1819 December 19 

Ivimey to Raffles

Joseph Ivimey, London, to Thomas Raffles, Liverpool, 19 December 1819.


London Decr 19th 1819


My dear Sir,

         I know you will excuse me for troubling you with this letter. My friend Mr Richard Burton, who is a member with us, and Mr Charles Evans, a member with Mr Roberts of Bristol, are going as missionaries to the Island of Java. They expect to sail on Wednesday next. I understand that you promised Bro Burton that you would give him a letter of introduction to the Governor. I shall feel exceedingly obliged, and you will greatly serve the Society by sending a letter for that purpose by return of post. I feel confident that you will be “happy thus to help them forward after a godly sort.” I am, Dear Sir,

                                                               Yrs most respect[fully]

                                                                                 Joseph Ivimey

P.S. They go by the “London.”

Text: Eng. MS. 379, f. 1056b, JRULM. Richard Burton (d. 1828) sailed with his fellow BMS missionary, Charles Evans, to Sumatra in 1820 (both men were Bristol College students). They would work for a time with Nathaniel Ward.