Meeting of Protestant Dissenters at Trowbridge 

11 May 1790

fol. 99.  Announcement of a meeting at Trowbridge for Wiltshire district, 11 May 1790, with Benjamin Hobhouse as Chair; also a manuscript letter from J. H. Moddridge, Bradford, to William Wood, Leeds, 18 May 1790.


The committee approved the Plan of Union, and choose Hobhouse again as their London representative.  Attached to this is a MS. letter from J. H. Moggridge at Bradford to Wood at Leeds, 18 May 1790, in which he is sending the printed resolutions and suggesting that no loss of time be made in choosing delegates and holding a national meeting in London that summer.  He knows that the movement will only work if all the counties participate.



        < > I have the pleasure to send you an account of the steps taken by the Wiltsre Dissenters to complete on their part the plan of permanent Union as settled in London, by the deputies – & Country delegates.  They are anxious to have it carried into effect without more loss of time in order that a national meeting (the delegates attending &c &c) may be held, if such a step be judg’d expedient.

        They rely Sir, on y.r endeavors & those of the other Gentlemen of y.r district to finish I on ye part that the representation may be rendered complete, to effect which the efforts of a few Counties only will avail nothing without the concurrrence of their brethren in others.  I shall be much obligd by y.r Communications on this head & am with due respect

                Your Obt Servt

                            John Hadden Moggridge



18 May 1790.