西曆2014年11月 8日(土) 個人電子書簡(Schible-sensei condolences)

From: xapaga

Subject: My belated condolences

To: Sxxxxxx Schible

Date: Saturday, 8th November 2014

Hello (after more than 3 years), Sxxxxxx.

I have just received a recent copy of the November 2014 issue of “Dokkyo Daigaku News”, wherein I found the terse three-line obituary of your father:


訃報 M.A.シブル先生


68年 専任講師 89年 准教授



Obituary: M. A. Schible sensei

died of an illness on 14th June ’14 at age 84

Full-time lecturer in ’68; Associate Professor in ’89

[End of translation]

Hence my deepest sympathy and condolences to you and your family. Looking back, I remember agonising over the sudden death of my father at age 73 in April 2013 (In fact I can still get upset today whenever I think about his death). The sad belated news this time of the death of Mr Schible, my “academic father” so to speak, gives me another emotional nasty shock. Despite the somewhat bitter memories in August 2011 owing to his manic behaviour (Pray excuse my words), I still owed your father a great deal because he gave a warm welcoming, helping hand to me as a light-weight, utterly insignificant student at Dokkyo during the entire first half of the 1990s.

I happen to visit Dokkyo tomorrow (Sunday) for an odd job of the nationwide English proficiency test. I shall be thinking about Schible-sensei when I tread upon the ground on the Dokkyo premises tomorrow with a sense of gratitude in my mind.

Yours sincerely

Toshiaki Harada

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