1812 October 29 

Fuller to Deakin

Andrew Fuller, Kettering, to James Deakin, Glasgow, 29 October 1812.


Dear Sir

         Since I wrote you I have learned that the subscriptions towds the loss in London amount to £1500; and as from accounts recently received from India it appears that the pecuniary loss will not exceed £10,000, some of our friends do not scruple to say “It is repaired.” From the best estimation I am able to make this is not yet the case; but as I am persuaded it will be so very soon, I do not wish you to push the subject at Glasgow. If any chuse to contribute, we will thank them, and when the loss is repaired, whatever is overplus shall be applied to the translations.

         Among the rubbish were found uninjured by the flames, nearly 4000 steel punches, the loss of which could not have been repaired in less (they say) than six years. The metal of wh the types were composed also was found melted in large stakes, to the amount of about 31/2 Ton whwhich they have already begun to recast, and on the 25th of April had even begun to print with the recast types in Orifson & Hindoosthanee!  The work of God they say was never more encouraging.

                                             Affece Yrs       

                                                               A. Fuller


Kettg 29 Oct 1812

Text: Raffles Handlist, fasc. 37.1. References here are to the BMS Printing Office fire in Serampore.