西曆2010年 9月25日(土) Verbal attack on Chinese liars and their supporters 1 (India)

2010年9月25日(土)付の印度の大手高級紙 The Hindustan Times の記事への読者コメント欄に、striveforchinafreeworld の筆名でチャイナ国家の領土拡張政策を巡る論争に参加。

Bully in the China shop

Hindustan Times

Saturday 25th September 2010

First Published: 00:57 IST (Indian Standard Time)

Last Updated: 01:05 IST (Indian Standard Time)

http://www.hindustantimes.com/editorial-views-on/edits/Bully-in-the-China-shop/Article1-604247.aspx#disqus_thread (リンク切れ)

striveforchinafreeworld 4 months ago

Japan may have done something wrong more than 60 years ago but hasn’t been involved in any such activities since 1945, whereas China is slaughtering the peoples of Tibet and Uygur and their own dissidents (such as the Falun Gong sect) right at the moment. Anyone who has studied Linguistics knows that the Chinese language lacks the notion of tense (past, present, future and perfect), which explains why the indoctrinated Chinamen and -women too often confuse history with the current topics. Let us not forget China is a pariah state that sponsors North Korea’s state-run terrorist activities like abduction of innocent Japanese & S Korean citizens, printing & distribution of fake US dollars, production & smuggle of illegal stimulant drugs, plotting bombs on aeroplanes & foreign legations. Now that the international community saw the various wrongdoings instigated by RedChina, the artificially fabricated pseudo-communist Regime with their cherished People’s Oppression troops is doomed to the core in the long run, being contained by the annoyed & offended neighbours like India & Japan.

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Vox 4 months ago in reply to striveforchinafreeworld

Maybe you should actually study Linguistics before expressing half-knowledge. Many Asian languages including Manipuri, Mizo do not modify words in a sentence to indicate past, future tense. Past, future becomes clear based on context: “I go tomorrow” obviously means future as opposed to “I go yesterday” which is in the past. In cases where tense is not clear, helper words are used such as “Mao kin khao ti” or “Mao kin khao ka”.

Your whole premise lacks logic. Think carefully before writing.

As to supporting North Korea, without Chinese help the 6-nation talk would fail, and US is not interested in bilateral talks. Foreign currency, foreign, and even foreign songs and movies are duplicated in India without credit. Indian govt. provided material support and trained to terrorist organizations such as LTTE who glorified suicide bombings. Which country should be labeled pariah? Name two countries in India's immediate neighourhood that do not view India as overbearing.

BigJoe 4 months ago in reply to striveforchinafreeworld

“Japan may have done something wrong more than 60 years ago but hasn't been involved in any such activities since 1945, whereas China is slaughtering the peoples of Tibet and Uygur and their own dissidents (such as the Falun Gong sect) right at the moment...”

“Japan MAY have done...”

You certainly is not that old enough to see WWI and WWII how many people killed by Japanese. do you have any evidence actually can prove how many of Tibetans killed by “China is slaughtering the peoples of Tibet and Uygur ..”

WWI and WWII started from German and Japan, history will likely repeat itself..... just watch. If China is not strong enough, you know what...this part world will be ripped off by .... again for sure.

No, China will never be aggressive, they are socialism, NOT empiricism!

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striveforchinafreeworld 4 months ago

The RedChxxkBully regime will collapse in five years’ time, I can assure you, because the impoverished peasants in the country and those ethnically and/or religiously persecuted will topple the corrupt pseudo-commu-capitalist Regime with massive vengeful force. Let us then chant like that courageous Icelandic diva: Tibet independence! Tibet independence! But before their eventual happy ending (Happy for the rest of the world), they might nuke a Japanese city or two in desperation. To prevent this tragedy from happening, India and Japan must form a strong and cordial military tie (the Indo-Japanese Alliance) clearly aimed against China, just like the Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902-23, which was originally against Russia and then against Germany and Austro-Hungary. The RedBullyGovernment is an utter liar that has successfully indoctrinated the Chinese and some of the rest of the world with a wonderful scenario that the Japanese troops slaughtered 300,000(!) non-combatants with only bayonets and samurai swords in just a few days! (Was the Imperial Japanese Army so competent, do you think?) That is physically impossible, sir. The ChxxkGovernment inflated the casualties by multiplying the figure 300 times. Why did they do so? The reason is because the Chxxks wanted to deceive the world with the fairy tale that the people of Nanking (the then capital city) had suffered the atrocities that rivals a Hiroshima scale A-bomb years before the Hiroshima bombing. But in reality Chairman Mao the mad man literally killed and maimed his own population with the number estimated at 100 million within two decades after the Second World War. And let us not forget the Tiannanmen Massacre in June 1989. The people of China are blind-folded and never taught genuine history, but truth and justice shall prevail in the end. When they finally wake up, the present regime will be gone just like their corrupt predecessors one finds in history books. Let us unite and strive for a better, cleaner, eco-friendly China-free world.

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srihero 4 months ago in reply to striveforchinafreeworld

I have kept hearing “The RedChinkBully regime will collapse in five years’ time” for the past 20 years. Haha...

Annoyed 4 months ago in reply to striveforchinafreeworld

I’m sorry, but you deserve absolutely no respect for using racist terms. I am dismayed that this site would even allow this to be published. It's very distasteful, and demonstrates a lack of class.

The fact is—and I know this makes you shiver—China is here to stay. Journalists and critics have been writing about China’s obituary for years, when in fact China continues to go strong heading into the future. China has historically for 5000 years been advanced in the arts, sciences, technology, economy, etc. and they are just reassuming that position. Even right now, China’s green technology is more advanced than most countries. Deal with it.

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yamato 4 months ago in reply to striveforchinafreeworld

Congratulations Striveforchinafreeworld,

You have said in one paragraph what we Japanese have been struggling to tell the rest of the world-unfortunately most of us are not assertive enough or do not have enough English language communication skills..and this time we buckled under “near hysterical” pressure from China because Japan’s ruling DPJ did not have the courage or competence to handle the situation. For Japan to survive in this part of the world, it must work together with like-minded countries like India and the United States.

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BigJoe 4 months ago in reply to welikeindia

“China started its claim for the ownership of the islands since 1971, right after the finding that there is large oil stock there, while Japan has already claimed in 19th century....”

where did you get this from, from your high school text book?

striveforchinafreeworld 4 months ago in reply to BigJoe

Hey, you’re utterly ignorant. RedChina’s “People's Daily” admitted that in the early 1950s. Your whitewashed ChinaTextbook won’t tell you the truth.

BigJoe 4 months ago in reply to striveforchinafreeworld

“RedChina’s People’s Daily admitted that in the early 1950s...”

How many times of Japanese text books tell truth about china? Your mindset of Japan empiricism even rooted in your current text books...

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