1819 Undated 

Ward to Raffles

William Ward to Thomas Raffles, Thursday morning [1819].


Thursday morn.g


Rev. & dear Sir,

         I have heard with much concern of your late accident, & of the present state of your health, & should have availed myself of your kindness in giving you a call this morning, but have been obliged to resort to medicine myself, & am now confined. I shall be happy to hear that you are better this morning; & hope you will soon be again in your delightful work. May you be long preserved & long prospered in it.

         Governor Raffles was at Serampore a short time before I left home; both he & his lady: they were then well. They have since proceded to Darusslam.  My nephew is gone with Sir Thos taking with him a printing press,— I hope he may be a blessing to the country, as he is a pious young man, & Sir Thos enters into all his missionary plans.

                                             Yrs very very truly

                                                               W. Ward


Rev. T. Raffles.

Text: Eng. MS. 386, f. 3015, JRULM. This letter was written while Ward was still on furlough in England. Darrussalam was located in the northern tip of the island of Sumatra, where Raffles was returning as governor.