Husband's Bosworth, Leicestershire, Baptists

Husband’s Bosworth, Leicestershire – [The following history is taken from “History of the Baptist Churches in Connection with the Leicestershire Association,” Baptist Magazine (1866), 11-12.]

This church is a branch of the church at Arnsby. In 1793, after the death of Rev. Robert Hall, sen., this church was formed, and consisted of seven members dismissed from Arnsby. Mr. William Steans was the first pastor, during whose ministry a goodly number were added to the church; but trials awaited this infant church in its very cradle. In less than four years after the formation of the church, the minister declared in preaching that it was the duty of sinners to repent and believe the gospel, and that it was the practice of Christ and His Apostles to call sinners to repentance; on account of which statement such a storm of persecution broke out, that the meeting-house was obliged to be given up, and twenty-two disaffected members were excluded. Mr. Steans resigned the pastorate in 1803, the pulpit being supplied by various ministers for thirteen years, after which Rev. J. Heafford held the pastoral office for three years.

After the interval of three years, the Rev. Mr. Craps became the pastor, during whose ministry the chapel-house was built. His ministry appears to have been successful; but in 1826 he resigned his office, and was succeeded by the Rev. G. Hall. Mr. Hall's successors were Revs. James Harris and John Smith, of whose labours there is no record. In the autumn of 1845, Rev. W. Williams undertook the pastorate; after whose time the Rev. A. Ibberson ministered to the church. His ministry was acceptable, but his work was hindered by personal affliction. The present pastor, the Rev. M. Shore, succeeded him in the year 1860, during whose ministry the church has revived and gathered strength, notwithstanding the many opposing forces with which it has to contend. The present chapel was built in 1807; and during the present pastorate it has been renovated and greatly improved. The Sunday-school was formed in 1798.