John Pemberton Heywood to William Wood 

25 February 1791

fol. 109.  MS. letter from J. P.  Heywood, Lincolns Inn, to William Wood, Leeds, 25 February 1791.


Dear Sir

        The Country Delegates met last night for the first time upon a somewhat sudden notice – You have observed no doubt that the Catholics are stirring – I think you will be of opinion when you read their Bill that they ask for very little indeed – that little however they are doubtful of obtaining – and it has been suggested as an objection that the Dissenters would be alarmed & hostile to them – To obviate this opinion we met last night and came to the Resolution of which I enclose you a Copy – I hope & believe that the Protestant Dissenters of every denomination will fight to see their relief obtained – It will be particularly grateful to the Bishops to have a Contest between us but I trust they will be disappointed – We are to have a general meeting of the whole Committee on Wednesday next when I hope we shall be equally unanimous – I send you by the Mail tonight a few Copies of the heads of the Bill the Declaration of the Catholics and their Case   The Petition from Scotland is certainly coming this session – These discussions must in the end do good – I hope our Constituents will not blame us for what we have done   it was impossible to consult them in Time   I am

                Dear Sir

                        Yours very sincerely

                                        J. P. Heywood


Feby 25. 1791

Lincolns Inn


We send our resolution to Mr Fox to warrant his assertion that we are friends to toleration and averse from all penal Laws whatever upon the subject of Religion.