1828 December 10 Marshman to Raffles

Joshua Marshman to Thomas Raffles, Liverpool, 10 December 1828.


My dear Sir,

         Let me beg you to write to Felt and tell him that I have a great desire to take him but cannot decide until I see him and know exactly the state of religion in his mind; that I wish him therefore to come over to Liverpool by this day month, bringing all things with him as if he were actually going, as he probably may—and if he should not go with me—back again to Hamburgh, in case he wishes to return          I am, in haste

                                             Very affecty yours

                                                               J. Marshman


Decr 10th—1828

Text: Eng. MS. 380, f. 1347, JRULM. Marshman was in England on furlough at this time.