西曆2018年 8月~11月 個人電子書簡(Greetings from home & abroad)

Subject: Can we possibly meet up?

Date: Wednesday, 8 August 2018 at 10:21

Hello Ulugbek!

Five years have passed since we last contacted each other.

Guess what. I’ve decided to join a 7-day package tour of Oʻzbekiston/Uzbekistan this month. In fact this will be my first package tour experience in 34 years!

The Uzbek Embassy in Tokyo chartered an Uzbekistan Airways direct flight from Tokyo NRT to Samarkand SKD. The super-busy schedule runs thus:

2018-08-21(Tue) 17:00 Arrival at Samarqand/Samarkand SKD. Stay in Samarqand/Samarkand.

2018-08-22(Wed) Sightseeing in Samarqand/Samarkand. Stay in Samarqand/Samarkand.

2018-08-23(Thu) Sightseeing in Shahrisabz/Shakhrisyabz. Stay in Shahrisabz/Shakhrisyabz.

2018-08-24(Fri) Sightseeing in Bukhoro/Bukhara. Stay in Bukhoro/Bukhara.

2018-08-25(Sat) Sightseeing in Bukhoro/Bukhara. Stay in Bukhoro/Bukhara.

2018-08-26(Sun) Sightseeing in Khiva (or Termez). Stay in Khiva (or Termez) or Tashkent.

2018-08-27(Mon) Sightseeing in Tashkent. 20:00 Departure from Tashkent TAS.

Assuming that you still live in the capital Tashkent, am I rather too impertinent if I ask you for a very brief reunion? Is your mobile still (Uzbekistan 998) 9xxxxxxxx? Mine is (Japan 81) 8xxxxxxxxx.

Toshi (also known as xapaga)

Subject: RE: Can we possibly meet up?

Date: Friday, 10 August 2018 at 04:28

My dear friend Ulugbek!

Many thanks indeed for the prompt reply.

Last evening (Thursday) I attended in central Tokyo the one and only meeting of us participants prior to the Uzbekistan package tour—only to find that the Uzbek Embassy’s chartered tour attracted as few as 3 including me! It sounded a bit of a nasty shock; however, the tour will take place smoothly because the Embassy will lose no fortune, face, honour or whatsoever by subcontracting the dirty work to a Japanese travel agent, who had successfully enticed a significant number into joining a slightly different (and more expensive) package tour flying directly to Samarkand SKD on the same day (21st August). Don’t get me wrong. I’m not criticising your diplomats.

Having got home in Saitama suburbia, I happened to receive a revised schedule as below:

2018-08-21(Tue) 17:00 Arrival at Samarkand SKD. Stay in Samarqand/Samarkand at Zilol Baxt Hotel.

2018-08-22(Wed) Sightseeing in Samarqand/Samarkand. Stay in Samarqand/Samarkand at Zilol Baxt Hotel.

2018-08-23(Thu) Sightseeing in Shahrisabz/Shakhrisyabz. Stay in Samarqand/Samarkand at Zilol Baxt Hotel.

2018-08-24(Fri) Sightseeing in Bukhoro/Bukhara. Stay in Bukhoro/Bukhara at Safiya Hotel.

2018-08-25(Sat) Sightseeing in Bukhoro/Bukhara. Stay in Toshkent/Tashkent at Navruz Hotel?

2018-08-26(Sun) Sightseeing in Khiva. Stay in Toshkent/Tashkent at Navruz Hotel.

2018-08-27(Mon) Sightseeing in Toshkent/Tashkent. 20:00 Departure from Tashkent TAS.

The tour operator is Mirzaev Akbarali of Silk Road Discovery ( http://srdcentralasia.com/en/ ) at Yunus Abad district, Osiyo Street 4, 64, Tashkent.

As you see, we might be able to meet up either on the night of Saturday or Sunday although I can’t see the point of going from Bukhoro/Bukhara to the capital city hotel and then to Khiva and again to the capital city hotel in 2 days. They might have cancelled the sightseeing in Khiva, or staying at the capital city hotel on Saturday must be in the wrong. Let us see.


Subject: RE: Can we possibly meet up?

Date: Monday, 13 August 2018 at 16:35

Hello again, Ulugbek!

Here’s the newly revised version:

2018-08-21(Tue) 17:00 Arrival at Samarkand SKD. Stay in Samarqand/Samarkand at Zilol Baxt Hotel.

2018-08-22(Wed) Sightseeing in Samarqand/Samarkand. Stay in Samarqand/Samarkand at Zilol Baxt Hotel.

2018-08-23(Thu) Daytrip and sightseeing in Shahrisabz/Shakhrisyabz. Stay in Samarqand/Samarkand at Zilol Baxt Hotel.

2018-08-24(Fri) 10:15 Departure from Samarqand/Samarkand station on high-speed train. 11:45 Arrival at Bukhoro/Bukhara station. Sightseeing in Bukhoro/Bukhara. Stay in Bukhoro/Bukhara at Safiya Hotel.

2018-08-25(Sat) Sightseeing in Bukhoro/Bukhara. 15:45 Departure from Bukhoro/Bukhara station on high-speed train. 19:40 Arrival at Toshkent/Tashkent station. Stay in Toshkent/Tashkent at Navruz Hotel.

2018-08-26(Sun) Sightseeing in Toshkent/Tashkent. Stay in Toshkent/Tashkent at Navruz Hotel.

2018-08-27(Mon) Sightseeing in Toshkent/Tashkent. 20:00 Departure from Tashkent TAS.

Khiva is too far away and its daytime temperature right now is said to be around 50 degrees Celsius, so that the tour operator has decided to avoid the way westward.

It looks like this package tour is fluid and flexible. Maybe you can join us (3 Japanese tourists + 1 Japanese-speaking guide) as a surprise guest at the dinner table in Toshkent either on Saturday or Sunday. The other 2 tourists (both female) would be glad to talk to a local Toshkent gentleman. You and I can then go away from the small group for a drink or two in Toshkent town.

I didn’t know that you left the Uzbek Foreign Office. Being no longer a diplomat means that you joined my group (and Robert the Yorkshire man’s) of dipsomanics, eh? Apart from that, how could I introduce you to my tour group if you happen to agree to my “surprise guest” plan? In the Japanese “salarymen” culture (which is basically shit for sure), one is judged by one’s occupation. How would you describe yourself?

Toshi (xapaga)

Subject: RE: Can we possibly meet up?

Date: Friday, 17 August 2018 at 11:05

Hi, Ulugbek!

Here’s the final, definitive version (hopefully!):

2018-08-21(Tue) 17:00 Arrival at Samarkand SKD. Stay at Hotel Zilol Baxt Samarkand ( https://hotelzilolbaxt.uz/ru/index.php/rooms/ ).

2018-08-22(Wed) Sightseeing in Samarqand/Samarkand. Stay at Hotel Zilol Baxt Samarkand.

2018-08-23(Thu) Departure from Samarqand/Samarkand station on high-speed train. Arrival at Bukhoro/Bukhara station. Stay at Safiya Hotel Bukhara ( https://m.101hotels.ru/uzbekistan/buhara/hotel_safiya.html ).

2018-08-24(Fri) Sightseeing in Bukhoro/Bukhara. Stay at Safiya Hotel Bukhara.

2018-08-25(Sat) Departure from Bukhoro/Bukhara in a chartered mini-van or minibus. Arrival in Khiva. Stay in Khiva at Hotel Malika Kheivak ( https://www.malika-khiva.com/index.htm ).

2018-08-26(Sun) Sightseeing in Khiva. Stay in Khiva at Hotel Malika Kheivak.

2018-08-27(Mon) 9:35 Departure from Urgench UGC via Bukhara BHK. 12:20 Arrival at Tashkent TAS. Sightseeing in Toshkent/Tashkent with visits to Navoiy teatri and a supermarket. 20:00 Departure from Tashkent TAS.

As you see, the tour operator changed their mind to include Khiva at the expense of Toshkent sightseeing activities. The tour group will be so busy that I can spend only the Monday afternoon in your capital city. We won’t even have the time for a proper dinner in town.

What should we do? I’m not so sure about the (Spanish-built?) high-speed rail service between Toshkent and Samarqand as to how reliable and reasonably priced it can be at the same time. This might sound rather too brazen on my part, but would you be able to come down to Samarqand if at all possible? Just say no if you find it inconvenient indeed.

Toshi the traveller

Subject: RE: 兄の結婚式

Date: Saturday, 18 August 2018 at 23:12


どうも返信が遅くなってしまいました。一昨日(木曜)の締切ギリギリで「イギリス文化論」の採点とUpShowaへの入力を終え、昨日(金曜)午後は総合教育センター主催の英語教員向け説明会に出席した上で他大学教員のレクチャーを聴かされ、その日の夕方から夜にかけては「イギリス文化論」の最後の質疑応答(Q&A: https://sites.google.com/site/xapaga/home/igirisubunkaron2018a )を遅れ馳せ乍(なが)ら完成させました。やったー! その後で漸(ようや)く本当の意味で夏期休暇がやってきました。本日(土曜)は池袋の英国もどきパブのHubでドイツ語を喋るMeetupイベントに行ってきましたが、主催者のドイツ人が燻(くゆ)らす葉巻と別の日本人のタバコの煙に耐えきれず、そそくさと30分弱で退散しました。服と毛髪に付着する臭いが最悪です。あのグループはもうやめようと思います。




いやぁ、素敵なご夫婦・ご親族では! 大阪での華やいだ一時(いっとき)が伝わってきますね。


来週月曜(8/20)は成田に前泊して、火曜(8/21)から旧ソ連中央アジアのウズベキスタン6泊+帰路機中1泊の旅に出ます。在日ウズベク大使館が企画するチャーター便なので、古都サマルカンド(Samarqand/Samarkand)へ成田から一直線です。個人的には、なんと34年ぶりの package tour への参加なので、その点が心配と言えば心配です。身勝手な行動や、行き当たりばったりの心変わりなどは禁物です。



Subject: RE: Can we possibly meet up?

Date: Sunday, 19 August 2018 at 10:37

Got it, Ulugbek! Some afternoon coffee/tea in Toshkent on Monday 27th. I’ll keep you informed of possible changes and alterations to the itinerary. Maybe you can suggest a nice café in town? —Toshi soon to be in Toshkent

Subject: RE: Can we possibly meet up?

Date: Thursday, 23 August 2018 at 04:16

Greetings from Samarkand!

I wanted to send a message to you earlier but failed to do so because the wi-fi connection doesn’t reach my hotel room and the wi-fi in the hotel reception area is extremely slow.

Did the Silkroad Travel chaps phone you? You are kindly invited to our busy lunch in Toshkent on Monday next.


Subject: ブハラでお探しの店

Date: Friday, 24 August 2018 at 19:24


ブハラでお探しの店は、Suzani Gallery & Workshop ではないでしょうか。姉の Vazira さんとだけ会話できました。日本のテレビ番組(NHK BS?)に出演したのは、まさにこの店だそうです。

もっと日本語の上手な妹の Zarina さんは1時間後(3時過ぎ)に店に来るとのことでした。店は本日(金曜)夜10時まで営業しているそうです。「日本の高校の校長先生が会いたがっている」と伝えておきました。






Subject: RE: Can we possibly meet up?

Date: Sunday, 26 August 2018 at 19:45

Salom, Ulugbek!

Having suffered from severe diarrhoea for the past 48 hours or so, things have nonetheless settled in a better way. The 100ml salty vodka (as an Uzbek folk medicine?) that the 62-year-old taxi driver made me drink worked fine indeed.

Tomorrow (Monday) the tour group will fly from Urgench UGC on HY052 due to reach Tashkent TAS at 1220hrs. The Silkroad chaps will be arranging a busy lunch (if not a business lunch) in Toshkent town, where we’ll have hearty reunion.


currently at Khiva

Subject: RE: Can we possibly meet up?

Date: Sunday, 26 August 2018 at 23:45

Wow, Ulugbek, you acted as an official interpreter for Kofi Annan and President Karimov, both of whom are legendary dead men now. I’ve taken notes of bits and pieces of your great achievements and current dedications. Everything is in order.

No worries. I’ll be eating sparingly as well. Anyhow see you tomorrow.


Subject: RE: ブハラでお探しの店

Date: Monday, 27 August 2018 at 04:25







Subject: RE: Can we possibly meet up?

Date: Saturday, 1 September 2018 at 03:33

Dear Ulugbek,

Sorry for this belated correspondence (It’s already September in Japan Standard Time).

I really appreciate that you came to town to meet me. Because my stomach and intestines aren’t very sustainable at times especially when it comes to exotic food and drink, I must have given you unnecessary trouble like that Lotte Hotel. We had much to talk about after all those 22 absent years, which surprised the fellow tour guests and which is as it should be.

Now that we have modern means of mutual communication, I’ll keep you informed of some progress, digression and retrogression.


Subject: 8月ウズベクツアー写真のアップロード&共有完了

Date: Tuesday, 4 September 2018 at 18:56








ご参考までに(と言うのは言葉の綾で、その実なんの参考にもならないと思いますが)、以下は私が「アミア」ことNPOアクティブミドル国際協会(Amia: Active Middle International Association)に書き送った感想文です。











Subject: RE: 8月ウズベクツアー写真のアップロード&共有完了

Date: Wednesday, 5 September 2018 at 15:03


Amazon Driveでファイルやフォルダをアップロードおよび検索する




1. Amazon Drive ( https://www.amazon.co.jp/clouddrive ) にアクセスします。

2. ウィンドウ内にファイルをドラッグアンドドロップするか、アップロードをクリックして、ファイルを選択します。

3. 画面に表示される手順に従います。

注: [後略]






1. Amazon Drive ( https://www.amazon.co.jp/clouddrive ) にアクセスします。

2. 共有したいファイルを選択します。共有は、1度につき25ファイルまたはフォルダーまでとなっています。(原田註: フォルダで纏めて共有化してしまえば、「25」という数の制限は全く気になりません。)

3. 共有をクリックします。

4. リンクを表示またはメールで共有をクリックしてリンクを共有することもできます。

注: フォルダーを共有した場合は、その中にあるサブフォルダーも共有されます。 [後略]




Subject: RE: 兄の結婚式

Date: Wednesday, 5 September 2018 at 17:47


ベラルーシ共和国首都ミンスク(Minsk/Мінск/Минск)に来ています。大して期待しなかった割には良い街です。昨日(火曜)は大祖国戦争博物館(註: 「大祖国戦争」とは日本で言う「大東亞戰爭」のようなものでソ連側から見た第二次世界大戦のこと)まで、えっちらおっちら歩いて訪れました。博物館とは無関係ですが、まだ文化興行的には「夏の終わり」とのことで、オペラやバレエや交響楽団の公演が始まっていないのが残念です。






Subject: RE: 8月ウズベクツアー写真のアップロード&共有完了

Date: Thursday, 6 September 2018 at 15:03






Subject: RE: 8月ウズベクツアー写真のアップロード&共有完了

Date: Friday, 7 September 2018 at 15:03





Subject: RE: 兄の結婚式

Date: Saturday, 8 September 2018 at 15:56


人生で80ヶ国目であり、EU加盟28ヶ国中最後となったキプロスに来ています。場所はほぼ中東で北部は既に30年以上もトルコ軍に占領された儘(まま)ですが、文化的にはギリシアです。歴史を繙(ひもと)けば獅子心王(仏 le Coeur de lion; 英 the Lionheart)ことイングランド国王リチャード一世の統治や、フランス系の王朝支配やヴェネチア共和国の支配を受け、独立する直近は英帝国殖民地でした。そのため周辺国と異なり、車は左側通行です。


昔から英国の入管(UK Border Control)は外国人の民泊を嫌い、「友人宅に泊まる」という発言を聞いたり、友人宅の住所メモなど見つけると、入国させないように嫌がらせするのが常でした。


Subject: RE: 兄の結婚式

Date: Sunday, 9 September 2018 at 08:25







そして先ほど冷戦(Cold War)時代のベルリンの壁(独 die Berliner Mauer; 英 the Berlin Wall)に在った Checkpoint Charlie を髣髴(ほうふつ)とさせるチェックポイントを通ってトルコ側の自称「北キプロス共和国の首都」に「入国」してきました。「自称」としたのは、 關東軍(Kuantung Army)と称する日本軍の占領下で1932年に「建國」された滿洲國(Manchukuo)同様に国際的に承認されていないからです。承認しているのが世界広しと雖(いえど)もトルコ一国という悲しい事実が、かつての滿洲國に似ています。その自称「首都」でトルコのビールを850mlほど飲んでみましたが、EU加盟側(ギリシア系住民側)のホテルに帰るや下痢に見舞われました。時間差は約2時間半です。冷たいビールがどうも体に悪いようです。ウズベク訪問後は注意深く少量のビールを飲み、アルコールが欲しい場合はウォッカやブランデーなどの蒸留酒(ウズベクの運転手に砂漠で無理やり飲まされた塩ウォッカの影響もあり)を専(もっぱ)ら飲むようにしていますが、ここキプロス島はとにかく暑いので、ちょっと油断して多めにビールを飲んだのがいけなかったようです。




まだ決めていません。トロントの鉄道駅(Union Stationでしたっけ?)の近くにしようと思います。トロントはこれまで日帰りしたことがあるだけで、宿泊は今回が初めてです。そして今回の旅で宿泊先を決めていないのは、カナダだけです。


Subject: RE: 兄の結婚式

Date: Tuesday, 11 September 2018 at 03:29


昨日(日曜)お腹の調子が戻ったので、今日(月曜)は油断してしまいました。夕方(ほんの3時間前)はアギア・ナパ(ギリシア文字で Αγία Νάπα; ラテン文字で Agia Napa or Ayia Napa)という海浜リゾートで缶ビール1本、安い大衆食堂で生ビール500mlと fish platter という魚介料理を摂ったところ、見事に下痢に見舞われました。ムール貝や蟹爪や車海老も、輪切りの大蛇を思わせる怪しげな白身魚も、それに生のレタスも新鮮味が感じられなかったものの、完食してしまったのがマズかったです。食堂のトイレを2度使わせてもらっただけでは足りず、街のBurger Kingのトイレを勝手に使い、なんとか1時間の長距離バス(Intercity Bus)に乗って別の海浜リゾートであるラルナカ(ギリシア文字で Λάρνακα; ラテン文字で Larnaca)のホテルに辿り着き、またトイレという具合です。3年程前にアフリカ渡航用に新橋の専門医院(途上国行きの会社員や冒険家が直前に行く医院)で処方してもらった薬を今回は持ってきたので、使用期限は若干切れていますが、これから持参した最後のインスタント味噌汁を食してから薬を服用しようと思います。

>以前トロントにいらした際に利用したことがあるかと思いますが、UP Express (Union Pearson Express)という列車が空港とUnion Stationを直結していて、15分間隔で走っています。



Subject: RE: 兄の結婚式

Date: Tuesday, 11 September 2018 at 03:35




Subject: London calling!

Date: Saturday, 1 September 2018 at 03:19

Hey, famous(?) old Viking!

I’ll reach London City Airport (LCY) on Thursday 13th at 1625hrs. Can you possibly accommodate me in your Cumberland Place flat for just 2 nights (Thu & Fri)?

Afterwards I’ll fly from Heathrow (LHR) on Saturday afternoon ’coz I’m a busy man, ha ha.

Toshi the globetrotter

Subject: RE: London calling!

Date: Sunday, 2 September 2018 at 02:32

Hojotoho heiaha! Londoner Viking P-O, tell me how to get to your place from London City Airport (LCY) on public transport. No, not in a hurry. I’ll wait till you have recovered. —Toshi

Subject: RE: London calling!

Date: Tuesday, 4 September 2018 at 04:39

Hej heijaho, Londoner Viking!

Here I arrived in the Belarus capital of Minsk via Beijing PEK only a few hours ago. The weather has been unstable with a thunderstorm after my very first meal here at about 10pm. The overall impression is fairly on the favourable side, though. There are far too many pretty girls to start invading the place, really.

Yeah, since my luggage is quite small as always, we could meet up in town, let’say, Greenwich? That would make my life easier. But as you know, aeroplanes can be rather unreliable at times in terms of definite schedules.

As for your Normandy invasion plan, I won’t be able to assist you from the samurai side because my time in western Europe is extremely limited indeed with this itinerary of mine. At least, I dare say, ‘Some other time...’

Talk to you later,


Subject: RE: London calling!

Date: Thursday, 6 September 2018 at 14:41

Hej Hither & Thither Greenman!

Thanks for the TfL website ( https://tfl.gov.uk/ ).

I’ve researched further and found better connections, i.e. Westferry + Lewisham train changes. Let us forget about my suggested Greenwich reunion for the moment and meet at your Hither Green railway station instead. Here’s the summary of train connections:

1656/1704/1712/1720/1728/1736/1744: London City Airport DLR (dep.)

1710/1718/1726/1734/1742/1750/1758: Westferry DLR (arr.)

1712/1720/1728/1736/1744/1752/1800: Westferry DLR (dep.)

1730/1738/1746/1754/1802/1810/1818: Lewisham DLR (arr.)

1736/1745/1759/1759/1817/1817/1837: Lewisham RS Platform 3 (dep.)

1740/1749/1803/1803/1821/1821/1841: Hither Green RS (arr.)

The shocking thing is that I forgot to bring my Oyster card stuck in the desk drawer in Japan. This means, I have to queue in order to buy one (I’m thinking about a Visitor Oyster) after clearing the UK Border Control. Extra time is needed.

I’m carrying my new Android mobile this time: +81 (for Japan) 8x xxxx xxxx, although I wonder if it works since I’ve never used it outside Japan.

Is yours still +46 (for Sweden) 7x xxx xxxx? Or have you already switched to a UK mobile?

Toshi in Minsk

Subject: RE: London calling!

Date: Sunday, 9 September 2018 at 07:55

Greetings from hot Cyprus!

Last evening (Friday) I reached Cyprus, which turns out to be the last of the 28 EU member states and also the 80th country so far of my visit. I’ve visited Larnaca the seaside resort town nearest to the international airport and afterwards the capital Nicosia (with its international name), where I’m staying currently. The Greek Cypriots call it Λευκωσία/Lefkōsia and the Turkish population call it Lefkoşa [lefˈkoʃa]. I crossed the Border Checkpoint (Cypriots’ answer to Berlin’s Checkpoint Charlie) this afternoon and entered North Nicosia, the capital of Northern Cyprus for a few hours. On the other side they also accept euro but it’s certainly a Turkish town.

Your suggestion of pub crawl is interesting indeed, but I have reasons to be cautious. Since around 2011 I’ve been suffering from mild diarrhoea after drinking beer. This tendency intensified when I visited the former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan last month, when I kept issuing very severe waterly diarrhoea. Wine is slightly better, but the best one is distilled alcohol. At a roadside eatery in the Uzbek desert the hired taxi driver sort of forced me to drink 100ml of ridiculously salty vodka as a form of folk medicine. And voilà, it worked!

The diarrhoea was persistent but I just drank only a small amount of brewed alcohol like beer and wine and a liberal amount of distilled alcohol like vodka and brandy in Minsk, which helped me all right. But because Cyprus is such a hot island, I drank a bit more of beer cautiously enough. Today for example, I drank about 1+1/2 pints of Turkish beer on the Turkish side, and then I got mild symptom of diarrhoea in about 2+1/2 hours' time. Here in my hotel room I drank a half litre local beer @1.20euro in a can and still all right after 3 hours, which surprises me in a pleasant way.

So I can join your pub invasion plan but with necessary precaution and moderation this time. Let us meet at Hither Green railway station and let me put my luggage in your flat first since your plan sounds like a lot of walk. I could be coping with one pub or two with my small but rather heavy bag, but walking with a burden is quite another.

Toshi the hot traveller

Subject: RE: London calling!

Date: Monday, 10 September 2018 at 06:15

Hej, P-O the Hither Greenman!

You must congratulate me. My stomach and intestines have sustained well today, even with a relatively liberal flow of beer and wine, and even without the help of distilled alcohol.

Also may I congratulate you or console you rather, with the election victory of Sverigedemokraterna (SD)?

>Text me when you have arrived at the airport.

Nopes, that’s not a good idea. Here’s why:

I tried to text you using my mobile TWICE already from my Nicosia hotel room in Cyprus. Everytime I clicked on SEND button, an instant message appeared on the mobile screen that the server company will send the text LATER because the phone is out of network right now.

So I’ll PHONE you from my mobile when I have arrived at London City Airport, even though this might charge you and me rather an exorbitant international mobile fee.

In the previous message you mentioned the credit card option on public transport in London, but I don’t think my Visa card would work like that. To be honest, Japan remains far less advanced in modern cutting edge technology than people of the outside world might think. Sadly, a Visa card issued by a Japanese bank would not replace an Oyster, for good reasons, though. What happens if you drop your Visa and someone starts using it on public transport?

>Anyway, if you don’t have a bag on wheels, so we should stick to Hither green pubs.

Right. No wheels as always. Let’s meet at Hither Green railway station and hit a pub or two. Talk to you later.

Toshi in Nicosia

Subject: RE: London calling!

Date: Tuesday, 11 September 2018 at 06:20


Bad news, actually, apart from your Swedish politics. I was too optimistic today (Monday). I left the capital Nicosia/Lefkosia this lunchtime and put my luggage in a hotel in Larnaca, not too far from the international airport. I then took an Intercity Bus to spend the afternoon in the south-eastern beach resort called Agia Napa (also spelt Ayia Napa in English). There I drank a tasteless canned Keo lager @1,00Euro in the street, then drank a pint of draught Leon lager @2.50Euro and ate a fish platter dinner @16.00Euro in a cheap eatery, where one has to pay instantly when the meal has arrived, with no tipping expected. I rather suspected the freshness of the 2 small mussels, 2 crab nails, 2 prawns, 1 sliced serpent look-alike sort of unknown white fish and raw lettuce but ate it all anyhow. Immediately afterwards I had to go to the eatery’s toilet upstairs, whose seating was missing like in former Soviet republics. I got to use it twice and left the place. I rushed to Burger King in the town centre to use the more decent toilet for free. Then I took the return Intercity Bus back to Larnaca and unwittingly took a nap on board. The nap was fine because I didn’t have to feel the need to go to the toilet during the hour’s journey. Now that I’m in my hotel room, it’s free to use the toilet.

The lesson I had today is that I should never eat seafood outside Japan, except for frozen food. The freshness is always questionable when the seafood is not frozen. The irony is that frozen food like the English fish & chips is much safer.

Toshi the anguished

Subject: RE: London calling!

Date: Thursday, 13 September 2018 at 17:20

Hej, P-O!

I’m writing from a German youth hostel in Bad Homburg, north of Frankfurt am Main.

Last evening at about 10pm London time I used my Android phone for the first time outside Japan to try to ring your Swedish number twice as part of my preparation session. The phone’s screen said it has connected to you, but there was no sound but only dead silence from the receiver. I voiced some message in the silence to no avail, I must say.

Fernbrook Rd, London SE10? Okay, I’ve checked it on Google Maps. Looks like it’s on the other side of the railway line from your flat, but if you suggest pub crawl then that’fine. The only concern at present is whether I’ll be able to reach your Swedish mobile.

Talk to you later,


Subject: RE: London calling!

Date: Thursday, 13 September 2018 at 22:08

Wow! That’s bloody weird. My phone received no signal at all from yours, and yet I succeeded in leaving a message to you.

No, no, your suggested e-mail option is out of the question actually, as there’no Internet connection from my mobile. If I can find some cafe like Starbucks with free Wi-Fi service, then it’ll be all right.

Anyhow I’ll try the phone option instead. At least you’ll be able to hear my voice, eh?


writing from Frankfurt Airport (FRA)

Subject: RE: London calling!

Date: Friday, 2 November 2018 at 01:29

>I am not using linkedin or facebook by the way.

Oh, no, P-O. I apologise on behalf of that wretched LinkedIn. It’s been crazy since last Friday and I don’t know why yet.

This bloody Irish network service (somebody told me that it’s based in Ireland) has since sent dozens of soliciting e-mail messages to my contacts on Gmail—WITHOUT my consent. And this morning (can you believe this?) LinkedIn sent ME a message saying, “Toshiaki Harada would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond?”

So please disregard this whole affair and discard any message from LinkedIn.

>How was the rest of your trip. You went to Cananda?

Ah, yeah. Canada. Yes. I stayed in Toronto for two nights. It was rather too warm with the temperature at 28 degrees Celsius. I was utterly deceived by the official website of VIA (the former National Rail of Canada) and I got to Union Station (rather like your Centralstation) at the wrong time. Then I had to go to the Bus Station to reach Niagara Falls. Being a Sunday with fine weather, most of the bus service was fully booked. I found that I’d be able to spend only 2 hours there (and that including the transport between Niagara bus depot and the famous Falls). So I decided to join a bus tour group on the spot. The morning tour was fully booked, so I had to be content with the 13:00 start and 23:00 return to Toronto.

The package tour included a sip of local icewine (the direct translation from the German “Eiswein”) at one of those Niagara wineries (or wine estates in British English), a passing view of the former British colonial capital town by the name of Niagara on the Lake, a stop at a souvenir shopping centre + the smallest & most popular chapel for newly-weds and finally Niagara Falls, Ontario (ON), Canada by the famous waterfalls for about 5 hours’ free walks. I was able to get to the other side of the border, i.e. a town called Niagara Falls, New York (NY), USA. For the first time in my life I got really vocally pissed off at Immigration (this chap on the US side) because he was extremely arrogant. He obviously mistook me for being part of the Japanese family group in front of me. Because I didn't move around with the group, he got irritated and behaved rather rough. He then realised his mistake but didn’t want to acknowledge that and continued to treat me like an idiot. I then shouted, “Hey, show respect to a foreign visitor!” The other 3 US immigration officers sitting 90 degrees beside this chap apparently smiled wrily but did nothing to help. We exchanged some angy remarks but the anger somehow subdued on both sides and the officer asked some businesslike, impassionate questions to me. So I saw the famous Falls on the other side and after an hour or two, I got back to the Canadian side.

The food was awful in this part of the world, actually. The microbrewery place wasn’t so bad, though, except for their “Dry Stout”, which I found was the most tasteless stout on earth, even worse than Asahi Super Dry.

Whoops, last but not least, I do appreciate your hospitality in Hither Green. See you somewhere (I mean either Hither Green or somewhere else again) rather soon.


Subject: RE: Fwd: 〇〇先生ご逝去

Date: Friday, 2 November 2018 at 01:44




話は変わりますが、この夏は何を思ったか駐日ウズベキスタン大使館の説明会に参加するや、package tour の客になってみました。そして中央アジアの未知の国ウズベキスタンへと赴きました。以下は私が「アミア」ことNPOアクティブミドル国際協会(Amia: Active Middle International Association)に書き送った感想文です。









ウズベクの後で日本に一旦帰ってからも旅への情熱(病気)が止まず、ベラルーシ、キプロス、ドイツ(1泊のみ)、イギリス(2泊のみ)、カナダ(2泊のみ)、アメリカ(日帰りのみ)を見て帰ってきました。キプロスにては、とうとう訪問した国が80ヶ国(EU加盟国としては28ヶ国目)と相成りました。かの Hillary Clinton 元国務長官の120ヶ国には遠く及びませんが、アベちゃん総理ぐらいの訪問国になりました。
