Meeting of Protestant Dissenters at York 

15 February 1790

fol. 83.  A published announcement of a meeting at York on 15 February 1790 of the Clergy of the Archdeaconry, chaired by Henry Zouch [sent by Willliam Wood to Mr. W. Walker at the London Coffee House].


Denounces the claims of the Dissenters and their arguments for repeal, still holding on to the memory of the Puritan assault on the church and crown in the 1640s.  They contend that the Dissenters separate voluntarily, and hence enjoy religious freedom.  They are particularly incensed by the numerous pamphlets and newspapers circulating “every Part of these Realms” “traducing the Established Religion of the Country.” They argued from the Leicester Declaration not long before that the objective of the Dissenters is the repeal of all penal statutes in matters of religion, including Popery!  Despite all the meetings and money raised and pamphlets written, these clergy trust the English people will heed “the Cry of the Church being in Danger” and stand firm as well to “protect and secure THE CONSTITUTION OF OUR COUNTRY.’’ The declaration is signed by numerous clergy. 

[Wood has added his own note that the name of John Lowe of Brotherton was added “not only without his authority but in opposition to his avowed sentiments, & he authorized Mr Johnson of Holbeck to declare it whenever he should think it proper.” ]