John Owen 

John Owen (1616-83) was a Nonconformist writer whose works were widely read among Particular Baptists and evangelical Calvinists in the last half of the eighteenth century. The Baptist minister at Kettering, Andrew Fuller, refers to Owen often. Numerous reprints of Owen’s works tat appeared in London and Edinburgh between 1760 and 1790. Several quotations from Owen appear in Fuller’s The Gospel of Christ Worthy of All Acceptation (Northampton: T. Dicey, 1785), 86-88, 127. Among the major works of Owen (and these were often reprinted in the 18th century) are The Death of Death in the Death of Christ (1647); On the Mortification of Sin in Believers (1656); Pneumatology: Or, A Discourse Concerning the Holy Spirit (1674); The Doctrine of Justification by Faith, through the Imputation of the Righteousness of Christ, Explained, Confirmed, and Vindicated (1677); The Glory of Christ: His Office and His Grace Abounding (1683).