William Wood to 

William Wilberforce 

25 August 1789

fol. 23 (b). MS. copy (in Wood’s hand) of letter from William Wood, Leeds, to William Wilberforce, 25 August 1789, informing him of the committee’s resolution requiring an answer to his denial of their petition for repeal.  He has also enclosed a printed copy of the resolutions.


No. 3      Copy


William Wilberforce Esq Leeds  

Aug 25. 1789.



        Your Letter of the 3d of May in answer to one which I had honour to write you in the name of the Protestant Dissenting Ministers of the three Denominations in the County of York, has been laid before another general meeting of that body held at Leeds Aug. 13. 1789.  & I am instructed to communicate to you the following resolution which received their unanimous concurrence on that day.

        Resolved that William Wilberforce Esqr,  the other Representative of this county, be respectfully requested, in the name of this meeting, to communicate to the Chairman these peculiar “reasons not urged in the cause of the debate” which overcame the “great reluctance” he acknowledges, in his late letter to have felt in opposing the repeal of laws, which “separate & distinguish so great & respectable a body of his fellow citizens from the rest”: Or in other words, what are the reasons which induced him to think, that the Protestant dissenters of this kingdom are unfit to be trusted with places of honour or profit under the Crown.

        I have also taken the liberty to enclose a printed copy of all the resolutions which passed upon that occasion, & have the honour to be with great respect


                            Your obedient humble servant

                                                    W Wood Chairman of the Meeting