John Robinson

John Robinson was a bookseller who operated out of the Globe and Bible, St. Saviour's and Horsley-down, Dock-Head, Southwark, from 1743-to 1765, appearing on some 55 imprints during that time.  He joined at Carter Lane from Mr Flower’s church at Unicorn Yard on 22 Dec. 1745 (Carter Lane Church Book, p. 18). He had joined at Unicorn Yard on 20 March 1737, where his father-in-law and first business partner, Thomas Crosby, also was a member at that time (they worked together from 1740 to 1744 until they had a disagreement and separated). Robinson then joined with George Keith, another member of Carter Lane, to become one of Gill’s primary printer/sellers for many years.  Robinson and Keith combine to print and sell 35 imprints by Gill (21 titles, with one printed for J. Ward and a few sold also by William Lepard, another member at Carter Lane).  Robinson was exclusively a seller of Dissenting works.  He was dead by the time Rippon arrives in 1773, for he does not appear on the list of members present at Rippon’s arrival. That same year Joseph Dermer, a member at Unicorn Yard, began appearing on imprints from the same Horsleydown location. Like Keith, Robinson was also for many years an officer of the Particular Baptist Fund. See Horsleydown and Carter Lane Church Book, 1719–1808, MS., Metropolitan Baptist Tabernacle, London.