William Wood 

to Henry Beaufoy 

24 August 1789

fol. 23 (a). MS. copy (in Wood’s hand) of letter from William Wood, Leeds, representing the committee, to Henry Beaufoy, 24 August 1789.



       I have the pleasure of communicating to you the thanks of the Protestant Dissenting Ministers in the West Riding of the County of York for the zeal which you manifested in the combined cause of civil & religious liberty by your late renewed motion in the House of Commons for the repeal of the Test & Corporation Acts.  I have also taken the liberty of enclosing a printed Copy of all the resolutions of a general meeting of the three denominations held at Leeds Aug. 13. 1789.  & I think myself extremely happy that while I express officially the general sentiment of my brethren, I have, at the same time, an opportunity of sensing my acquaintance with an old fellow collegian & friend after an interval of many years.  It is now long since I paid a visit to the capital, which I regret the more, as it has prevented my having the satisfaction of paying you my personal respect.   Should you ever in the time of relaxation from public business make an excursion into the North I flatter myself you will not forget that one of your youthful associates resides at Leeds.  I remain

                Dear Sr

                            Your affectionate friend & obliged servant

                                            W Wood   Chairman of the Meeting