extract from the first one:

“Teshuah begins on Tuesday, August 6, the day before the first of Elul. It signifies a time of repentance as well as the time of Elijah (or John the Baptist) leading to the Day of Atonement and the ministry of Christ.

The climax of Elijah’s ministry was a three-year time of drought and famine (1 Kings 17:1; 18:1), followed by the showdown with the prophets of Baal. In chapter 6 of my book, The Laws of the Second Coming, I showed how the feast-day pattern was fulfilled in the story of Elijah. Just before returning to Israel to confront King Ahab and his prophets, he raised the widow’s son from the dead as a type of the feast of Trumpets (1 Kings 17:22). This was the final event before returning to Israel.

The showdown itself was a type of the Day of Atonement, resulting in repentance. Then Elijah prayed for rain “seven times,” which represents the seven days of the feast of Tabernacles. The rain then came, representing the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the 8th day of Tabernacles.”

From: Part 1: Intercession to End the Famine, August 6 to September 14

At the end of Part 2 is a model prayer: Intercession to End the Famine, Part 2

The Feast of Tabernacles this year goes from 19-26 September 2013, being the 15-22 of Tishrei, the seventh Hebrew month.

I wonder if this connects to the Spiritual Work done at the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank, which occurred on the 10 July 2010. Why I wonder if it connects is because it was done in the seventh month, a prophetic type of the seventh Hebrew month, and done on the tenth day, the time of intercession ends on the 10th of the seventh Hebrew month. You can read more about that work here: Spiritual Work at the Fed

Back on the 27 April I write about my Ten Pin Bowling, which gave numbers similar to the work, here is an extract:

“While there was no anointing of anyone at the Ten Pin Bowling or any oil for that matter, one can see similarities between the two. Lane 20 at the bowling and a man of 20 years anointed at the Fed. There was a winning score of 88, and the oldest to be anointed was 88. I used size 8, and the oldest person at the Fed turned 88 on the 8th.”

There was also the score I got which was 51, which does not connect, I am not sure what it means at this time.

I have recently mentioned the meals at the RSA, and thought that they could be a sign of something. Recall that the first meal was on the

9 May 2013, which was the 29 of the second Hebrew month and that my pager was number 29, thus they matched. Again I went to the RSA on the 4 July, and the Pager number was 22, however the Hebrew date was the 26 of the fourth Hebrew month, no match. However I just thought of something, I went on the 4 July, Independence Day in the United States. I am not sure why I did not think of it before, of course I am in New Zealand and we do not observe it here, but I do know when it is. Thus a link to the Independence of the United States.

Thus because the first pager matched the date, I was not actually looking for it to refer to a future date. However on the 6 August I was going through a shopping mall with two others. We stopped at the food court and ordered from LJ’s who do fish. Two of us had fish burgers and chips, and the other had fish and chips. Since the chips were not ready we had to wait, and we were given a pager, I did not observe a number. The Hebrew date was the 29 of the fifth Hebrew month.

At the RSA the first time I had the fish and chips, it was the 29 of the Hebrew month and I had a pager numbered 29. At LJ’s I had fish burger and chips, there was a pager, it was the 29 of the Hebrew month. The two are connected definitely.

At the RSA the second time it was about two months later, the first half of the table got their food first on pager 21, I was with the second group pager 22, and got the Lamb. Jesus is the Lamb of God. Thus if one goes to the second Hebrew month after the end of the fifth month, you have the seventh month, the 22 day is the eighth day of Tabernacles, being the 26 September. Interestingly the Hebrew date was 26 of the fourth month. There was also someone in my seat when I got back, they moved to there own seat, not sure the meaning.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2013