20 December [c. 1823]

William Wilberforce, Barham Court, to John Ryland, Jr., 20 December [c. 1823]. 


My dear Sir

I must indulge the strong disposition I feel to thank you for yr last friendly Letter, & to express the cordial Gratification with which I welcome & I trust I can truly say, I return, yr Catholic Xtian Sentiments, & feelings – I cannot tell you how much I delight in them – They seem to unite us more closely than if our opinions were on all points ye same and so they are on all points of any Importance – for I cannot think that those abt which Churchmen & Dissenters differ, are in themselves of any essential Value – 

I rejoice to hear of yr Success in India – O that God may prosper still more abundantly ye Labours of yr Ministers – But I must break off being much presd for time.

Text: Wilberforce-Ryland Letters, shelfmark MS. G97a, Bristol Baptist College Library, f. 16.