Henry Duncombe to

 William Wood 

6 May 1789

fol. 10.  MS. letter from Henry Duncombe, London, to William Wood, Leeds, 6 May 1789.


May 6th 1789


        I received with great Pleasure the Address you transmitted to me, & my Colleague & myself have taken care that it shall be presented to his Majesty thro’ the hands of the Secretary of State.  I have no doubt, but that this Expression of the Loyal Congratulations of the Dissenting Ministers in the County I have the Honor to represent, will be most graciously received by his Majesty.

        I am with my best Respects

                to your Gentlemen

                        Your most obliged

                                humble Svt

                                                H Duncombe


I beg Pardon for not having before acknowledged your Letter respecting the Repeal of the Test Act, which I mean to attend & support.