西曆2018年11月12日(月) 1970年代のソ連ジョーク投稿

Reagan tells Soviet jokes


contribution by xapaga



At one time in the 1970s an American researcher, who was trying to hear opinions of ordinary Muscovites about their supreme leader Leonid Brezhnev (1906-82; General Secretary in office 1964-82), spoke to a shabby-looking middle-aged man in the street. He said to him in Russian, “Что вы думаете о Товарише Брежневе? = Shto vuy dumayetye a Tavarishe Bryezhnyevye?” (i.e. “What do you make of Comrade Brezhnev?”)

1970年代の或(あ)る時、一人のアメリカ人研究者がモスクワ市民の生の声が聴きたい、最高指導者ブレジネフ(Леонид Ильич Брежнев = Leonid Il'ich Brezhnev, 1906-82; 書記長在任1964-82)について本当はどう思っているのか知りたいとして、路上でみすぼらしい身なりの中年男に話しかけた。ロシア語で「シュトーヴイ・ドゥマーイェチェ・アタヴァーりシェ・ブりェヂニェヴィェ?」=「ブレジネフ同志についてどう思いますか?」と尋ねた。

The Russian man looked around cautiously and said in English, “Oh, there are spies, spies everywhere. Okay, follow me.”


The American had to follow him deep into the forest in the Moscow suburbs for hours on end. Upon arriving in the forest clearing, the breathless American finally said, “So what do you make of Comrade Brezhnev?”


The Russian man, still looking around cautiously, said in a low voice, “Actually I like him.”
