Mary Ann Evans Mullett

Mary Ann Evans  Mullett (1743-1800) was the daughter of Hugh and Sarah Evans (his first wife) and sister to Caleb Evans. She was baptized and admitted as a member of the Baptist congregation at Broadmead on 9 August 1765. She spent her last years in London, worshiping at Devonshire Square under Timothy Thomas, who had married her half-sister, Sarah. Sarah died in London in October 1800 and was buried in Bunhill Fields. Mary’s husband, Thomas Mullett (1745-1814) was a prosperous paper-maker and stationer in Bristol before removing to London, where he began operating as an American agent in partnership with his wife’s nephew and his son-in-law, Joseph Jeffries Evans (1768-1812). See “Alphabetical List of Members in 1802,” Broadmead Church, Bristol (Bristol Record Office, Bd/R/1/4d) f.31; John Rippon, ed., Baptist Annual Register, vol. 3 (1798-1801), 269, 324-327.