西曆2018年 3月 個人電子書簡(Greetings from South Asia)

Subject: Re: シーボルト・ゼミナールのご案内

Date: Monday, 19 March 2018 at 13:46




西曆2018年新春 在京欧州系その他による各種催し物




ネパールの首都カトマンドゥ(Kathmandu, Nepal)にて



Subject: 何度も電話させてしまい申し訳ございません

Date: Sunday, 18 March 2018 at 12:08




ちょっと前はフィリピンの都マニラ旧市街(Intramuros, Metro Manila, Philippines)を訪れていました。一旦帰国(殆ど「訪日」感覚の自宅2泊)して、東京ドイツ文化センター内のドイツ東洋文化研究協会(オーアーゲー)で研究発表を聴き、同協会の立食パーティーに出て、SWU社の卒業式(例年通り3月16日)に出席したあとは、家に帰らず羽田から再び渡航しました。今はネパールの都カトマンドゥ(Kathmandu, Nepal)の中心街に来ています。英語では“Cat Man Do”のような発音です。明後日(火曜)は当地の旧友(ランカスター留学時代からの23年来の友)と落ち合って、その後は単独でスリランカ(Sri Lanka)を訪れます。ただ、変てこなルートを自分で組んでしまったので、一旦はタイ国の都バンコック(Bangkok, Thailand)に1泊します。



カトマンドゥのタメル地区(Thamel, Kathmandu)にて



Subject: Just arrived!

Date: Saturday, 17 March 2018 at 20:35

Namaste, Ganga Ram-ji!

Just arrived in your wonderful country. As I have no local cash yet today, can we possibly meet up tomorrow (Sunday) somewhere in Thamel? Any hour of the day and night is fine with me. How about you? Otherwise Monday and/or Tuesday will also be fine with me as a silly tourist.


Subject: Re: Just arrived!

Date: Saturday, 17 March 2018 at 21:22

Thank you, Ganga Ram-ji!

Tuesday at 5pm is very fine with me too.

I’ve googled ‘Himalayan Java Cafe in Thamel’ but the results are a bit confusing. One is called ‘Himalayan Java Coffee’ (rather than Café) at Mandala Street, and the other is called Himalayan Java (without the Café or Coffee appellation) at the corner of Tridevi Marg & Keshar Mahal Marg.

Which one are you suggesting? Whoops, come to think of it, the Garden of Dreams is just there! So the latter (at the corner of Tridevi Marg & Keshar Mahal Marg) is correct, I presume? All right. Got it!

See you on Tuesday!


Subject: Greetings from Kandy, Sri Lanka!

Date: Sunday, 25 March 2018 at 02:40

Dear Ganga Ram-ji!

Thank you very much indeed for your hospitality at your University campus in the south-west of Kathmandu, the nice café (the one next to Southern Comfort) in the south, Patan historic district in the south and last but certainly not least your home in the south-east! My last night in Nepal was the most memorable and heartwarming thanks to your family. Actually it turned out to be the best Tuesday in my life!

My belated acknowledgement is owing to my ill health with the throat and nose in Bangkok and Colombo and the subsequent malfunctioning of the Internet service in my hotel room. So much for the excuse! Now I’m gradually recovering and typing the keyboard in the ground floor eatery whose only claim to fame, it seems, is the Japanese-inspired ‘omurice’ (omelette’n rice) though I don’t know why they chose this less traditional Japanese food.

I’m trying to send you the photos, but because they are rather too ‘heavy’, Gmail insists that I should lead you to some specific Google Drive link. Let us see if it works out.

Also here are the links to my videos (NB: Your Uni campus scenes are just optional):

Nepal: Tribhuvan University (TU), Kathmandu (2/11) 2018-03-20(Tue)1117hrs


Nepal: Tribhuvan University (TU), Kathmandu (6/11) 2018-03-20(Tue)1130hrs


Nepal: Tribhuvan University (TU), Kathmandu (8/11) 2018-03-20(Tue)1230hrs


Nepal: Patan in Kathmandu South (1/10) 2018-03-20(Tue)1556hrs


Nepal: Patan in Kathmandu South (2/10) 2018-03-20(Tue)1559hrs


Nepal: Patan in Kathmandu South (3/10) 2018-03-20(Tue)1602hrs


Nepal: Patan in Kathmandu South (4/10) 2018-03-20(Tue)1619hrs


Nepal: Patan in Kathmandu South (5/10) 2018-03-20(Tue)1626hrs


Nepal: Patan in Kathmandu South (6/10) 2018-03-20(Tue)1628hrs


Nepal: Patan in Kathmandu South (7/10) 2018-03-20(Tue)1644hrs


Nepal: Patan in Kathmandu South (8/10) 2018-03-20(Tue)1645hrs


Nepal: Patan in Kathmandu South (9/10) 2018-03-20(Tue)1651hrs


Nepal: Patan in Kathmandu South (10/10) 2018-03-20(Tue)1656hrs


Though I don’t mean to be patronising, I think I must give you more detailed accounts of what I brought to you as gifts.

The vase is a typical yellow Kutani Yaki (or Kutani Ware) I bought in Kanazawa (a famous samurai warrior town on the Sea of Japan coast) back in March 2017.



The not so typically traditionally Japanese but early 20th-century mock-Western style confectionery (‘Gaufres’ in French) is of Fugetsudo Kobe and the packaging is of Tokyo National Museum with the prints of their treasured items of high popularity. Do not worry. I bought it only 4 days before our reunion in Kathmandu! More than two decades ago, Kyoko Okumoto from Kobe City invited several international students at Lancaster Uni to her Japanese tea ceremony event. Because she is a Kobe girl, Kyoko-san served us each a slice of Fugetsudo Kobe Gaufre. And I bet you brought it all the way home to Nepal back in the 1990s for your little son (now 23yo!).



The 3D (three dimensional, more or less) paper samurai helmet & armour is for the traditional Boys’ Day, which falls on May 5th (Western solar calendar). I bought it at Shibuya Post Office.



The small purple handkerchief is from Imabari City on Shikoku Island (Japan’s 4th biggest island). Imabari is the hub for Japan’s towel manufacturing and currently making efforts to export their products to the outside world with some cool designs.

The small marble lucky charm creature is the only thing that is not from Japan but from East Asia’s most famous National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan.

Toshi (xapaga)​



Date: Wednesday, 28 March 2018 at 03:49


この3月はアジア4ヶ国を脈絡も無く転々としておりますが、現在は77番目の訪問国と成ったスリランカの内陸部から無事に戻り、首都コロンボ(Colombo, Sri Lanka)に滞在しております。

ちょっと前はフィリピンの都マニラ旧市街(Intramuros, Metro Manila, Philippines)を訪れていました。一旦帰国(殆ど「訪日」感覚の自宅2泊)して、東京ドイツ文化センター内のドイツ東洋文化研究協会(オーアーゲー)で研究発表を聴き、同協会の立食パーティーに出て、翌日にSWU社の卒業式(例年通り3月16日)に出席したあとは、家に帰らず羽田から再び渡航しました。ネパールの都カトマンドゥ(Kathmandu, Nepal)にては英国留学時代からの23年来の友(現地国立大学准教授)と落ち合って、その後は単独でスリランカ(Sri Lanka)を訪れています。

1週間(6泊7日)のスリランカ滞在も今宵で最後となりました。最初と最後だけは国際空港の関係で首都コロンボに滞在し、中4泊は古都キャンディ(Kandy)です。首都の城塞駅(Colombo Fort Railway Station)からキャンディ(Kandy Railway Station) へ行くまでが大変でした。1等を連結した特急(Intercity)は軒並み予約が一杯で仕方なく急行(Express Train)の2等に乗ったところ、切符を売るだけ売ってしまうという恐ろしいシステムが判明し、道中4時間(公称3時間24分ながら早めに乗り込んだのと若干の遅延で正味4時間)も立ちっぱなしでした。しかも込み合った車内にひっきりなしに物売り(ペットボトル飲料水やスナック菓子や果物やよく分からない肉料理や茹でたトウモロコシなど)やら盲目乞食歌手やらが背後を縫うように通り抜けるため疲労困憊しました(尤も面白がって動画を撮りましたが)。

Sri Lanka: inside Express Train No.1023 (1/5) 2018-03-23(Fri)1333hrs


Sri Lanka: inside Express Train No.1023 (2/5) 2018-03-23(Fri)1345hrs


Sri Lanka: inside Express Train No.1023 (4/5) 2018-03-23(Fri)1516hrs


キャンディに居たときは、路線バスを乗り継いで北上し、ユネスコ世界遺産シーギリヤ(Sigiriya)の巨岩頂上王宮痕を見たり、今度は南下して英殖民當局(British colonial authorities)が蘇格蘭風(Scottish style)に築いた高原の町ヌワラエリヤ(Nuwara Eliya)を訪れて英國文化の片鱗に触れようとしました。どちらも地図で見る分には近いのですが、実際には片道2時間半~3時間もかかる長丁場です。キャンディから首都コロンボに戻る際には運良く特急(Intercity)の座席(しかも全席指定)が取れたので、 僅か2時間37分で快適に移動できました。出発こそ3分遅れたものの到着は時刻表通りで感心しました。往路とはえらい違いです。

首都にては城塞(Fort)地区の舊阿蘭陀病院(英 Old Dutch Hospital; 蘭 Oud Nederlands ziekenhuis)前の快適なホテルに泊まっています。近所にはヒルトン(Hilton)も在ります。これが先進国なら破格な宿泊料でありながら、先週に引き続き、なぜか suite room に泊めてもらって極楽です。地方から大都会に出てきたことが無性に嬉しくて、 舊阿蘭陀病院内の日本料理店 Ikoi-tei(おそらく「憩い亭」の積り)にて散財しました。 英殖民地時代よりも前の阿蘭陀統治時代の病院建築を其儘使用しているとあって、壁に飾ってある絵は全て長崎の出島(英 Dutch Trading Post of Decima, Nagasaki; 蘭 Nederlandse handelspost van Decima, Nagasaki)という凝りようで感心しましたし、これは是非とも〇〇先生に報告せねば、、、という使命感(?)に駆られました。事前に他人のレビューを読んで下調べしていたので、印度洋マグロをこれでもかと言うほど堪能できました。反対にノルウェーサーモンは現地の富裕層には人気なようですが、マグロと比べてバカ高いのと、日本のスーパーマーケットで売っているのと同じようなので、パスしました。

明日(水曜)は泰國首都バンコック(Bangkok, Thailand)に1泊します。と、書いたところで、日本時間より3時間半遅れ(グリニッヂ標準時+5時間半)の当地も日付が変わって28日(水)になっていました。



Subject: Greetings from Ceylon!

Date: Wednesday, 28 March 2018 at 17:08

Dear Norman,

I hope this finds you well in whatever exotic place you may be. I for one am currently waiting for my flight to Bangkok Suvarnabhumi BKK at Colombo Bandaranaike International Airport CMB, having enjoyed my first ever visits to the Philippines (Metro Manila only), Nepal (Kathmandu and the surrounding areas only) and Sri Lanka (Colombo, Kandy, Sigiriya and Nuwara Eliya) this month.

As a bit of a railway enthusiast myself I took the slow ‘Express Train’ at Colombo Fort to get to Kandy the other day. The fastest ‘Intercity’ seats were all sold out (I bet individual foreign tourists and tour operators catering to foreign groups quickly bought up the tickets), so I had to put up with the 2nd Class ticket, which turned out to be tricky, though, because no seating was allocated and that Sri Lankan Rail sold as many tickets as they could at the expense of creature comforts. There I was totally unable to sit for 4 hours (officially 3 hours and 24 minutes but I got on board in good time and there was a delay of 15 minutes or so when reaching Kandy). More to my chagrin, vendors (of PET bottled water, snacks, fruits, some unknown meat products and boiled mais corns) came and went at frequent intervals, who tried to squeeze into my behind. There was also a male-female blind singing beggar pair with some wonderful and wondrous exotic song (See my videos).

Sri Lanka: inside Express Train No.1023 (1/5) 2018-03-23(Fri)1333hrs


Sri Lanka: inside Express Train No.1023 (2/5) 2018-03-23(Fri)1345hrs


Sri Lanka: inside Express Train No.1023 (4/5) 2018-03-23(Fri)1516hrs


Whoops, it’s time for boarding! Talk to you later.

Toshiaki (xapaga)

Subject: Greetings from Bangkok!

Date: Thursday, 29 March 2018 at 02:46

Dear Norman,

You were at BKK only 3 days ago?!!! That’s hardly more surprising than Kim Jong-un’s snap visit to Beijing, though, given the fact that southern parts of Asia have been a great magnet for you. I even vaguely expected that we could possibly meet up in Bangkok town, but surely such delight should be reserved for some future consumption.

Now that you mention your possible visit to Finland in August, we could meet up there, actually, because I’m thinking about visiting the former Soviet (or you could say, still as Soviet as ever) republic of Belarus via Helsinki Vantaa HEL. I now know that the great Belarussian dictator one day came up with the idea of welcoming foreigners with visa exemption of just 5 days maximum.

>A friend here is keen to go to Japan to see the cherry blossom. Can it be relied on to blossom on a specific date in a specific place, or is it affected by the weather of a particular season?

The cherry blossoming forecasting (or rather militarily called ‘Sakura Zensen’ meaning ‘Cherry Blossom Front’) has been serious business for Japan’s equivalent of your Met Office, that is, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and other related private enterprises.The following webpages will tell you when the cherished blossoms will bloom (e.g. 3.31 or 3/31 means March 31st). You don’t have to be able read Japanese scripts although there’s no English given.

As you see, your friend (a Briton?) still has a good chance of enjoying the beautiful blossoms if he (or she?) chooses to visit northern Japan.


from a Bangkok hotel near Makkasan station


Subject: Greetings from Bangkok!

Date: Thursday, 29 March 2018 at 20:06

Hej, amazing Viking!

What a life, what a man! What happened to your lectureship at HH (Högskolan i Halmstad)? Did you sexually harass a chick or two and then get kicked out for life, or something even more colourful and gruesome? Anyhow it’s ‘dream’s come true’ sort of situation for you now that you have successfully invaded London in earnest. I checked Cumberland Place, Hither Green, London, SE6 1BB on Google Maps but failed to pinpoint exactly because it’s such a long road sandwiched between a railway depot and some cemetery (and Google has no record of Stevenson Court, either). It’s located south of the centre of this universe, that is Royal Observatory Greenwich. I’m quite surprised that you bought a one-bedroom flat (or what the Londoners would call ‘bedsit’) instead of just letting/renting it, which shows your strong resolution to remain and make a living in the English metropolis. Incidentally the Brexit 365-day countdown has just started today. If it turns out to be ‘Hard Brexit’, then Europeans will have to leave the UK. I might visit you there some of these days. If it’s too small to accommodate any foreign element, then I’ll stay in Greenwich town, which should be rather nice.

Speaking of London, I’m currently typing the keyboard inside Jamie’s Italian Bangkok (Est. 2008) run by the English star chef, Jamie Oliver. Because I had a huge and sumptuous Italian lunch at another establishment (this one run by an Italian chap), I’m only ordering right now one beer after another (Italian draft and local Thai microbrewery IPA). It’s about 6pm and I have 2 more hours to kill before going to Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport (BKK) to get back to Japan.

Toshi the jet traveller


Subject: Greetings from Bangkok!

Date: Wednesday, 4 April 2018 at 05:59


バンコックは知る人ぞ知るイタリア料理店の激戦区なので、非常にレベルが高いです。あの英国のスターシェフ、ジェイミー・オリヴァー(Jamie Oliver, b.1975)もショッピングモール内に Jamie’s Italian Bangkok という店を出していて、行ってきましたが、泰國にしては物凄く高かったです(そのため使っている素材は厳選されています)。雰囲気はカジュアルでも、現地の富裕層向けなのでしょう。 その店でパソコンを開いたら、スウェーデン人の友人(3つ年上)からメールが届いていて、なんと自国の国立大学講師の仕事を辞めてしまい、今は大好きなロンドンに住んで仕事を探しているとのことでした。イェーテボリ(Göteborg: 瑞典第二の大都市)の快適なアパートを売り払い、ロンドン東部に小さなアパート(イギリス英語で flat)を買って住んでいるという気合いの入れように驚きました。ただ、文面からして、あまり真剣に職探ししているようにも見えません。親を亡くして遺産が転がり込んだらしいので余裕な様子です。
