One Evangel, Part 1

Version 6B1

By Mark Farquharson

A number of people are taught and believe that there are two evangels or gospels. One evangel for the Jews and another for the gentiles, or nations. The Jew can be saved by works, but the nations are saved by faith. The nations can not be saved by works, only by faith, but the Jew can be saved by works. Thus Jews are saved by the law, and non-Jews by Christ. Jews can be saved with out Christ. This is also known as the circumcised and uncircumcised evangels or the gospel of the circumcision and the gospel of the uncircumcision . The Jews are known as the circumcised.

Another view on the circumcised evangel or gospel of the circumcision , is that the circumcised are saved by works of the law and faith. In this view they are saved by Christ, but they also need to do works of the law, they don’t just have faith.

Some of the ones who believe there are two evangels also believe in two groups of believers and a special future roll for Israel in a future millennium. This helps back the idea that the Jews are separate from the nations. Thus reinforcing the idea that the Jews have a different evangel. They are to do different work from believers in the up coming millennium. However this is wrong, Israel does not have some special roll in the coming future millennium. Believers from Israel will not have a different role to believers from the nations, in the upcoming eons.

There is a view that the Jewish believers in Christ are to obtain the kingdom while those of the nations are to be in the celestials or heavens. It is held that Israel was kept separate from the nations and still is separate from the nations. In this discussion I will cover the scriptures that prove that the Jews and the nations are one people in Christ.

It should be further noted that the Kingdom was taken away from Israel and given to another nation, this is covered later in the article, along with the kingdom gospel.

There is also the belief, held by those who believe in two evangels that what Christ said about believers only applies to those in Israel. This is extend to include what the disciples said in their letters. According to this belief what Paul said about believers in his letters only applies to believers in the nations.

However if there is only one evangel then, what Christ said and what the disciples said about believers applies to all believers, that means it applies to those in Israel and to those of the nations as well. There being one evangel means that what Paul said about believers applies to all believers also, those in the nations and those in Israel. Once you get to the end of this study, you will know if there is one or two evangels, which means at the end of this article I state how the teachings apply.

Getting back to the main focus of this study, here are some questions that I hope to answer in this study. Are the Jews separate from the nations and do they have a different evangel? Can you be saved by works, or only by Christ? Can you be saved by works of the law and Christ? Is Christ the saviour of everybody or can someone be saved without him? Does Christ need a hand saving the circumcised? Did he pay the price for everyone’s sins or did he miss some out? Was his sacrifice enough for everyone, or do some have to do more to be saved?

A number of People who teach that there are two evangels {gospels}, teach that Christ is the saviour of everybody, but if that is the case, then no one is saved by works alone. That rules out the evangel of saving by works alone. If you can be saved by good works, or works of the law alone, then it would mean that you do not need Christ to save you. It would be that Christ did not have to die for you on the cross.

However what about faith plus works of the law, is this truly an evangel? Or is the only evangel that of the evangel of Christ?

What is the answer to the question, are there two, or is there one? Let see if we can get to the answer by looking at scripture.

These are All the Same Evangel:

The bible refers to the “evangel of the kingdom,” “evangel of God,” “evangel of Christ” and “evangel of peace.” These are not different evangels, these are all the same evangel. Just because it is known by different names it does not mean these are all different. Think of all the different names of Jesus Christ, these are not different people, these are all the same person.

What of Paul’s evangel, known as the “gospel of the Uncircumcision,” and the other gospel known as the “gospel of the Circumcision.” I will get to those later in the article.

There is no distinction between Jew and Greek or anyone

Romans 10:12-13 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same One is Lord of all, being rich for all who are invoking Him." For everyone, whoever should be invoking the name of the Lord, shall be saved." {CLV}

All who are saved, are one group, not two. The Jews who are saved, are not different from the Greeks who are saved. Jews and Greeks who are saved, are the same, there is no distinction. The same One is Lord of all, that is Christ is the Lord of all, whether you’re a Jew, a Greek, or from some other nation. There is only one body of believers, there is not two, and that is true now, and it was true back then in the past as well.

Colossians 3:9-11 Do no lie to one another, stripping off the old humanity together with its practices, and putting on the young, which is being renewed into recognition, to accord with the Image of the One Who creates it, wherein there is no Greek and Jew, Circumcision and Uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, freeman, but all and in all is Christ." {CLV}

There is “NO Greek and Jew, Circumcision and Uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, freeman, but all and in all is Christ.” There you have it, all are the same in Christ. There is no distinction between those in Christ, all are the same. There is not a separate circumcision body.

Galatians 5:6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision is availing anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith, operating through love." {CLV}

Circumcision is NOT availing anything & uncircumcision is NOT availing anything. That is there is no advantage in being circumcised, or uncircumcised. The circumcised do not get some advantage in the future that the uncircumcised do not get. The circumcised do not have different roles in the future.

Some state that these verses will apply in future, but not now at this time. They believe that there will be one body of believers in the future. This is incorrect and completely wrong, these verses applied at the time they were written and them apply today. No where does it state that these verse are to apply in the future. It only comes about by incorrectly believing in the suppose future millennium reign. It is believe incorrectly that those of the circumcision have a different role, than those of the uncircumcision.

Philippians 1:27 Only be citizens walking worthily of the evangel of Christ, that, whether coming and making your acquaintance, or being absent, I should be hearing of your concerns, that you are standing firm in one spirit, one soul, competing together in the faith of the evangel, " {CLV}

All who have faith are of one spirit, one soul. You should not be dividing the flock in to different groups, all who have faith are of one spirit, one soul.

Is Christ the Saviour of the world?

1 John 4:14 And we have gazed upon Him, and are testifying that the Father has dispatched the Son, the Saviour of the world." {CLV}

This tells us that Christ is the saviour of the world. That means that everyone in the world is saved by Christ, and no one is saved by works alone. If someone, anyone is saved by good works or works of the law, then Christ is not the saviour of the world. If someone is saved by works, then they are not saved by Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:21-22 For since, in fact, through a man came death, through a Man, also, comes the resurrection of the dead." For even as, in Adam, all are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified." {CLV}

It is in Christ that all are vivified, there is no other way to be vivified. That is to give life to someone, and if you don’t get life, you stay dead. If someone could be vivified another way, then all are not vivified in Christ.

1Timothy 2:5-6 For there is one God, and one Mediator of God and mankind, a Man, Christ Jesus, Who is giving Himself a correspondent Ransom for all (the testimony in its own eras), {CLV}

There is one correspondent Ransom for all, that is Christ. He is the ransom for all whether they are Jew or from the nations. If works could save someone then he would not be the ransom for all. He is either the ransom for all as it says, or he is not?

Romans 5:18-19 Consequently, then, as it was through one offense for all mankind for condemnation, thus also it is through one just award for all mankind for life's justifying." For even as, through the disobedience of the one man, the many were constituted sinners, thus also, through the obedience of the One, the many shall be constituted just." {CLV}

It is this one man again Christ, who is the just award for all mankind. If some one could be saved by good works or works of the law, then he would not be the just award for all mankind. Who where the many that where constituted sinners? It is all mankind that where condemned and it is all mankind that are constituted sinners. The many, all mankind, shall be constituted just, by the obedience of the One, Christ. It is not through the obedience of anyone else. You can not be obedient, do good works or works of the law to be saved, it is only the obedience of Christ that saves.

It is not through the obedience of works of the law, that saves or justifies. The circumcised are not saved by their obedience to works of the law and their faith, it is only Christ’s obedience that saves them and everyone. The circumcised can not be justified by their obedience to the law. It is not anyone else’s obedience that saves, even if they have faith, it is only Christ‘s obedience that saves.

You can not save yourself, Christ is the saviour.

Those who teach the circumcision evangel are teaching something that is completely wrong. They are teaching that the circumcised need to do more to be saved, they need to have more than just faith in Christ. The circumcised do not need to do works of the law, as well as having faith to be saved, or to be justified. Christ needs no help saving the circumcised.

Or are we to say that those of the circumcised do not fully need the salvation of Christ? That they can partly work a salvation for themselves? That they only need a little bit of Christ’s salvation?

Everyone is in need of the fully salvation of Christ. No one can partly work a salvation for themselves. Everyone fully needs Christ’s salvation, there is no big or even small part that they can do on their own.

Works can not cover sins

Unfortunately most who believe and teach that the circumcised Jews can be saved by good works or works of the law, miss the point that any works, even good works can not pay for sins. No work can pay the price for sins. Your sins are count as a debt to God. These debts can not be paid of with good works or works of the law. The only way to pay for sins is by sacrifice.

There is only one ultimate sacrifice to pay for sins. That sacrifice was Christ, there is no other way to pay of your debts to God. All debts were paid for by Christ.

1 John 2:2 And He is the propitiatory shelter concerned with our sins, yet not concerned with ours only, but concerned with the whole world also." {CLV}

Christ is the propitiatory shelter concerned with not just believers sins, but the whole world also. This does not exclude Jews, he is the propitiatory shelter for Jews as well. If they where not included they would have had to come from another planet.

John 1:29 On the morrow he is observing Jesus coming toward him, and is saying, "Lo! the Lamb of God Which is taking away the sin of the world!" {CLV}

Christ is the one who came to take away the sin of the world. No one else can take away the sin of the world. No one can take away their own sins, this is impossible. There is no way anyone can do away with their sins.

All have sinned

Romans 3:21-23 Yet now, apart from law, a righteousness of God is manifest (being attested by the law and the prophets), yet a righteousness of God through Jesus Christ's faith, for all, and on all who are believing, for there is no distinction, for all sinned and are wanting of the glory of God. {CLV}

All have sinned, there is no one that has not sinned, except Christ. Thus whether you’re a Jew or not, you have sinned. Since all have sinned, then all Jews have sinned. Which mean all are in need of salvation, whether Jew or not. The only way to pay the penalty for sin is Christ’s sacrifice. Nothing else is acceptable to God.

There is no Salvation in any other one

Acts 4:12 And there is no salvation in any other one, for neither is there any other name, given under heaven among men, in which we must be saved." {CLV}

Here Peter informs the rulers of the temple that there is only one way of salvation. That one way is through Christ, there is no other way. There is no other way of salvation. He does not mention good works or works of the law. He does not mention then, because good works are NOT away of salvation, and works of the law are NOT away to salvation. If good works or works of the law where away of salvation, then he would not be able to say that there is only one way. Since all have sinned, all are in need of salvation, and the only way to achieve that is Christ.

If the Jews need to do works of the law as well as have faith, then should not they be able to put their own names forward? If they are helping in their own salvation then their names should be given under heaven among men, in which they must be saved. That is they should give their own name as well as that of Christ. That is a lot of names, but they are not given, there is only one name given. You can’t put forward your own name to help in your salvation, not even if you are of the circumcision.

Jesus Christ is the only one who pay the penalty for the sins of the world, by dying as the lamb without blemish. He did not need help from the Jews. There was no need for the Jews to be saved by doing good works or works of the law.

No flesh Justified by Works

Romans 3:19-20 Now we are aware that, whatever the law is saying, it is speaking to those under the law, that every mouth may be barred, and the entire world may become subject to the just verdict of God, because, by works of law, no flesh at all shall be justified in His sight, for through law is the recognition of sin." {CLV}

By works of law, no flesh at all shall be justified in His sight”. Maybe I should repeat that, it is saying that NO FLESH, that is NO ONE, not even a Jew can be justified, that is saved, by WORKS of Law, in His sight, that is God‘s sight. This rules out saving by works, no one can be saved by doing works of the law, it is impossible. You can not work for your salvation, even if you’re a Jew.

But what if you have faith? If you have faith can you be justified in God’s sight by works of the law? NO you can NOT be justified in God’s sight by works of the law even if you have faith, and this is true for both the uncircumcised and the circumcised. No one is justified by works of the law, it does not matter if they have faith or that they don’t have faith, or if they are circumcised or uncircumcised. No matter what no one can be justified by works of the law.

Romans 3:21-23 Yet now, apart from law, a righteousness of God is manifest (being attested by the law and the prophets), yet a righteousness of God through Jesus Christ's faith, for all, and on all who are believing, for there is no distinction, for all sinned and are wanting of the glory of God. {CLV}

There is a righteousness of God through Jesus Christ's faith, for all. That is this righteousness is for all mankind, whether Jew or from the nations. This righteousness comes through Jesus Christ's faith. There is no other way to obtain this righteousness, and it is for everybody. If you could be saved by good works or works of the law then you would obtain a righteousness apart from this righteousness, which would mean you would not need this righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ's faith. However this righteousness is for all. You can not obtain righteousness from works of the law or good works.

Romans 3:27-8 Where, then, is boasting? It is debarred! Through what law? Of works? No! But through faith's law. For we are reckoning a man to be justified by faith apart from works of law. {CLV}

Man is justified apart from works of the law, this applies to both to the circumcision and the uncircumcision. The circumcised will not be able to boast, because it is not works of the law plus faith, it is faith only for everyone.

Ephesians 2:8-9 For in grace, through faith, are you saved, and this is not out of you; it is God's approach present, not of works, lest anyone should be boasting." {CLV}

The scripture tells us that you are saved by faith, not of works of the law. You are saved apart from works of the law, they have no part to play. These verses do not just apply to those of the uncircumcision they apply to everyone. Those of the circumcision can not be justified by works of the law, even if they have faith. You can not boast, because it is not out of you, it is not your works that save you. If it was out of works then you could boast. Not out of works, Lest anyone should be boasting, that is anyone at all, wether Jew or Non-Jew. If it was out of works then the Jew could boast, but since it is not out of works, the Jew can not boast.

In Hebrew 7, there is the introduction of the order of Melchizedek.

Hebrews 7:11 If, indeed, then, perfection were through the Levitical priesthood (for the people have been placed under law with it), what need is there still for a different priest to arise according to the order of Melchizedek, and not said to be according to the order of Aaron? {CLV}

The people, that is the Jewish people, were placed under the law, by the Levitical priesthood. If perfection were through the Levitical priesthood, then there would not need to be the order of Melchizedek. However since perfection has not come through the Levitical priesthood, there is a need for a different priesthood, the order of Melchizedek.

Hebrews 7:18-19 For, indeed, there is coming to be a repudiation of the preceding precept because it is weak and without benefit;" for the law perfects nothing, yet it is the superinduction of a better expectation, through which we are drawing near to God." {CLV}

What was the preceding precept, it was the Levitical priesthood which place the nation of Israel, the Jews under the law. This preceding precept was weak and without benefit. That is why it needed to be rejected, and replace with something better. The law perfects nothing, that is the Jews and those of the nations can not be perfected by the law.

Romans 3:29-31 Or is He the god of the Jews only? Is He not of the nations also? Yes, of the nations also, if so be that God is One, Who will be justifying the Circumcision out of faith and the Uncircumcision through faith." Are we, then, nullifying law through faith? May it not be coming to that! Nay, we are sustaining law." {CLV}

The justification of the Circumcision does not involve works of the law, it involves faith only. Both the circumcision and the uncircumcision are justified by faith.

Galatians 3:11 Now that in law no one is being justified with God is evident, for the just one by faith shall be living." {CLV}

Now that in law no one is being justified with God is evident. No one is being justified in the law with God. This rules out justification by works of the law for everyone, even if they are of the circumcision, even if the person has faith.

There is only One Evangel

Galatians 1:6-9 I am marveling that thus, swiftly, you are transferred from that which calls you in the grace of Christ, to a different evangel, which is not another, except it be that some who are disturbing you want also to distort the evangel of Christ." But if ever we also, or a messenger out of heaven, should be bringing an evangel to you beside that which we bring to you, let him be anathema!" As we have declared before and at present I am saying again, if anyone is bringing you an evangel beside that which you accepted, let him be anathema!" {CLV}

Back in the days of Galatians there were people who were trying to tell people about a different evangel. These people where bring something that was not the evangel of Christ. They where bringing a different evangel, but was what they where bring really an evangel? No what they were bring was not an evangel at all. “I am marveling that thus, swiftly, you are transferred from that which calls you in the grace of Christ, to a different evangel, which is not another,” that is to say it is not another evangel. There was and is only one evangel, the evangel of Christ. Anything else is made up, and not an evangel at all. These people had made something up, or got a made up evangel from someone else, and were then going around and reporting it as a evangel. Thus the only evangel, is that of the salvation brought by Christ. There is not another evangel.

Some people back then and some people today want to distort the evangel of Christ. Others who say there are two evangels do not realise they are distorting the evangel of Christ. There is only one evangel anything else is a distortion of the evangel of Christ. This includes the evangel of works of the law and faith.

If anyone should be bringing a different evangel, even if he is a messenger out of heaven, let him be anathema. Any other evangel, is not another evangel at all, for it is not a evangel. The salvation based on works is not an evangel. The faith and works of the law evangel is NOT an evangel. Anathema, meaning an object of loathing or somebody cursed or denounced. It should be also noted that he says it again.

Those of faith are the Sons of Abraham

Galatians 3:5-9 He, then, who is supplying you with the spirit, and operating works of power among you-did you get the spirit by works of law or by the hearing of faith

according as Abraham believes God, and it is reckoned to him for righteousness? Know, consequently, that those of faith, these are sons of Abraham." Now the scripture, perceiving before that God is justifying the nations by faith, brings before an evangel to Abraham, that In you shall all the nations be blessed." So that those of faith are being blessed together with believing Abraham. {CLV}

Abraham’s believes God and it is reckoned to him for righteousness. All who have faith are the sons of Abraham, no matter if you are Jew or from the nations. The spirit did not come from works of the law. The nations are justified by faith and so are the Jews.

Enjoyers of the Allotment

Romans 4:4-13 Now to the worker, the wage is not reckoned as a favor, but as a debt." Yet to him who is not working, yet is believing on Him Who is justifying the irreverent, his faith is reckoned for righteousness." Even as David also is telling of the happiness of the man to whom God is reckoning righteousness apart from acts: Happy they whose lawlessnesses were pardoned and whose sins were covered over! Happy the man to whom the Lord by no means should be reckoning sin! This happiness, then, is it for the Circumcision, or for the Uncircumcision also? For we are saying, "To Abraham faith is reckoned for righteousness." How then, is it reckoned? Being in circumcision or uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision." And he obtained the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which was in uncircumcision, for him to be the father of all those who are believing through uncircumcision, for righteousness to be reckoned to them, and the father of the Circumcision, not to those of the Circumcision only, but to those also who are observing the elements of the faith in the footprints of our father Abraham, in uncircumcision." For not through law is the promise to Abraham, or to his Seed, for him to be enjoyer of the allotment of the world, but through faith's righteousness." {CLV}

The father of ALL those who have faith in God is Abraham, whether they are of the circumcision or the uncircumcision. The original promise to Abraham and his Seed, will not come thought the law, but through faith's righteousness. The promise being to him and his seed, to be enjoyers of the allotment of the world, in the coming kingdom.

Romans 4:14-16 For if those of law are enjoyers of the allotment, faith has been made void and the promise has been nullified, for the law is producing indignation. Now where no law is, neither is there transgression." Therefore it is of faith that it may accord with grace, for the promise to be confirmed to the entire seed, not to those of the law only, but to those also of the faith of Abraham, who is father of us all, {CLV}

It is of faith that the promise of the allotment is confirmed to the entire seed, not of the law. The promise is confirmed to the entire seed, not to those of the circumcision only, but to those also of the faith of Abraham, who is father of us all.

No Longer Garrisoned Under Law

Galatians 3:21-25 Is the law, then, against the promises of God? May it not be coming to that! For if a law were given that is able to vivify, really, righteousness were out of law." But the scripture locks up all together under sin, that the promise out of Jesus Christ's faith may be given to those who are believing." Now before the

coming of faith we were garrisoned under law, being locked up together for the faith about to be revealed." So that the law has become our escort to Christ, that we may be justified by faith." Now, at the coming of faith, we are no longer under an escort, {CLV}

The law can not vivify, or make you righteous. You are justified by faith, not by works of the law. This applies to those who where under the law as well, that is those of the circumcision. At the coming of faith, those garrisoned under law, who had the law as there escort, those of the circumcision, were no longer under an escort, no longer garrison under the law. Those of the circumcision who have faith are no longer garrisoned under law.

One Evangel, Part 2

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