Catherine Yates

Catherine Yates (1797-1838) was originally from Bristol. She was the daughter of William Grant, BMS missionary who died in India in 1801. Her mother then married John Chamberlain, but she died in 1806. Catherine was raised primarily by Hannah Marshman in Serampore. She married BMS missionary William Yates (1792-1845) in 1816 in India. In 1821 she established, along with several other missionary wives, the Calcutta Female Juvenile Society for the Education of Native Females, and served as superintendent for many years. See W. H. Carey, ed. Oriental Christian Biography, Containing Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Christians who have Lived and Died in the East, 3 vols. (Calcutta: J. Thomas, Baptist Mission House, 1852), 3:148-152; 1:29-48.