Watch Dates: Sons of Light

20 June 2011

By Mark Farquharson

Last night the thought came to me that the number 22 means the “Sons of Light.” I looked it up, and I had written down that 22 means the “Sons of Light.” For some reason I had not put this with other information I had down about numbers.

Anyway, the Sons of light is a reference to the chosen, the body of Christ. God is light and the chosen are His sons, and therefore are the sons of light. Just like Jesus is the Son of God, and Jesus is the light.

1John 1:5 And this is the message which we have heard from Him and are informing you, that God is light, and darkness in Him there is none."

God is Light

John 8:12 Again, then, Jesus speaks to them, saying, "I am the Light of the world. He who is following Me should under no circumstances be walking in darkness, but will be having the light of life." {CLV}

Jesus is God’s Son and is “the Light of the world”

Matthew 5:14 You are the light of the world.

This Jesus said to his disciples, but it applies to all the true body of Christ.

Ephesians 5:9-10 As children of light be walking (for the fruit of the light is in all goodness and righteousness and truth), testing what is well pleasing to the Lord. {CLV}

Believers are to walk as children of light, for we are the sons of the light, the sons of God. Of course everyone is a child of God, but the meaning here is different. Nearly everyone in the whole world is a child of the darkness, there are only a few that are actually the Sons of Light. That is few have the light, and are walking as children of light.

For more on believers being the light refer to my article: “Light of the World

This can be applied to events that have happened this year. For instance the Christchurch earthquake that happened on the 22 February 2011. This was a judgement against the authority of the Saul like Pentecost Church. The authority being transferred to the “Sons of Light.” This transfer actually happening ten years earlier, but due to the Hezekiah Factor, the earthly effect happened this year.

Then you have the sign on the 22 April 2011, at the end of the second 76 day cycle. This telling us that the “Sons of Light” will herald both the “Acceptable Year for Yahweh and a Day of Vengeance for our God.” Thus in fulfillment of Isaiah 61:1-3.

What then does this mean as we again approach the date of the 22? You should note that the first one happened in the second month and the second event happened in the fourth month, now it is the sixth month.

In recent entries I explained how Moses went up Mount Sinai on the 16 of the third Hebrew month, for the forty days, but it was not until the 22 that Yahweh called to him. It seems I keep repeating this point surely then it is important. The 22nd of the third Hebrew month this year is about the 22 of June.

As I have said a marriage ends when the rings go on the fingers, and a ring was present on the 21 June 2001, ten years ago, which is close to the 22. You will note that I have pointed to the 21 in pervious entries, instead of the 19, which was the acceptance. At this time as I write this it is already night time of the 19 in the US, the date of the 19 is passing, in parts of the world it is already the 20, and it is the afternoon of the 20 in NZ. The point is it does not look like it will be the 19.

Soon Dr Jones will go on vacation, Monday 20 June to Wednesday 22 June,” US time. He is going as I said in a previous entry to the Apostle Islands, which are actually made up of 22 islands. They are of course named after the 12 apostles, so why were they name after the 12 apostles if there are in fact 22 islands? As you should know there will be a reason for this. 22 means “Sons of Light,” this then has something to do with true believers at this time, for this is when Dr Jones is visiting. He has received a lot of revelation about all this, which makes him going there at this time a watch period. The chosen at this time are awaiting the start of the Open Door Ministry, which will then begin the heralding of the true evangel to the whole world. This could then signal the start of that time. For the Sons of Light will shine forth their light for all the world to see, at the time of the ministry. Does 22 again also indicate the date? Possibly, have to wait and see.

For pervious entry about the islands: “Watch Dates: Building Effective Apostleship

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011

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