西曆2020年12月24日(木) ジョンソン英首相のブレグジット完了演説


2020年12月24日(木)、ボリス・ジョンソン(Boris Johnson, b.1956; 首相在任2019-)内閣総理大臣が、欧州連合(EU: European Union)のフォン・デア・ライエン(Ursula von der Leyen, b.1958; 欧州委員会委員長在任2019-)欧州委員会委員長・医学博士・公衆衛生学修士とのトップ会談で合意に達した( https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/agreements-reached-between-the-united-kingdom-of-great-britain-and-northern-ireland-and-the-european-union / https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/agreements-reached-between-the-united-kingdom-of-great-britain-and-northern-ireland-and-the-european-union/summary-explainer / https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/948093/TCA_SUMMARY_PDF.pdf )。選挙公約だったブレグジット(Brexit)を報告すべく、ジョンソン首相はダウニング街10番地(10 Downing Street, City of Westminster, London, UK)の首相官邸から国民へ向けてスピーチを披露した。


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAax92GYr9o (0:11-10:10 of 32:29)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9TyveDbMZc (0:03-9:57 of 31:27)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpa3HpmmS4I (19:24-29:23 of 51:50)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b04sJoICKPA (0:00-9:54 of 31:25)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruEVRhdI0Mw (31:16-41:15 of 1:03:40)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9KcFWzyYCo (2:24:00-2:33:58 of 2:57:41)




It is four and a half years since the British people voted to take back control of their money, their borders, their laws, and their waters and to leave the European Union. And earlier this year we fulfilled that promise and we left on January 31st with that oven-ready deal.


Since that time we have been getting on with our agenda. Enacting the points based immigration system that you voted for and that will come into force on January 1st. And doing free trade deals with 58 countries around the world. And preparing the new relationship with the EU. And there have been plenty of people who have told us that the challenges of the Covid pandemic have made this work impossible. And that we should extend the transition period. And incur yet more delay. And I rejected that approach precisely because beating Covid is our number one national priority and I wanted to end any extra uncertainty and to give this country the best possible chance of bouncing back strongly next year. And so I am very pleased that this afternoon that we have completed the biggest trade deal yet, worth £660 billion.


A comprehensive Canada style free trade deal between the UK and the EU, a deal that will protect jobs across this country. A deal that will allow UK goods and components to be sold without tariffs and without quotas in the EU market. A deal which will if anything should allow our companies and our exporters to do even more business with our European friends. And yet which achieves something that the people of this country instinctively knew was doable. But which they were told was impossible.


We have taken back control of laws and our destiny. We have taken back control of every jot and tittle of our regulation. In a way that is complete and unfettered.


From January 1st we are outside the customs union, and outside the single market. British laws will be made solely by the British Parliament. Interpreted by UK judges sitting in UK courts. And the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice will come to an end.


We will be able to set our own standards, to innovate in the way that we want, to originate new frameworks for the sectors in which this country leads the world, from biosciences to financial services, artificial intelligence and beyond.

私たちは独自の基準を設定できるようになり、好きなように技術革新(イノベーション)を進めることができるようになり、この国が世界に先駆けている分野に新たな枠組みをいの一番に構築できるようになります。それはバイオ技術から金融サービスや人工知能(AI: artificial intelligence)やその先までです。

We will be able to decide how and where we are going to stimulate new jobs and new hope. With freeports and new green industrial zones. We will be able to cherish our landscape and our environment in the way we choose. Backing our farmers and backing British food and agricultural production.


And for the first time since 1973 we will be an independent coastal state with full control of our waters with the UK’s share of fish in our waters rising substantially from roughly half today to closer to two thirds in five and a half years’ time after which there is no theoretical limit beyond those placed by science or conservation on the quantity of our own fish that we can fish in our waters. And to get ready for that moment those fishing communities we (sic.) will be helped with a big £100m programme to modernise their fleets and the fish processing industry.


And I want to stress that although of course the arguments with our European friends and partners were sometimes fierce this is, I believe, a good deal for the whole of Europe and for our friends and partners as well. Because it will not be a bad thing for the EU to have a prosperous and dynamic and contented UK on your doorstep. And it will be a good thing — it will drive jobs and prosperity across the whole continent. And I don’t think it will be a bad thing if we in the UK do things differently, or a take a different approach to legislation. Because in so many ways our basic goals are the same.


And in the context of this giant free trade zone that we’re jointly creating the stimulus of regulatory competition will I think benefit us both. And if one side believes it is somehow being unfairly undercut by the other, then subject to independent third party arbitration and provided the measures are proportionate, we can either of us decide — as sovereign equals — to protect our consumers.


But this treaty explicitly envisages that such action should only happen infrequently and the concepts of uniformity and harmonisation are banished in favour of mutual respect and mutual recognition and free trade.


And for squaring that circle, for finding the philosopher’s stone that’s enabled us to do this I want to thank President von der Leyen of the European Commission and our brilliant negotiators led by Lord Frost and Michel Barnier, on the EU side Stephanie Rousseau as well as Oliver Lewis, Tim Barrow, Lindsay Appleby and many others.

そしてその円形を四角にするために(訳者註: 「全系統を適合させるために」の意の言葉遊び)、私たちがこれをするのを可能にしてくれた賢者の石(訳者註: ハリー・ポッター連作小説への言及)を見つけるために、私は欧州委員会のフォン・デア・ライエン(Ursula von der Leyen, b.1958; 欧州委員会委員長在任2019-)大統領と、(UK側の)フロスト卿(Lord Frost, or David George Hamilton Frost, Baron Frost, b.1965)と、EU側のミシェル・バルニエ(Michel Barnier, b.1951)氏、ステファニー・ルソー(Stephanie Rousseau, 生年非公開)女史、それに(UK側の)オリヴァー・ルイス(Oliver Lewis, 生年不詳)氏、ティム・バロウ(Tim Barrow, or Sir Timothy Barrow, b.1964)氏、リンジー・アップルビー(Lindsay Appleby, or Lindsay Croisdale-Appleby, b.1973)氏やその他の大勢に感謝申し上げます。

Their work will be available for scrutiny, followed by a parliamentary vote I hope on December 30th.


This agreement, this deal above all means certainty. It means certainty for the aviation industry and the hauliers who have suffered so much in the Covid pandemic. It means certainty for the police and the border forces and the security services and all those that we rely on across Europe to keep us safe. It means certainty for our scientists who will be able to continue to work together on great collective projects. Because although we want the UK to be a science superpower, we also want to be a collaborative science superpower.


And above all it means certainty for business from financial services to our world-leading manufacturers — our car industry — certainty for those working in high skilled jobs in firms and factories across the whole country. Because there will be no palisade of tariffs on January 1st.


And there will be no non-tariff barriers to trade. And instead there will be a giant free trade zone of which we will at once be a member. And at the same time be able to do our own free trade deals as one UK, whole and entire, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales together.


And I should stress this deal was done by a huge negotiating team from every part of the UK, and it will benefit every part of our United Kingdom, helping to unite and level up across the country.


And so I say again directly to our EU friends and partners, I think this deal means a new stability and a new certainty in what has sometimes been a fractious and difficult relationship. We will be your friend, your ally, your supporter and indeed — never let it be forgotten — your number one market. Because although we have left the EU this country will remain culturally, emotionally, historically, strategically and geologically attached to Europe, not least through the four million EU nationals who have requested to settle in the UK over the last four years and who make an enormous contribution to our country and to our lives.

そして私は再びヨーロッパ側の友好国とパートナーたちに直接話しかけます。私はこの合意が新たな安定性と新たな確実性を意味するのだと思います。時には険悪で困難だった関係に於いてです。我が国はあなた方(EU)の友好国で同盟国でサポーターで、それに実のところ、決して忘れてならないことですが、あなた方の一番の市場(マーケット)に成ります。というのも、EUを離脱したにも拘(かか)わらず、この国は文化的にも心情的にも歴史的にも戦略的にも地質学的(訳者註: 「地理的にも」の言い間違えの可能性が高い)にもヨーロッパに結びついているからです。過去四年間に亘(わた)り(訳者註: 「ブレグジットが決まってから」という意味)英国での定住を申請し、我が国とその日々の生活に多大な貢献をしてくれた四百万人のEU諸国民を通しても勝るとも劣らずヨーロッパに結びついているからです。

And I say to all of you at home. At the end of this toughest of years. That our focus in the weeks ahead is of course on defeating the pandemic. And on beating coronavirus and rebuilding our economy. And delivering jobs across the country. And I am utterly confident that we can and will do it.


By today we have vaccinated almost 800,000 people and we have also today resolved a question that has bedevilled our politics for decades. And it is up to us all together. As a newly and truly independent nation. To realise the immensity of this moment and to make the most of it.


Happy Christmas to you all. That’s the good news from Brussels — now for the sprouts.

皆さんに幸多き聖誕祭(クリスマス)を。それはブリュッセルからの良い知らせです。そして今は、ブリュッセルの芽(訳者註: 日本では「芽キャベツ」の名で知られるが、イギリスではベルギー王国首都にしてEUの行政上の首都でもあるブリュッセルの名が冠されていて、「ブらッセルズ・スプラウツ」と言う。冬を代表するような野菜で、毎年12月25日の祝日の15:00ぐらいに食べるクリスマス・ディナーの肉料理に添えられる。)を食べる番です。

(日本語訳: 原田俊明)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWHwWMfkBw8 (0:00-3:24)


At the end of this extraordinary year I wanna say something about the meaning of Christmas, because I’ve never known a Christmas like it, not in my life. And I bet not in yours either.


And in most years it’s a moment for togetherness and celebration, in which the generations are jumbled together in the same household for days on end, pulling crackers and snogging under mistletoe — you name it.


And yet this year that is the one type of Christmas we simply cannot afford to have. And it grieves me, because I think everyone hoped and prayed, I certainly did, that things could be — if not normal, then as normal as possible for as many families as possible. And yet we have had to confront the reality of the new strain of Covid, the speed of which it spreads. And I bet you agree that we had no choice but to take action. And therefore to all those who may be feeling momentarily cast down or a bit exhausted, or frankly in need of any kind of cheering up, I wanna talk about what for me is the deeper meaning of Christmas, this amazing festival at the turn of the year, because it’s not about presents or turkey or brandy butter — much though I like all of them and that kind of stuff. It’s about hope. It’s about a basic idea of rebirth and renewal. And though we may not be able to celebrate as normal this year, I still think that feeling of hope is all around us this Christmas, because there really is a star in the sky and it is glowing brighter and brighter. And you know what it is.

しかし今年はそういうタイプの聖誕祭(クリスマス)を私たちはやる余裕がありません。そしてそのことは私を悲しませます。というのも、誰もが願い祈ったからです。私ももちろんそうです。物事が完全に正常な状態に戻るのは無理だとしても、出来る限り正常に近く、出来るだけ多くのご家庭にとって、戻るよう願い祈ったからです。しかし私たちは新型コロナの新変異種という現実、それが拡散するスピードに直面せねばなりません。そしてきっと皆さんは同意してくれると思いますが、私たちは策を講じるより他に選択肢がありませんでした。したがって今一時的に気分が落ち込んでいたり、ちょっと疲労していたり、率直なところどんな種類の元気づけでも必要としている人たち全員に向けて、私は自分にとっての聖誕祭(クリスマス)の最も深い意味について、一年が終わろうとする際のこの驚くべき祝祭について語りたいと思います。というのも、プレゼントや七面鳥の肉やブランデーバター(訳者註: クリスマス・プディングにかける甘いソースのこと)についてではなく、そういった物は私も大好きですけれど、そうではなく希望についてだからです。それは再生と復活の基本的アイディアについてです。そして私たちは今年いつものようには(聖誕祭を)お祝いすることはできないかも知れませんが、それでも今年の聖誕祭(クリスマス)に希望の感覚が私たちの周りじゅうにあるのだと私は考えています。というのも、空には本当に一つの星が出ていて、その輝きはどんどん増すばかりだからです。そしてあなた方はそれが何なのか知っています。。

It’s thanks to the efforts of wise men and wise women in the east and elsewhere, we have a vaccine. And we know that we are going to succeed in beating coronavirus. And that these privations that we’re going through are temporary. And we know that next year really will be better. And we know there will be people alive next Christmas, people we love, alive next Christmas, precisely because we made the sacrifice and didn’t celebrate as normal this Christmas and see them in a way we would have done.

それはの東方からのみならず他の場所の男性も女性もいる賢者たち(訳者註: イエス基督の誕生を祝って東方からやって来た男性三賢者を捩(もじ)った言い回し)のお蔭で、私たちはワクチンを手にしています。そして私たちは知っています、私たちはこれからコロナウイルスをやっつけることに成功するのだということを。そして私たちが経験してきたこれらの欠乏状態の数々(訳者註: ロックダウンにより人と会えないことや、学校や職場に行けないことや、外食やエンタメに行けないことや、パニックで発生したトイレットペーパー等の物資の品切れ状態)が一時的なものであるということを。そして私たちは知っています、来年は本当にもっと良くなると。そして私たちは知っています、来年の聖誕祭(クリスマス)には生きた生身の人々に会えるということを、愛する人たちと生きて来年の聖誕祭(クリスマス)に会えるということを。というのも、まさに私たちは犠牲を払い、今年の聖誕祭(クリスマス)をいつものようには祝わず、本来やったであろうやり方で愛する人たちと会わなかったから(訳者註: 聖誕祭(クリスマス)の時期のイングランド全域ロックダウンを指す)です。

And by the way, tonight, on Christmas Eve, I have a small present for anyone who may be looking for something to read in that sleepy post-Christmas lunch moment. And here it is.


Glad tidings of great joy, because this is a deal, a deal to give certainty to business, travellers and all investors in our country from the 1st of January, a deal with our friends and partners in the EU. You remember the oven-ready deal? By which we came out on January 31st, that oven-ready deal was just the starter. This is the feast, full of fish by the way. And I believe it will be the basis of a happy and successful and stable partnership with our friends in the EU for years to come.

大いなる喜びの良き知らせを。というのも、これが合意だからです。産業界や旅行者や我が国へのあらゆる投資家に1月1日以降に確実性を与えてくれる合意、EUの友好国やパートナーたちとの合意です。皆さんはオーブンで温めるだけで出来る合意を覚えていますね。それでもって私たちは去る(2020年)1月31日に(EUから)離脱し、あのオーブンで温めるだけで出来る合意は単にスターター(訳者註: イギリス英語で「前菜」の意)に過ぎませんでした。そして今度のが御馳走(ごちそう)であり、魚がたっぷり入ってます(訳者註: 英国近海の漁業権の交渉で揉(も)めに揉めたが最終的にEU側の譲歩を引き出したことを英首相が冗句を入れて誇示している)、ちなみにね。そして私が確信するように、それ(=今回の合意)はこれから長年に及ぶEUの友好国とパートナーたちとの幸(さち)多き上首尾な安定したパートナーシップの基盤に成ることでしょう。

So that’s it, that’s the good news from Brussels — now for the sprouts. And a happy Christmas to you all.

ですのでそれはブリュッセルからの良い知らせです。そして今は、ブリュッセルの芽(訳者註: 日本では「芽キャベツ」の名で知られるが、イギリスではベルギー王国首都にしてEUの行政上の首都でもあるブリュッセルの名が冠されていて、「ブらッセルズ・スプラウツ」と言う。冬を代表するような野菜で、毎年12月25日の祝日の15:00ぐらいに食べるクリスマス・ディナーの肉料理に添えられる。)を食べる番です。皆さんに幸多き聖誕祭(クリスマス)を。

(日本語訳: 原田俊明)