西曆1998年 5月26日(火) 天皇訪英を伝えるニュース

Classic FM News on Tuesday 26th May 1998

1998年5月26日(火) 英民放クラシックFMニュース冒頭

Classic FM News. It’s two o’clock. I’m Janie Mitchell.

Hundreds of former prisoners of war have turned their backs on the Japanese Emperor as he rode along the Mall with the Queen. There were boos and catcalls from the crowd as Emperor Akihito was driven towards Buckingham Palace in a Royal carriage at the start of his four-day state visit. And the many veterans waved banners reading ‘Compensation Overdue’. After lunching with the Queen at the Palace, the Emperor is due to be awarded the Order of Garter, Britain’s highest order of chivalry. This evening he’ll use a speech at the Palace banquet to express his heartfelt feelings of sympathy for former internees. But the Japanese Constitution prevents the Emperor from making a formal apology because that would be considered a political act.

The row isn’t expected to have much impact on people in Japan itself. Robert Jameson, a correspondent for The Tokyo Times (sic), says they aren’t that bothered.

‘It’s not something that I think preoccupies most people on the street, on that not tremendously strong basis. There are more pressing matters at hands, specifically economy and things like that.’





(英文書き取り・日本語訳: 原田俊明)