西曆2019年 8月~9月 個人電子書簡(Greetings from the Caspian Sea)


Subject: Della Steak House photos to go

Date: 2019年8月21日(水) 15:25 IRDT

Hello Appos!

I was nice talking with your folks. First time in Iran and only my second day has already been memorable thanks to you and your people.

Afterwards I visited Hafez Mausoleum and returned to my hotel room on foot. It’s always a great adventure walking in a scorching, hot climate, especially crossing the busy road traffic in this part of the world. I think I need a siesta (i.e. napping if not a nappy) to regain some energy.

The 5 attachment files that I try to send to you right now might be too heavy but should be worth trying.

xapaga (also known as Toshi Harada)

Subject: Re: Della Steak House photos to go

Date: 2019年8月21日(水) 19:58 IRDT

Salaam, Abbas!

Terribly sorry for my misspelling. I misheard your name as if it were “Appos”. In reality, it’s the same name as the world-famous cinéaste, Abbas Kiarostami! That’s really cool, actually.

Thanks very much indeed for your kind offer. I’ve found Karaj easily on the map. The name somehow reminds me of a Slovenian (former Yugoslav) town of Kranj (also known as “Krainburg” in German under the Habsburg Empire) that I visited about 15 years ago. Yes, as you say, your city is situated on the route from Tehran to Chalus on the Khazar (Caspian) Sea and of course further west to Ramsar. It must be fairly convenient, geographically speaking. What is more, Tehran Metro Line 5 has got Karaj station.

Here’s a bit of cultural concern and headache. The Lonely Planet guidebook explains about the Iranian custom of “ta'arof”, in which you should “always refuse any offer three times but, if they continue to insist, do accept”. It looks like a complicated business indeed, though we may have had a similar custom in Japan a long, long time ago. Yes, I actually want to accept your kind offer, skipping the 3 ritual(?) refusals! Being an ignorant foreign visitor here should be a good excuse. I must leave this Republic on Sunday 1st September, so I’ll be seeing you towards the end of August by all means!

Just in case, my smartphone (though not so smart) number is: +81 80 xxxx xxxx (or 080 xxxx xxxx within Japan). I don’t have any Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Telegram, or Twitter account. All I’ve got (as xapaga) are Google Sites, Couchsurfing and YouTube (all three of which are sadly blocked in Iran) and TripAdvisor (not blocked so far).

Here’s me (with the real name of HARADA Toshiaki) on my employer’s official website (available in Japanese only): https://gyouseki.swu.ac.jp/swuhp/KgApp?kyoinId=ymibygyoggy

The university has got some English-language webpages like this: https://en.swu.ac.jp/about/this-is-showa/

Talk to you later!


Subject: Re: Della Steak House photos to go

Date: 2019年8月23日(金) 16:23 IRDT

Salaam Abbas!

I wanted to respond to you sooner, but the wi-fi connection inside Arg Hotel has been so sporadic that I had to wait till now.

I appreciate that you kindly invite me to your home in Karaj, and that without “ta'arof”!

In the previous message of mine I wrote about my (not so smart) smartphone. It successfully received a phone call from Japan even when I was in such a remote place like Kathmandu, Nepal in March 2018. But when I tried to contact a Swedish friend of mine living in London, UK from a German hot spa town of Bad Homburg in September 2018, I couldn’t hear my friend’s voice. All was silence. Upon my arrival in London, I asked him about my phone call, and he said that he actually heard my voice but that he couldn’t receive my responses. Well, in short, a stupid phone! So please do not rely too much on it.

Tomorrow I’ll be going to Esfahan. It will be a long journey ahead.


Subject: Re: Della Steak House photos to go

Date: 2019年8月26日(月) 20:14 IRDT

Salaam, Abbas!

I’m currently in Esfahan/Isfahan. I’ve visited some beautiful bridges over the River Zayandeh and of course the famous Emam/Imam Square, which is half the world.

Here’s my plan ahead. Your suggestion of Yazd should be nice, but as an “Iran travel beginner”, I haven’t got enough time to visit there.

Tuesday 27 August (tomorrow)

Take the bus from Esfahan Kaveh to Tehran. Stay in Tehran.

Wednesday 28 August

Take the train from Tehran railway station to Rasht. Then probably a taxi ride to Ramsar. Stay in Ramsar.

Thursday 29 August

Stay in Ramsar.

Friday 30 August

Take Iran Air from Ramsar RZR to Tehran Mehrabad THR. Stay in Tehran.

Saturday 31 August

Stay in Tehran (my last night in Iran).

Sunday 1 September

Take Turkish Airlines from Tehran Emam/Imam Khomeini IKA to Istanbul IST.

If at all possible, I can visit you in Karaj either on Friday evening or Saturday. How about you?


Subject: Re: Della Steak House photos to go

Date: 2019年8月27日(火) 23:16 IRDT

Salaam, Abbas!

I’ve reached the capital Tehran. I’m staying at a hotel near the railway station to get on the morning train for Rasht tomorrow (Wednesday). Your e-mail is very much a welcome message to me now in the north of Iran.

I really appreciate your invitation for this coming Friday evening. I’m supposed to arrive at Tehran Mehrabad THR at 1310hrs and then check in at a hotel near Emam/Imam Khomeini metro station. I shall then head for Karaj metro station. I’m not sure exactly what time I can be there. Well, it’s just a small headache right now.

It’s up to you and your family whether you’ll take me to your home, a restaurant, or anything else. I tell you that I don’t have a big stomach and that I eat basically small portions these days. My digestive organs such as intestines don’t work properly in the past few days, but I shall regain good health on the Khazar (Caspian) Sea very soon.

Talk to you later.


Subject: Re: Della Steak House photos to go

Date: 2019年8月30日(金) 1:18 IRDT

Salaam, Abbas! Greetings from the Khazar (Caspian) Sea!

Sorry for my late reply. Yes, I’ll tell you my approximate arrival time tomorrow when I have checked in at Ferdowsi Grand Hotel near Emam Khomeini metro station in Tehran.

When I took the train (no metro) from Tehran railway station on Wednesday, it took me about 45 minutes to reach the first stop, Karaj. Is it gonna be similar with Metro lines 2 & 5? Or maybe more time is needed, like (let’s say) 60 minutes, when it comes to a metro ride? I’d appreciate very much if you could possibly meet me in Karaj metro station of Metro Line 5.

Anyhow, good night and see you very soon!


Subject: Re: Della Steak House photos to go

Date: 2019年8月30日(金) 8:17 IRDT

Got it, Abbas! I’ll e-mail you from Ferdowsi Grand Hotel, and in about an hour’s time I’ll be in Karaj metro station. See you then! ---Toshi

Subject: Re: Della Steak House photos to go

Date: 2019年8月30日(金) 15:13 Iran Standard Time

Thank you for the welcome message, Abbas! I’m ready to leave Ferdowsi for a while. Let’s say we shall meet up at Karaj metro station ticket booth at 16:16 (4:16pm). ---Toshi

Subject: Re: Della Steak House photos to go

Date: 2019年8月30日(金) 23:38 IRDT

Salaam, Abbas!

Thank you very much indeed for inviting me to your home. It was such an honour to be your special foreign guest. Today’s visit to Karaj was very inspiring and gave me a good lesson on Persian/Iranian culture, too, though during the term time, I have a weekly lecture on British culture at a Japanese university.

Sorry, I have never met Paulo Coelho in person, actually. I found that he is a Brazilian author, which means that the EU delegation (a kind of embassy) in Tokyo never invited him to European Literature Festival that took place in autumn 2017 and ’18.

My return journey today took me 70 minutes with a good connection at Tehran (Sadeghiyeh) station, by the way.

Please come and visit Japan some time in future. Good night!


Subject: Greetings from the Caspian Sea

Date: 2019年8月30日(金) 1:00 IRDT


件名を Greetings from Ayatollah’s rogue state にしようとも考えましたが、当局に検閲される前に自己検閲してしまいました。何を隠そう、昨今なにかと話題の「ならず者国家」(a rogue state)、イラン・イスラム共和国に来ております。イランと言えば、かの「おそロシア」以上に恐ろしい印象がありますが、旅行のし易さ(と言うより旅行のしにくさ)に関しては、およそインド並みか、それ以下です。実際インド以上に困るのは、Gmail の提供する corporate service が米側の都合で情報遮断されている点です。SWUメールのtharadaアカウントにアクセスしようとすると、次のメッセージ( https://support.google.com/a/answer/2891389 )が出てきます。



クリミア、キューバ、イラン、北朝鮮、スーダン、シリアなどの特定の国や地域では、Google の一部のビジネス向けサービスへのアクセスが制限されています。これらの国や地域から該当するサービスにログインしようとすると、次のエラーが表示されます。

G Suite アカウントに対応していない国からログインしようとしているようです。

なお、一部の Google サービスについては、個人でのご利用に限りお使いいただける場合があります。ただしその場合も、営利または教育目的でご利用いただくことはできませんのでご了承ください。


したがってイラン滞在中に三茶の会社からどんなメールが届いているのか知る由がありませんので、今頃は馘首(クビ)になっていても大して驚きません。Google Sites については、アクセス可能な他人のアカウントはありますが、我がxapagaアカウント( https://sites.google.com/site/xapaga/home )は米側に「教育目的」と認定されてしまったのか、はたまたイラン側に「反イスラム的」と認定されてしまったのか定かではありませんが、アクセスできず困っております。また、イラン革命政府による情報遮断として、YouTube も Facebook も Twitter も見ることができません(尤も後者2つに興味は無く、個人アカウントは有しておりませんが)。

今回はトルコのイスタンブール新空港を経由して、南部のやたらと暑いシラーズ(Shiraz)国際空港にてイラン入りを果たしました。シラーズと言えば、日本のスーパーマーケットでもよく見かける重口赤ワインの葡萄品種(豪州産の Shiraz とフランス産の Syrah は基本的に同種)ですが、厳格なイスラム教の国であるイランなのでアルコール飲料は飲めません。ちょっと洒落た飲食店に行くと、飲み物の筆頭にモヒートォ(Mojito)なるコックテイルが挙げられていますが、悲しいことに white rum の代わりに white sugar syrup が使われています。目にも鮮やかな緑色のミントの葉っぱと新鮮な青レモンと少量の塩が入っているので、これを飲むと生き返ったような気分になります。現地の清涼飲料水は甘すぎるので、甘さが抑えられたノンアルコール・ビールを飲むことも多いのです。



先週は世界史の教科書でもお馴染みのペルセポリス(Persepolis)を含むシラーズ郊外の有名な観光地(遺跡と墳墓)を現地旅行会社の1日ツアーで転々としました。暑い中をとにかく体力勝負なので、三茶の学生たちからは「もう疲れた! やめにしたい!」と、すぐに苦情が出そうな内容でした。Trump米大統領による経済制裁(economic sanction)が効いていて、訪れる外国人観光客も少なく、イラン各地から来た人々と一緒の移動になったのは却って面白かったです。ガイドが説明する際には英語グループとペルシャ語グループに分けられましたが、古民家での昼食などはイラン人も外国人も一緒なので他国では味わえないような体験でした。

シラーズからは長距離バスで8時間かけてイラン中部の古都イスファハン(Esfahan or Isfahan)へ単独移動しました。「イスファハンは世界の半分」という言葉にもあるように昔からイラン観光のハイライトであることに納得しました。もっと涼しい時期に訪れたいとも思いました。次にイスファハンからイラン北部は首都テヘラン(Tehran)まで長距離バスで6時間かけて移動しましたが、これは翌朝の列車に乗るためだけの移動でした。

昨日(水曜)は列車で5時間(公称6時間の筈がなぜか1時間も短縮)かけてカスピ海に近いラシュト(Rasht)駅まで行き、その先は公共交通が無いため、破れかぶれでタクシーに身を任せました。もちろん料金は乗車前に交渉済です。約75キロ(三軒茶屋から成田空港までぐらい)の道のりを2時間半かけて、憧れていた古めかしい大ホテルに着きました。タクシー代は150万リアルでしたが、後でXE( xe.com )という最も中立的な通貨レートサイトで調べたところ、3,776円(奇しくも富士山の標高)でした。

そんなわけでイラン北部でカスピ海南岸のラームサル(Ramsar)に来ております。今から半世紀近く前の1971年に世界の湿地・湿原の環境保全を目的としたラムサール条約(Ramsar Convention: 和訳条約名は「ラームサル」ならぬ「ラムサール」)が調印された地です。泊まっているホテル西隣の敷地にはラムサール条約が結ばれたシャー(シャア専用ザクならぬ旧イラン皇帝)の離宮(現在の宮殿博物館)があります。このホテル自体もシャーの肝入りで建てられたといい、「昔日はさぞかし豪華絢爛だったのだろう」と思わせるものがあります。1979年のイスラム革命前は金持ちな米人が挙って宿泊していたとのことです。




Subject: Re: Greetings from the Caspian Sea

Date: 2019年9月2日(月) 14:12 AZT


旧ソ連アゼルバイジャンに入国しました。日本国籍者のみ到着時即時発給査証(visa on arrival)が無料です。

「ならず者国家」(a rogue state)のイランから送ったメールは、どうやら先生方に届いていないようですね。言語障壁や異文化の問題でイランにては2週間近くずっと悪戦苦闘しておりましたが、この早朝にカスピ海の畔、アゼルバイジャン共和国首都バクー(Baku)に着いたところです。早朝に着いてしまったがために、空港内と街中で暇つぶしをして、その間にはWi-Fiを利用して本日の宿を確保しました。首都は想像以上に近代化・西欧化されており、西洋かぶれした自分には頗る快適です。もはや「禁酒の無理強い」をされることはありませんし、Trumpの経済制裁の影響で三茶の会社のGmailアカウントの情報遮断という由々しき事態も、ここアゼルバイジャンでは生じません。早めのチェックインが認められたので、今はそのホテルの部屋から目の前の旧市街城壁と、遠方のテレビ塔(何やら東ベルリン風)と石油成金の象徴的存在 Flame Towers なるアサヒビール本社の俗称・蔑称「うんこビル」の巨大版(但し、外観はうんこ色に非ず)を眺めております。




Subject: Re: Greetings from the Caspian Sea

Date: 2019年9月2日(月) 17:48 AZT


近頃の原田は an Iran apologist にでも成り下がったのかと訝しい気持ちを抱かれるやも知れませぬが、イランの人々は概ね人懐っこく友好的であり、反米主義者ですらありません。実のところ、イラン人などよりも私の方が観念的には(実行に移さないだけで)遥かに反米であることに気づきました。


イランの治安は想像以上に良好であり、身の危険を感じるのは道路の横断や、歩道を歩行中にバイクが脇をかすめて行く時ぐらいです。歩道歩行での危険は日本とよく似ていて、私は会社附近の世田パンの前辺りで命の危険に晒されたことがあります。ただ、イランと少し異なり、和製英語で言う「バイク」ではなく、英語で言う bike (自転車)による事故(私からすると事件)でしたが。

昨年訪れたウズベキスタン(旧ソ連でイスラム教徒が多数派の国)と同様にイランでも私が日本人だと分かると「一緒に写真を撮りましょう!」と言ってくる女性が多かったです。女性に囲まれて悪い気はしません。また、イラン南部のシラーズ(Shiraz)のちょっと高級なステーキ店で食事をしていたら、隣席のイラン人一家(後に一種の extended family と判明)と意気投合し、北へ930キロも離れたキャラージ(Karaj)に住む若夫婦(夫32歳エンジニア・妻28歳会計士)のご家庭を後日訪問する光栄にも浴しました。夫の伯母(or 叔母)さんが62歳の元英語教員で、英語の他にドイツ語やフランス語でも会話が成り立ち、大いに盛り上がりました。9歳の女の子向けにと思ってカスピ海沿いでお土産の大きな人形を買って持って行きましたが、その子は親戚の子であり、シラーズに里帰りするといつもついてくるだけとのことでした。イランの大家族ぶりの一端を垣間見た格好です。



Subject: Re: イギリス文化論後期19「女子大生からの批判・批評」について

Date: 2019年9月2日(金) 7:55 AZT





クリミア、キューバ、イラン、北朝鮮、スーダン、シリアなどの特定の国や地域では、Google の一部のビジネス向けサービスへのアクセスが制限されています。これらの国や地域から該当するサービスにログインしようとすると、次のエラーが表示されます。

G Suite アカウントに対応していない国からログインしようとしているようです。

なお、一部の Google サービスについては、個人でのご利用に限りお使いいただける場合があります。ただしその場合も、営利または教育目的でご利用いただくことはできませんのでご了承ください。






イギリス文化論Q&A 2017b 平成29年度後期



前期授業資料23番「イギリス文化論」(2019/ 7/ 4) フェミニズムと女性の社会進出(後編)


後期授業資料19番「イギリス文化論」(2019/12/10) 英国の恋愛と結婚


今年になってから橘玲(たちばな あきら, b.1959)氏の文章を加え、議論を少し補強しました。





Subject: 藝祭2019 まとめました、御参考まで

Date: 2019年9月6日(金) 9:09 AZT


宿泊先のWi-Fiが弱いためか、せっかくいただいた予定表ですが、日付しか読み込めません(画像ファイルと思しき箇所は大きな空白として画面に在ります)。しかしながら、自宅でも暇つぶしによく聴いている BBC Radio 4( http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/player/bbc_radio_fourfm )は感度良好です。



Subject: 藝祭2019 まとめました、御参考まで

Date: 2019年9月6日(金) 11:04 AZT



Subject: Greetings from the Caspian Sea!

Date: 2019年9月2日(月) 16:07 AZT

Dear Norman,

Are you enjoying the remaining warm days of England right now? Or have you already “escaped” to somewhere hot and spicy?

As for me, I have just entered the former Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan. Before coming here, I’ve been struggling for nearly 2 weeks (or should I say a fortnight) in what the US calls “a rogue state”, i.e. the Islamic Republic of Iran (formerly Persia), what with language barrier and what with utterly different culture.

I’m in Baku the capital city right now on the Caspian Sea. Having arrived in the early morning, I killed time inside the International Airport and also in town. In the meanwhile I made full use of the free wi-fi and booked a room for 4 nights beginning tonight. Baku is much modernised and westernised than I imagined, so it’s a pleasant surprise for me as a civilised man. No one will be imposing “alcohol ban” on me here in Azerbaijan, and the economic sanction by Donald Trump doesn’t reach here so that I can freely use my own Gmail account of Google corporate service contracted by my employer in Tokyo.

The hotel admitted my early check-in, and I’m typing this e-mail message to you, overlooking Baku’s Old Town walls, the TV tower (in the style of Ost-Berlin) and the petrol-money-induced Flame Towers.

Looking back, I flew via Istanbul new airport to Shiraz, a very dry and hot city in the south of Iran last month. Shiraz of course reminds you of that full-bodied wine from Australia (basically the same grape variety as the French “Syrah”), but as Iran has been a strict Shia Islamist country since 1979, no alcoholic drinks are available, ever. If you visit a nice, sophisticated looking café or something, you’ll find “Mojito” on top of the menu. Sadly, it’s just a soft drink with white sugar syrup instead of white rum, but the combination of verdant mint leaves, the fresh green lemon and a pinch of salt gives you a refreshing feeling. Most of the cold drinks in Iran were basically too sweet for me, so I often had to choose non-alcoholic beer to accompany food.

It was hot every day, but once inside an air-conditioned room, it was fairly comfortable. The setback is that air-conditioners are designed for the summer like in Japan, where the humidity level is quite murderous so that the dry Iranian heat isn’t actually suitable for an air-con machine. The dry air gets even drier, and I suffered from the bad nose and throat. A humidifier equipment would be nice.

Similar to China, the risk of getting involved in a crime in Iran is less high than getting hit by some erratic vehicle on the street. Iranian drivers have no notion of “Pedestrians first” and crazy motorbikes occasionally invade the pavement (or sidewalk in American English) and that in the wrong direction.

I visited such history textbook places as Persepolis (or in a formal term, Takht-e Jamshid), the Persian Necropolis (or formally, Naghsh-e Rostam) and Pasargadae tomb by joining a local tour group for a mere 20 euro in cash. It required physical strength in the intense sunlight, and our tour guide showed his no non-sense attitude in explaining all the historical matters in his scholastic knowledge. Donald Trump’s economic sanction proves effective and few foreigners ever visit Iran, so we foreigners toured the famous sites with Iranian tourists who came from various parts of the country, which I found interesting. When the tour guides explained, we got divided into English-language and Persian-language groups, but we took lunch together in a traditional home. This kind of thing doesn’t usually happen in other countries.

From Shiraz I made an 8-hour coach journey to the former capital Esfahan (or Isfahan) in the middle of the country. As Persian people used to say, “Isfahan is half the world”, it’s sort of highlight of Iranian tourism now and then. I only wished I visited there in a cooler season. Then I made a 6-hour coach journey to the present capital Tehran in the north, but this move was taken for only a railway journey the next morning.

Last Wednesday I made a 5-hour rail journey (officially 6 hours but somehow reduced in time) to Rasht near the Caspian Sea, and thence I took a taxi as there was no public transport all the 75 kilomtres to Ramsar. It took me 2 + 1/2 hours and cost me 1.5 million rial (IRR1,500,000), which is about 29 pounds sterling, according to XE website ( xe.com ).

Ramsar on the Caspian Sea is the place where Ramsar Convention was signed in 1971 to protect the environment of wetlands around the world. The Grand Ramsar Hotel (also known as Parsian Azadi Hotel, Ramsar) was constructed next door to the summer palace of the Shah on His Majesty’s own initiative. Many a rich American is said to have stayed in the grand hotel before the Islamic Revolution of 1979.

Bye for now, and talk to you later,


Subject: Re: Greetings from the Caspian Sea!

Date: 2019年9月7日(土) 11:50 FET

Dear Norman,

For my breakfast I’ve ended up in this inevitable tourist trap of Istanbul, i.e. the far too famous rooftop of Seven Hills Restaurant, overlooking the Bosphorus, Ayasofya (or Hagia Sophia) Museum and the Blue Mosque (or Camii Sultan Ahmet). This place is currently packed with Russian and Chinese speakers, which doesn’t necessarily arouse your interest, admittedly.

This is one of the toughest parts of this journey of mine. I spent 10 hours yesterday (Friday) in Baku town after checking out from my hotel, waiting for my past-midnight Turkish Airlines flight. Having arrived in Istanbul new airport very early this morning (Saturday), I took the airport shuttle bus to the Old Town (Sultanahmet district). As I saw all the famous sites here back in 2013, all I have to do is kill time, indeed 12 hours in town until I can check in at the Airport for my again past-midnight flight for Tokyo NRT. This means that I’m a hapless homeless man from Friday noon till I return home on Sunday night.

Looking back, Baku was a wonderful place, superficially the “Dubai on the Caspian” but with its Old Town intact and with its bustling New Town packed with happy and vigorous young people. I found the people friendly and car drivers well-mannered. As a wealthy petrol-producing country, the people seem to afford not to fight or argue, so to speak.

Croatia (especially the Dalmatian coast) in September is a nice idea. If you have enough time there, I recommend Split (or Spalatro), Trogir (or Trau) and the island of Rab (or Arbe), apart from the all too famous Dubrovnik (or Ragusa). Talking of which, the nearby Montenegro town of Kotor (or Càttaro) is also worth a visit.

Anyhow, bon voyage on your part!


Subject: Re: Greetings from the Caspian Sea!

Date: 2019年9月7日(土) 20:48 FET

Dear Norman,

I’m kind of stuck in a restaurant here in Istanbul.

>one of the worst cities in the world for traffic

Well, I think not, actually. I found Tehran and other Iranian cities far worse in terms of traffic, and my day in Istanbul right now is pleasant enough.

As for your forthcoming Dubrovnik stay, Kotor (in Montenegro) visit/excursion should be nice.


Subject: Greetings from the Caspian Sea!

Date: 2019年8月29日(木) 8:49 IRDT

Merhaba, Ulaş!

How’s it going?

Guess what. I’m currently visiting Ramsar, Iran on the coast of the Caspian Sea. I’ll then visit Azerbaijan in the earliest part of September. Afterwards I’ll make a day trip to Istanbul on Saturday 7th, from morning till night, and finally fly back to Tokyo with Turkish Airlines.

Can we possibly meet up in town next Saturday (7th Sept)? I’ve already been to Sultanahmet district and seen all the famous tourist sites. Also I made a day trip to Kuzguncuk on the Asian side last Monday (19th August) when I was waiting for my evening flight to Shiraz, Iran, by the way.

I suggest we should meet in a decent place that is less touristic, only if you happen to be available and are willing to meet me.

BTW, I withheld my LinkedIn account after several troubles that I blame entirely on their admin.

Toshi (also known as xapaga)

Subject: Re: Greetings from the Caspian Sea!

Date: 2019年9月12日(木) 19:01 JST

Merhaba, Ulaş!

Glad you are still there and sorry for my short notice.

During the past 3 weeks or so, I entered your Republic 3 times! But I didn’t stay in any hotel or hostel (my apologies to the Turkish hospitality business world). I chose to be a “homeless man” in Istanbul, because all the 3 flights out of Istanbul/İstanbul new airport (to Shiraz/راز,/Şiraz, Baku/Bakı/Bakü, and TokyoNarita/東京成田) took off past midnight. Upon my 1st entry to Turkey, I enjoyed walking in Kuzguncuk area on the Asian side. My 2nd entry to Turkey was so short that I remained inside the New Airport building, drinking beer. And during my 3rd entry, which took place as recently as last Saturday (September 7th), I went to Sultanahmet area without sightseeing. I spent hours and hours (indeed 12 hours in total) on the rooftop of Seven Hills Restaurant, at a café nearby whose name I don’t know, and finally at the courtyard restaurant of Four Seasons Hotel in front of Seven Hills Restaurant.

>What are you doing at this part of the world, travelling or business?

Well, I was only a casual traveller. I visited 4 cities in Iran, i.e. Shiraz, Esfahan/Isfahan, Tehran and Ramsar. Then I visited Baku in Azerbaijan.

Let us meet up in Turkey or Tokyo in the future. Bye for now!


Subject; Re: 9/14(土)13:00第9の映画が無料で見れます。御参考まで

Date: 2019年9月12日(木) 18:36 JST



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