1811 March 28 

Edmund Carey to Sutcliff

Edmund Carey, Paulerspury, to John Sutcliff, Olney, 28 March 1811.


Revd Sir

         My Daughter inform’d me that Mr Fernandez was soon to set out for the Indies, hope he will favour me with conveying a letter to my Son, we had flattered ourselves with the hopes of seeing Mr Fernandez at our house before he went to the Indies, but now it seems we must not expect that favour; Our kind respects to Mr & Mrs Sutcliff and to Mr Fernandez if at your House,—

         Our kind love to our Grandson Eustace[2]

                                             Yr Humble Servt

                                                               Edmd Carey

Text: Eng. MS. 387, f. 17, JRULM. Edmund Carey, William Carey's father, was a handloom weaver and occasional schoolmaster who ardently supported Carey’s work in India; Eustace Carey (1791-1855) was William Carey’s nephew and BMS missionary to India (1814-24) and later deputation director for the BMS. At the time of this letter, he was studying under Sutcliff at Olney.