Rosh Hashanah & Jesus Birthday

27 August 2011. Corrected 28 September 2011.

By Mark Farquharson

I know I have been wrong on this in the past, which makes me hesitant to suggest another date. On the other hand I should be lead by the spirit, thus if God wants me to put out another watch date, that is what I should do. Thus I will present this date, you can then decide what you make of it.

Rosh Hashanah: Is the Jewish new year Festival, held on the 1st and 2nd of the Hebrew month of Tishri. However it is actually the seventh Hebrew month. The first day of the seventh month was also the blowing of Trumpets {Leviticus 23:24-25}. This year it starts on the 29 September, that being first visible crescent.

Going back to the 6 months from the sign view, this would be 8 months from the sigh, that was back on 27 January 2011. On the 27 July I got the indication that the sign had been there 6 months.

Jesus Birthday: While it is celebrated at Christmas time, on the 25 December, that is not actual when it was. The question then is when was he born? The date I am going with is Rosh Hashanah. Dr Jones believes that is when Jesus was born. Should I go with this date? While I do not agree with him on a number of points, he has done a lot of research into this area. If I find that is incorrect then I will change that view. I have got the Christmas sign in the past.

Jesus’ connection to the barley: The ninth sign is what we are waiting on, which is a barley sign. How does Jesus connect to the barley? Jesus was the firstfruit of the resurrection {1 Corinthians 15:20-15:23}. The firstfruit was a festival, were the first of the barley harvest was waved before Yahweh in the first Hebrew month {Leviticus 23:9-14}. I do believe Jesus was resurrected on the day of the festival of firstfruit. Thus there is a barley connection.

I got the 30 sign and the seven sign at the same time, so I through seven times 30 or 210 days. However 30 I think could just be for month, some months have 30 days others have 31, and February 28 or 29. Seventh could be for the seventh Hebrew month.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011. Corrected 28 September 2011.

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