Meeting of Protestant Dissenters at Leicester 

13 January 1790

fol. 59.  A printed copy of the resolutions from the Committee meeting of the Midlands District at Leicester, 13 January 1790, Samuel Shore, Jun. Esq. chairman.  

From Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire the ministers are George Walker, Astley, Clayton, Plumbe, Hopper, Catlow, and J. T. Alliston; from Warwickshire, Rev. Currie, J. Priestley, P. Emans, Byng, Schofield, Butterworth, Baffe, and among the laymen,  John Ryland [often spelled Riland, from Birmingham, not Northampton] and John Harwood  [deacon in Samuel Pearce’s Baptist congregation at Cannon Street in Birmingham]; from Worcestershire, Rev. Barrett, Wood, Gummer, Carpenter, Gentleman, and Kendrick among the laymen; from Salop, Rev. Lucas and Rowe; from Staffordshire, Rev. Osborne and Boden, with Josiah Wedgwood among the laymen; from Leicester and Rutland, Rev. Atchison; also attached is a printed copy of the resolutions of the meeting for the Leicester District, 19 January 1790,  Dr. Thomas Arnold, chairman, announcing approval of the Plan of Union and asking the various congregations to raise £150 to defray the costs of sending the delegates to London to the general meeting.  They also recommend that each minister in the association “explain both publicly and privately, the nature and importance of the object in view; and to distribute such books as shall be sent to him, among the Members of his congregation, so that each may be instructed, and animated, in the great cause of civil and religious liberty . . .”