Printed Announcement from Edward Jeffries and the London Committee 

30 January 1790

fol. 79.  A printed announcement from Jeffries in London, 30 January 1790, that the London Committee had decided to proceed with Charles James Fox presenting the motion in the present session. 


Their advisors were of the opinion that the motion should be brought on “early in the present session.” He wishes the country committees to make arrangements to send delegates to London as soon as possible, but “should we be obliged, in Consequence of the Recommendation of our Friends in parliament, whose Opinion will naturally be decisive upon this Occasion, to fix a more early Time for bringing on the Motion than may be convenient to our Brethren at a Distance, we trust our Conduct will be favorably interpreted.  We shall rejoice to have the Assistance of our Brethren from the Country, and Nothing but the most urgent and evident Necessity will induce us to proceed without them.”