Northamptonshire Baptist Association 

Northamptonshire Baptist Association was active politically in the late 1780s and early 1790s, with statements appearing in both circular letters and the minutes of Association meetings.  In 1787, when news had just emerged that Wilberforce would introduce a bill to abolish the slave trade, one of the minutes read:  “Agreed that as we are informed of an intended application of Parliament, for an abolition of the Slave Trade, we will use all lawful means for the promotion of so just and humane a design” (Elwyn, The Northamptonshire, 20).  In 1791 the Association Fund sent 5 guineas to the treasurer of the Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, noting “that we may shew our hearty abhorrence of that wicked and detestable merchandize” (20).  They sent 5 more guineas in 1792.  Earlier, in 1789, the Association had taken a stand on the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts, declaring in their minutes that Dissenters ought “no longer to be debarred from the full possession of those privileges, which ought to lile open to all good and faithful subjects” (20).  In 1790, concerning the French Revolution, the Association Circular Letter stated:  “The astonishing Revolution in FRANCE, and the increasing thirst among the nations after civil and religious Liberty, should greatly encourage us to pray, that they may also enjoy spiritual evangelical Liberty, or the glorious Liberty of the Children of god!---The revoltt of the Pope’s own subjects in Avignion, where those Anti-christian Pontiffs once resided for 70 years, from 1307, affords some additional encouragementt to hope for the approaching downfal of mystical Babylon.---May the ravenous Beast DESPOTISM , which has so long supported the Harlot FALSE RELIGION, be shortly slain, by the well-tempered, great and strong sword of Jehovah!” (20-21).  Quotations above from T. S. Elwyn, The Northamptonshire Baptist Association (London:  Carey Kingsgate, 1964).