John Pemberton Heywood to William Wood 

11 November 1790

fol. 108.  MS. letter from J. P. Heywood, Lincolns Inn, to Wood, Leeds, 11 November 1790.


Dear Sir

        I will thank you to send up either to me or to Mr Jeffries a Certificate of the Return of myself & Colleague as Representatives of the Yorkshire Dissenters for I hope we shall soon now be called into action – I have some idea that you did before the long Vacation send me a letter of the sort I now want – but in the hurry of the Election during which it arrived I have mislaid it – I hope something good will for once come from our Scotland – there are accounts in Town of our friends making strong exertions – I am (in haste)

            Dear Sir

                    Yours very Sincerely

                                J. P. Heywood


Novr 11. 1790

Lincolns Inn