My Beliefs

by Mark J Farquharson

So what about religion, do I go to Church?, what do I believe in?, what is my religions background. To find out about my religious back ground please go to: My Journey

If read "My Journey" you will see that I have only know about Universal Reconciliation {the Salvation of All mankind} since end of 2005. Not that long, but that does not mean I do not know what I am talking about, it is down to what truth is revealed to you.

I would like it if you read the articles here, even if you do not agree with what I have to say, you never know you could change your mind. Of course you do not have to read any article, you do not want to.

There are many different views, and you should at least here me out. I do not believe the traditional run of the mill things you hear. Some of you here are Christians, and I would say, my views are probably different from anything you may have heard. I would say listen to what I have to say, and think on it, you may learn something.

Some of you may think that Christians only believe that they themselves will be saved. I am here to tell you that there is a group of people who believe everyone will be saved.

Thus I am a believer in the Living God, the God of Love and in Christ the Saviour of All mankind.

All the beliefs below are covered in much greater detail in my Articles.

Universal Reconciliation {Christian Universalism, Salvation for All, All Mankind Saved} is the believe that everyone will be saved. God so loves everybody, that he will conciliate everybody to him. Jesus came to save everyone, and this was achieved when he died on the cross and rose from the dead.

Most Christians are taught that unbelievers will go to Hell forever, where they will burn, or be in darkness. Others believe that unbelievers will be annihilate, and be no more….

They believe Jesus only came to save those who believe…..

However I believe Jesus came to save everyone and you do not have to believe.

A lot of churches teach that you have to say some pray and believe, and if you do that you are in…. Others say you also have to be baptised, as well… Still others say that if you do such and such {do a certain sin}, you will no longer be saved, that can you fall out of being saved.

Well I say everyone is saved, and there is no way of losing your salvation.

Everyone is saved, this is true because Christ’s death on the cross and his resurrection saved everyone, all mankind. However there is a process, that is why no one has complete salvation at this point in time. Only the Firstfruits, the chosen, the members of the body of Christ, will gain complete salvation {There salvation will be finished} when they gain there immortal bodies when Christ comes back. The rest will have to wait until there time is finish in the lake of fire, then they too will gain complete salvation, it will not happen when they are resurrected. The Lake of Fire is NOT HELL, Lake and fire are words used to describe the spiritual cleansing and purifying that will take place, in the Lake of Fire. Everyone will get FULL SALVATION but not at the same time. For scriptural support and more refer to my article: All Mankind Saved

Is this like Universalism?

Actual no it is not. Universalism is the view that many religions hold valuable and true insights. It differs from Christian Universalism, in that it does not limit the path one has to follow. A person can follow any path to salvation. There is no need for a Saviour. Christ death and resurrection did not bring about salvation for everyone.

As you can see the two are different, in Christian Universalism there is only one true faith, and there is one saviour, and only one way, one road, one path, that is Jesus Christ, however this one road is the route everyone will take in the end. Christ death and resurrection did bring about salvation for everyone.

So do I go to church…???? Actual no I do not go to church….. on Sundays I get up in the morning, read the paper and get on the computer…oh the horror… the shame…. Of it all….. the cat’s out of the bag……You do not have to go to church, to be saved, or have salvation, or be a member of the body of Christ.

Choosing Christ?: Most churches say you have to chose Christ to be saved, however this is not the case. There is no choice to make, you can not chose Christ. You do not have to make any choice to be saved.

Chosen, Predestination: Some believe that God has chosen who will get to Heaven, I do not believe that certain people chosen by God, get to heaven and no one else does. I believe everyone gets to Heaven, however that does not rule out predestination, for there is another view on predestination. God has I believe chosen who will get to heaven first. These people have been chosen by God, and no one should boast because it is God who chose. The chosen will have work to do in the oncoming eons/ages. However not all Christians are chosen, most in fact are not part of the chosen group. For more refer to my article: Predestination

God is in control: God is in control of everything, it may look like everything is out of control, but no God is in control. He rules over everything, and everybody. God has been in control from the beginning and did not lose control to Satan. For more refer to my article: God is in Control

Freewill: Nearly everyone thinks they have freewill, but no one does. You have self-will, but not freewill. God is in control, of everything including your destiny. For more refer to my article: Freewill

Plan of the Eons/Ages: God has a plan that includes many ages {long periods of time}. This plan includes the many problems in the world today. However future ages will be glorious for you if you are one of the true believes {Firstfruits}. You will have a glorious place to live in the kingdom of the heavens. There will be a New Earth where lions and lambs will walk together, and the lion will eat straw. Those who are not chosen, will have to endure spiritual the Lake of Fire, but only for a period of time, then they too will gain their place in heaven. For more refer to my article: God's Plan of the Eons

Coming Kingdom: There is a future literal coming Kingdom which will be during the millennium reign of Christ {Revelation 20} and will continue after the destruction of the planet on the new earth. For more refer to my article: The Kingdom {This article is a work in progress at this time.}

Judgement: Just because everyone is saved, it does not rule out judgement, everyone will be judged. The chosen will be judged and reward. The rest of mankind will be judged and sent to the Lake of Fire. Actually they will be on the new Earth in the restored nations. Refer to my Judgement series.

Lake of Fire: There is an actual place where unbelievers go, however it is not an actual lake of fire. When you put fire in water it goes out. Gold is not destroyed by fire, it is purified by fire. Lake then and Fire refer to spiritual things, water for cleansing and fire for purifying of the person’s soul, mind. Refer to my Judgement series.

Oneness & Trinity: Oneness: The Belief that the one god exists in three forms, that of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. However the three forms are only one entity, person. In this belief the father, the Son and the holy spirit are all the same person.

I do not believe in Oneness. For in the scriptures Jesus has his own will, that is separate from the Father’s will, this rules out oneness.

Trinity: The Belief that the One god exists in three persons, being the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I do not agree with this belief either. Since the Father and the Son have separate wills, how can they together form the one God. The Holy Spirit is not a separate person from the Father, for I believe it is His spirit.

God is a title and can apply to the One Almighty God, His Son, Spirit Beings {angels} and people. Since it can apply to Jesus, angels and people, it does not mean that any of these form a godhead, or are the One Almighty God.

God the Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ: There is one Almighty God, the Father. Jesus is His Son. The Holy Spirit is the Father’s spirit.

For more refer to the article: The Truth about Oneness and the Trinity

Millennium Reign of Christ: There is a coming future millennium reign of Christ.

Return of Christ: While there have been spiritual comings of Christ, this does not rule out an actual coming. I do believe that Christ will return soon for the true believers in him. There are good reasons why I believe it is soon. However there are not two comings of Christ, there is only one coming. For more refer to my article: The Day of the Lord {This article is a work in progress at this time.}

Snatch Away: The snatch away, the chosen being snatch away at Christ’s return. Not all Christians, just the chosen. However I use to believe that this was before a seven year tribulation period, I do not believe that anymore.

Antichrist: There is no coming future individual Antichrist, the text in Daniel 9 {Daniel‘s 70 weeks}, does not referring to an antichrist at all. There is not one mentioned in the book of Revelation. However there are many antichrists already as explained in 1John 2:18-23 & 2John 5-7. A person denying that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, is the antichrist, thus there are many. For more refer to my article: Who is the Antichrist

Creation and Re-creation: The heavens and the earth was created Genesis 1:1. Then after a period of time the earth was deluged and destroyed Genesis 1:2. After which the earth and the heavens were re-created.

Thus I believe that the present earth and heavens is only about 6000 years old and was created in 6 days. I do not believe that the first earth had a human race. Adam was the first man created. There were no creatures on the earth before the Fifth Day of Creation. The fossils and Geologic Column reveal creatures destroyed by the Flood of Noah's day (worldwide catastrophe) and other smaller floods. I believe that the Flood of Noah's day was a worldwide flood, not a local flood. For more refer to this section: Creation-Recreation

Copyright © M J Farquharson 2006 & 2008, edited and updated 2008; Edited & Updated March 2009 & April 2009 & June 2009; Updated August 2010. Updated 4 & 8 September 2011.

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