1791 April 15 

Moggridge to Wood

fol. 115. MS. letter from J. H. Moggridge, Bradford, to William Wood, Leeds, 15 April 1791.



        It is with pleasure I follow the directions of the Gentlemen of ye Committee, in sending you the annex’d Resolutions.

I presume you have read Mr Paines’ celebrated defence of the Sacred “Rights of Man” –  a Work provok’d by ye insolence of that scurrilous pensioner Edmd Burke.  The uncommon & pleasing effect which it already has had, (& for which no work was surely ever better calculated) appears to me, as the happy beginning of a total renovation of the order of things.

        Most cordially do I join with the King in thanking Mr B. for his Book, – though not in the same point of view. – I esteem myself happy in the communication of your pen & wish the “plan of Union” was carried so fully into effect as to occasion my reviewing that pleasure oftener.

        I am very respectfully,

                        Dear Sir, your Obedt Servt

                                            Jn Moggridge, Junr, Secy


[Accompanying this is a printed notice (sent to Wood) of the meeting for Wiltshire at Trowbridge on 8 April 1791, with Benjamin Hobhouse as Chair.  They also voiced approval for removing restrictions on Catholics.]