Watch Dates, Second Passover & Second Wave-sheaf Offering

14 May 2011. Corrected dates 22 May 2011. Edited 11 June 2011

By Mark Farquharson

Elijah and Elisha:

The 8th sign was completed last July, interestingly before reading the date this morning, I was reminded of last July earlier in the week. Thus a sign given to me that there was something about July last year, now I know that it was the 8th sign.

According to Dr Jones, the time of Elijah ended the morning of May 12 2011, that world be US time. I can only go by Dr Jones for this, but I do believe he is correct on this matter. We have been in transition from Elijah to Elisha.

This means with the time of Elijah over, the time of Elisha should start very soon. In 2 Kings 2, Elisha took up the robe of Elijah, straight after Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind. Before that Elisha hand asked for a double portion 2Kings 2:9-10. Thus the time of Elisha should start soon with it’s double portion.

The double portion starts with the ninth sign {2 Kings 4}, and goes to the 16th sign. Of course the knowledge, the glory, and the authority could come before that, or at the same time. I myself do not believe that the ninth sign is to do with the Iraqi dinar, or to do with silver or gold for that matter. The body of Christ will get provisions, and I do believe as I have said that it is money.

The Timing of Second Passover and Second Wave-sheaf Offering:

Some date the start of the Hebrew months from first visible crescent, however this is incorrect, it is actually from new moon. They knew when new moon was, because they celebrate new moon. That means the date of the Second Passover 14th of the 2nd month is just before the full moon. Thus the full moon for May is the 17th that means the Second Passover is actually the 16th, you end up out if you start at first visible crescent.

There seems to be also another wave-sheaf offering. This could be the time of the ninth sign, as it is connected to the firstfruit. Last month was the first wave-sheaf offering.

A sign came on the 22 April US time. However this does not mean it came on the day of wave-sheaf. This number seems to be a pattern, for it was on the 22 February 2011 NZ time that the Christchurch earthquake happened, note it was the 21st in the USA. That said it does not actually mean the second wave-sheaf offering is on the 22nd of May.

It is viewed incorrectly that wave-sheaf offering happens after the weekly Sabbath and that the Sabbath is Saturday, thus making the wave-sheaf offering Sunday. However wave-sheaf offering is after the special Sabbath that starts unleavened bread, not the weekly Sabbath. That means in the Hebrew calendar it always falls on the 16th unless the 16 is the weekly Sabbath, then it would be the next day. Anyway assuming that the 16 this year is not the weekly Sabbath, then what is the 16 of the second month in our calendar? That I think would be the 18th straight after the full moon. Putting in a Sabbath gets you the 19th. Which means it is not the 22nd of may.

From my point of view, the Sabbath is not Saturday. What, surely the Sabbath was Saturday, for Jesus died on Friday the day before. No actually that is not the case, that is tradition. There was a Sabbath, but it was a special sabbath that started unleavened bread festival. Was it also the weekly Sabbath? That I do not know at this stage. There is argument for it being the weekly Sabbath, but there is also argument for it not being the weekly Sabbath. What even the case, it still does not mean the Sabbath is Saturday. Tradition tells us that it was Saturday, however a lot of the time tradition is incorrect.

When then is the Sabbath? That I do not know, there is the argument that it was based on a lunar cycle, however that is incorrect, because it could not have always been on a lunar cycle. For the moon was created on day four, and the lunar argument says it was created just before day one. It could not have been created before day two as it turns out, from recently gain understanding, which I will not be getting into here. With moon created on day four it goes against that part of the argument, and Sabbaths are on a continuous cycle of seven days.

In the Journal entry back on 7 May 2011, I noted that on the 16th of February of this year I got the sign of the resurrection and He is the Firstfruit out of the resurrection of the dead {1Corinthians 15:20-23}. That is I got it on the second month of our calendar, and now of course it is coming up to the second month in the Hebrew calendar. Entry here: “Crucifixion Sign Indicates Second Passover

Dr Jones views on some of the above are here in this weblog entry of his: “What's happening lately?

Flickering Lights

This is a strange one, but before the last full moon I noticed the lights in the house flickering. But it was not just the lights in the ceilings, for the lights in the microwave, fridge, and freezer also flickered. Not just on one day either, but a number of days. It seemed to stop at about the time of the last full moon. Now they have started up again. Maybe I should be watching for the next one, but I already am. Strangely one of the lights makes this noise sometimes, and when I put it off, it still sometimes makes the noise. That is the thing is off, by the switch, but it still has this flickering noise. Last night I also noticed a faint glow after I put it off. I think it could mean possible the change over is soon, thus a switch over. The glow could indicate the glory, possible, one thing for sure it is really annoying.

Copyright © Mark J Farquharson 2011. Corrected 15 & 22 May 2011. Edited 11 June 2011

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