Getting to the Truth Means Separating Fact from Fiction

23 January 2011

By Mark Farquharson

To have a clear understanding of what is really going in the world today you have to go to sources that often mix fact and fiction together. If you do not go to these sources you will not get to the truth about the secret organizations that control the world. It is good to have an understanding of what is really going on.

However going to any source even a Christian source you have to be careful. Each writer no matter who they are have certain beliefs. These can influence how the writer reports the information they have. They can insert into the article they are writing their own ideas. How they think this thing they are reporting on will for instance change the world. The other problem you have to be careful of, is were the writer got that information.

Many Christian writers do not understand prophecy correctly, and they do not know the true Jesus Christ, and the true God. Falsely believing that most of mankind is doomed. Thus when reporting on some information, they can put their own ideas in to the article on how this relates to their version of prophecy. However there are “Christian” sources that report on what is really going on in the world today. Thus you can get facts, but you need to avoid the false fiction beliefs that they have.

Then there are reports of what is really going on, from “non-Christian” sources. These you have to be careful of as well. A number of writers believing in false gods and aliens from outer space. Thus you have to discount the fictional beliefs from the article. However they have articles that report on secret organizations, and who is really controlling the world. Information that may not be available elsewhere. This is why I have links to these informative articles in the section: “Alternative Articles

Thus with any of these sources you have to separate fact from fiction.

However there are also problems with articles from those who know the truth about all mankind saved. Many at this time not understanding prophecy correctly. Thus when they relate what they read about what is going on in the world to their understanding of prophecy they get it incorrect. This I believe will be sorted out, when the “Birthright” comes, the ninth sign. As I have mentioned in other entries when this comes “All will be revealed” to those in Christ who are alive. Thus they will all have a correct understanding of prophecy at that time, which I believe is really soon. Until then you have to be careful.

You may not believe as I do about prophecy, that is alright, you are to believe the way you do at this time. However you believe about prophecy, do not be quick to change it, but study and pray about prophecy if you are unsure, changing if you are directed to change.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011

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