Opening the Door of Heaven & RV Dinar, Part 1

17 March 2012. Edited 18 March 2012

By Mark Farquharson

I went on a walk on the 5 October last year that represents a many day journey. On the way I past a statue of Moses, visited a cemetery, crossed a overbridge and went inside St Benedict’s Church at the end. I repeat almost the same walk on the 21 Feb, this year.

My believe is that the end of the journey represents when I and the rest of the body will start heralding the evangel to the world, the start of the Open Door Ministry.

Recently I thought that this would occur when I entered the church. I had a date down of the 11 March for entering the church. However now I understand that the end of the journey is when I make it to the altar inside. Entering the church at the other end to the altar, you have to walk past all the pews to get to the altar.

I do believe that I entered the church on the 11 March. I know I arrived at the location of the church on the 9 March. On a different walk I went to house 18, being the ninth house. I got revelation that I was at house 8 on the 4 March.

On the 12 March I was looking at diagrams of the two temples, both had porches. When I enter the church I was in the entranceway, before I got to the pews. That confirmed for me that on the 12 March I was in the entranceway.

This year I am following the Jesus’ birthday and Christmas Pattern. Jesus actual birthday was near the end of Sept in 2011 and the celebration, Christmas is near the end of Dec. What happened in the months after his actual birthday should be a pattern for what will happen in the months after the celebration of his birthday. Now that we are in March the pattern should be Dec. Thus I am looking for indications in Dec last year.

I looked up my notes, and on the 14 Dec last year I was out at the Chapel of Faith, when I got the revelation, “Stand an Open the Door of Faith.” In St Benedict’s Church there are doors at both ends of the entranceway. One lot of doors to the outside, the other doors into the seated area, were the pews are, with the altar at the other end. Thus opening one of the doors would bring you into the area of faith.

On the 14 March I visited the church again, however I did not repeat the walk to the church. I entered and got as far as the last pew, where I sat down briefly, before leaving. Thus this is an indication to me that on the 14 March I had made it as far as the last pew, in the journey. The church is not that long, and therefore it should not take too many days to get to the altar.

On the 30 March last year I went to the top of a mount. In a journal entry last year I write this about it:

“Close to were I live in Auckland NZ is Mount Owairaka. At the bottom of the mount is Owairaka Park. It is not all that high and you can walk or drive to the top. At the top of the mount at the lookout is a sign with some history. Which explains that “Owairaka” should be properly pronounced “Te Wai O Raka,” which means “Priest on Tainui Canoe.” This refers to the “Sacred drinking waters of Rakataura.” I relate the “Sacred drinking waters,” to the “River of Living Water” in Revelation 22:1-2. What is represent then is the river of life flowing down the mount to the nations below. Thus the Mount represents mount Yahweh, which is were spiritually the river will flow from in the future.”

An event in the past can be a revelation about a future event. However there are not just yearly cycles, there are also many day cycles and patterns. If this is a year cycle then the watch date is the 30 March 2012.

The number 222: This number emphasizes the number 2, the double portion. I have got ten this sign a few times. The 22 August 2011 is a date that I noted down, it was when a motorway overbridge opened. Since then going over certain overbridges have given me revelation. For instance the bridges on the walks to and from St Benedict’s Church have been overbridges. 222 days after that date gets you the 31 March. The 222 day is the 30 March 2011. On the 15 March 2012 I saw the number plate ZJ 2222.

Not sure of the meaning of that at this stage.

On the night of the 30 Dec last year I got the revelation “Opening the Door of Heaven.” This refers to the Open Door Ministry.

Comparing the bridge to the church: Crossing the overbridge took 18 days. I know this because on the 9 Feb I twice said “Across the bridge.” Then on the 28 Feb we drove a different way, which meant we did not drive over the overbridge, that being a different overbridge. Between the two dates is 18 days. How does this help us? Between the 11 March and the 30 March is also 18 days, counting from the 12 March. Now I do not know the length of the bridge or the length of the church. I did walk along the bridge and through the church. No I do not know how long each took. Visually what do I think? They could be similar lengths, thus take the same time in the journey.

10:30 am:

There have been indications on the time of 10:30 am. For instance on the 12 March mum twice said 10:30, then said they only have 1600, which is the number for the fullness of love. That is New Zealand time, but it could mean something else. It could mean 10:30 at night because my watch is 12 hours out, with the date changing during the day. Then again it could mean 1030 days, or 10X30 =300 days, or even 10 lots of 30 days, which could be more than 300 days.

2520 Year Cycles of Time Between the Temples:

BC dates for second Temple:

534 BC plus 2520 = 1987 Foundation Laid, work ceases.

520 BC plus 2520 = 2001 {Sept 11} Work Resumes

515 BC plus 2520 = 2006 {March 15} Temple Completed

2006 plus three and half years, is 15 Sept. 2009. Build & Clean vessels, that is the people.

Vessels built as whole 15 July 2009.

Cleansing Finishes 15 Sept 2009.

I got this sometime ago from GKM, I do hope it is correct.

I got the revelation “It’s time for the priests to go into the temple” on the 11 Dec 2011. This I have related to the 11 March 2012. This is what I would then add, if I am correct:

Priests entered the porch of the Temple on the 11 March 2012.

Priests entered the Holy Place on the 14 March 2012.

Priests get to the Altar of God at the other end on the 30 March 2012.

This morning {17 March}, while praying I said “I know you will get me through to the priests at the Altar of God.” The reply came “Yes my Son.”

Watch Date 31 March:

In one entry I mentioned the watch date of 31 March. I explained that this is when the Passover Conference in Manassas will be held 31 March -1 April, because it could not booked for actual Passover.

This is also 76 days after the Costa Concordia sank, and two 76 day cleansing cycles after 31 October 2011, tenth anniversary of a prayer campaign 31 Oct. 2001 to 14 Nov 2001. You should also watch for the 14 April, which is two cycles from the end date.

This is also the deadline for the Committee of 300 according to Benjamin Fulford. No idea about what the deadline is for, but representatives of the 300 most powerful families make up the Committee. Read more about them here:

This is interesting, as my revelations point to the 30 March as the date for the Heralding of the Evangel to the world. Which would be right before the Passover Conference. Note I live in NZ, which means if it comes 30 March my time, it might be the 29 March in the USA. Of course the 30 March might be US time or some other time.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2012.

Part 2: Opening the Door of Heaven & RV Dinar, Part 2

Back: Open Door Ministry
